>youtube tutorial
>he start typing instructions in an editor instead of speaking
Youtube tutorial
Other urls found in this thread:
>click video
>9 dislikes 2 likes
>30 second pointless intro
>guy starts talking, webcam of him in the corner for some reason
>volume quiet as fug even at 100%
>hey guys welcome to my channnel.. today uhm we will uhm do %TITLEOFVIDEO%
>loud dubstep intro
>youtube tutorial
>he start typing instructions in an editor while speaking at 2 dB
>wallpaper of a skeleton giving the finger
>bunch of shit on the desktop
>sudden *click* *click* from the screen capture program
>3d animated text intro
>tech review
>Man's voice but nails have polish
>It's a tranny
>Get called a bigot in the comments
>video tutorials
text, optionally augmented with images, is objectively superior for a tutorial about anything.
grow the fuck up, you children are going to be fucking miserable when you hit the real world
>IT'S $currentyear!!!!1
You can tell he's trying so hard to sound smart with the word Paleolithic
> helol guys
> *deletes*
> hello guys... XD today i am going to show you how to install something
Video tutorials are not for smart people.
how come you made the same typo. you didnt copy and paste my text did you
>2 minute intro animation
No one is trying to sound smart by saying "paleolithic", we just all grew up while Jurassic Parks were coming out.
It's just a fancy way of saying stone age. The only reason you'd say it is to sound smart
But does the stone age include the bone and wood ages?
i'd rather have him type the instructions than hear his pajeet voice
lol i always think it's because their voice hasn't changed yet
surprised at how slow and shit at typing some of them are as well. I've also been surprised by the slow shitty typers when they actually show me the right way to accomplish whatever it is
i do miss the old Youtube with the stars system though, you wouldn't have to click on the video to see 10,000 dislikes to know it's bullshit, it would let you know from the menu that the video was trash
I would only say stone age if I was trying to sound 50.
No, that's a given. Do you expect primitive tools to be made solely from stone?
Its too confusing just say paleolithic.
fuck u
I think it has something to do with ciccada 3103
>shitty intro animation
>shitty bass drop intro music
>Hey, what's up Youtubers, this is Xxx here
>We're going to be looking at Yyy
>but first, let me ramble for several minutes about some bullshit in previous videos
*skip ahead*
>And that's all it takes to
*spend two minutes skipping back and forth looking for some critical step that was buried amid mouth noises, yammering about previous videos, and other bullshit.
I *hate* videos that could be covered in less than a paragraph of actual text.
>thumbnail video is a high quality imagine
>Actual video is terrible 240p quality recorded in smartphone
>youtube tutorial
>she starts stuttering
why would she make a video?
>annoying 30 second intro
>annoying 30 seconds of useless commentary
>Intro is giant CGI text dancing in dubstep
>doesn't cut filler
>go back to video
>have to skip through sections of bullshit for the next
I swear after buying a 4k monitor I can't watch anything below 1080p
720p looks like shit
>unboxing/review video
>see brown hands
>close video
>Finds a tutorial on Youtube
>Dreamscape by 009 Sound System plays in background
>Opens Notepad on Windows XP
>"Hey everyone I will show you how to make a bootable USB" *Backpace* *Backspace*
>check pocket to make sure wallet is still there
LOL. That's horrible.
top kek
>phone review
>shows his ugly face