What are your favourite fonts?
My are pic related
Font thread
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Futura Tee
Roboto is the only good font desu
For UI shieet I always stick with the DejaVu family. They seem to be complete and unintrusive enough.
ITC Avant Garde
Material Design
Book antiqua is pretty cool
not fonts i would use for every day usage but if i need a cool label or something i usually choose one of these
This is my terminal font, pretty good unless you use powerline-dependant zsh themes (I'm a fucking ricer i know) but who uses those?
Daily driver fonts are:
Helvetica (Sans-serif)
DejaVu Serif (Serif)
Inconsolata (Monospaced)
For "normal" stuff:
Open Sans
Source Sans Pro
Ubuntu mono
Inconsolata is my favorite. It's not a huge deal but I really like having a zero with either a line through it or a dot in the middle.
>not serifs
>tfw you liked Roboto before Material Design guidelines were released
that and input mono are gorgeous
What do you guys use for Latex documents? I've been using Libertine for almost everything, because it's pretty nice and all you need is \usepackage{libertine}, but I'm curious about alternatives.
I use Computer Modern or Libertine; I never really use sans-serif fonts with LaTeX.
Fira Code
Bitmap fonts are unironically gorgeous as hell. Gohufont is the one here.
The DejaVu family. Linux doesn't even look like Linux to me without those fonts.
Calibri all day long.
Segoe UI, Tahoma and Roboto.
Boring? Maybe, but readable and pleasant to look at.
I avoid typefaces that are not web save because I don't want to have my users download a huge web font file before text appears.
Segoe UI is not a webfont, it's MS-exclusive.
Yeah. I have taken a liking to using the system fonts on websites I make.
Segoe UI, San Francisco and roboto all look nice, are well readable and are rather similar.
I wish Segoe UI was a bit thicker and had less space between glyphs, though.
What's our opinion on Comic Neue?