/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread


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Just in case you missed it in the end of the last thread:

Do you have your wifi or ethernet drivers installed or compiled since it's Gentoo...

I'm 90% sure I did, but this is my 3rd attempt, so maybe I slipped on something when configuring the kernel

Hmmmm. Only thing I can say at this point is check your use flags to see if you missed anything.

Also, do you know what chipset your wifi card has? If it's a Broadcom then you will need to actually have Gentoo up and running since that chipset uses proprietary drivers last I checked (could be different nowadays but I am not 100% sure since I avoid Broadcoms...)

Please criticize

Resume user here again:

I would change "To search" to "To secure a position" in the Objectives section. Searching you can do on your own time, you're there to work...

Has anyone here set up a nextcloud or a similar cloud service? Can you share your experience? In order to access it remotely, do you have to go register a domain and then have it point at your home IP?

reposting, what's the best way to pirate win7 sp1?

thanks, I'll do that then

Seems decent. Remove the hyperlink from your email, it always looks shitty when printed out and capitalize acronyms properly (SQL, CSS, etc.). Those capitals are an intrinsic part of acronyms and it does NOT look more professional to leave them out.

>check use flags
Oh, fuck, is that some crazy rabbit hole? I thought those only affected portage
The thinkpad runs the usual intel WiFi card. I'm more curious as to what's fucking up the ethernet


See the wiki: gentoo.org/support/use-flags/

Ctrl + F for "wifi" and you will see what I mean ...

Remove GPA if under 3.0 unless they require GPA on CV.

You might also want to take a look at the connman section as well...


Haha, you're fucking retarded.

Right that sounds good.

Yeah that's true but I don't really plan on printing it. Just sending it online.

You're right about the acronyms.

Okay I'll remove it.

Actually, I may be wrong but I *think* you might just need network manager compiled with the according USE flags. I would consult the Gentoo wiki some more if I were you, see if you are missing a step somewhere...

You probably won't print it, but they often do if they call you in for an interview so they can have it on the desk in front of them.

I just kinda went with the default USE flags
How much do they fuck with your system?

I know but I've been doing better.

Define "default" in your case, please.

Ahh I see that makes sense. Thanks.

I read the handbook, and it basically said that if I didn't get the WiFi or ether net devices when I ran ifconfig -a, that there was fuckall to tell me

computer keeps trying to safe eject my gpu
tried rolling back old drivers
gtx650tiboost on win7

Why did you just post the answer to your own question?

Can I make windows remember my android tethering somehow? I use a galaxy s4 as my modem. Every time I plug it in window registers it as a new connection and now I'm at no. 86 or something. It probably doesn't matter but it's a bit annoying, xubuntu doesn't do that.

It's trying to get rid of a potential housefire.
Completely uninstall your drivers, and by complete uninstall I mean a fucking purge of Nvidia. Display Driver Uninstaller is your friend.
Then reinstall most recent and stable driver.

kek. Could we get a screenshot of that for the lulz?


>It probably doesn't matter but it's a bit annoying, xubuntu doesn't do that.
So stick with Xunbuntu. Why are you on Windows when you can Linux already? And that is one god damn weird bug. Windows 10?

already did
didnt work

Reminds me of how you could get multiple instances of a printer on MS Word and you would be so far lost because all of them except one would be active and available. Now that was a clusterfuck.

If I got just a headphone amp, could I avoid double amping by plugging it into the line in port in the back of the motherboard, and essentially use external amp + internal DAC? Or would the internal amp still be used?

I've had similar problems with Nvidia drivers, both on windows and gnu/linux. Your best bet is completely uninstalling any Nvidia or Nvidia related software off your computer, and installing an older driver. If that doesn't work, it's probably some bios setting.

Is the issue something like pic related? Post a screencap.

I guess whatever portage comes with ootb, unless you put the flag that ignores all the defaults

Mine does the same shit. Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, they all do that shit. I think it's just Windows in general that does it.

Wew, what language is that?


No software on Linux m8

your half right

the fan isnt working

How do I into activating Wangblows without paying?

There should be a setting where you can remove all the multiple instances.

Probably lithuanian.

I'm on my xubuntu desktop so no, sorry.

I haven't dared install it on my laptop because I'm afraid of driver fuck ups. Wifi-issues, power management and such things. Yeah it's windows 10.

Well, there is a global "wifi" flag for starters so I would make sure I have that enabled.

>Download untouched Pro/Enterprise ISO for maximum botnet removal capabilities (they're all cucked in some ways but Home is ultra-cucked, no setting sticks)
>Download KMSpico or Microsoft Toolkit
>activate with AutoKMS

>There should be a setting where you can remove all the multiple instances.

Yeah but is that going to prevent it in the future? Or is it just a reset of the counter?

No software you need for work or something?

You have a cheeky GPU. Why are you even using it when the fan isn't working?

Depends on the windows version. 7 is dazloader, 8.1 and 10 are MS Toolkit. Bear in mind you might have to keep reactivating every time there is a big update on 10. Mydigitallife hosts the original activator files, rest is botnet or Russian cryptotraps.

>No software you need for work or something?

Linux lacks tons of software. I can barely even run Skype on there. It's awful if you want to learn Japanese as well.

Knowing Windows, the latter. You would have to ask any low level engineers lurking around here if there is an actual solution, but good luck with that, last known time an engineer from MS came in here was in 2015 during the first windows 10 release. It's how LTSB N is shilled so hard on this board.

didnt know untill a minute ago
im just gonna rig up a 120mm fan or something
definitely gonna test the old one though
will post pics soon

There is a legit Linux version and it works quite well.

>that monitor

Got my Gateway 2000 P5-133 sitting under my desk attached to a CRT. Not the original Pentium board, I upgraded it to a Pentium II board but I still have it in the closet for keepsake.

>it works quite well

Except if you actually want to call people. It barely works m8.

This is what I mean. Linux fangays will say "t-t-there is software" but even if there is it barely fucking works.

Skype is outdated. Discord is on Linux. But you still haven't answered my question: does Windows have software you need for work?

Not true, I will agree that a lot of software on Linux can be finicky but there's so much in there that DOES work great that you can easily replace it with something that actually works better than the program you wanted in the first place.

Do you still use old tech? Please tell me you still use old tech. They deserve to be used, it's all the designers ever wanted out of them even if they eat so much electricity nowadays.

coming from a shitty 3$ keyboard, is upgrading to a ducky shine 5 going to be significant improvement? gonna use it for gaymen and coding.

Would this catch on fire?

literally feels good to use

Anyone know a simple way to get a bootable usb with Windows XP on it? I'm currently using Debian, but I have a really old laptop that I want to put XP on. Mostly for muh nostalgia. I have no blanks discs, and no optical drive on my current PC.

You're not using an EVGA GPU, that isn't and Intel with extremely long pipelines, and you have a Noctua heatsink, so you should be fine.


tl;dr use Rufus and see if that helps...

Why wouldn't I?

Rufus is only available for Windows.
Did you miss the part where I said I'm running Debian?

Okay good. I'm tired of hauling around my PC to LAN parties but I don't want to buy a scamtop.



My bad.

Well, what about WinUSB? webupd8.org/2012/01/tool-to-create-windows-usb-install.html

Only works for Vista+

is it worth installing linux on a ssd instead of a hdd? I have win10 already on the same ssd i'd use for linux

Just partition it out and dual-boot them off the SSD

Do you have the original Windows XP or an ISO of the CD? Yes, I know you have no optical drive but I figured you may have an ISO or something...

Oh god I saw your resume and I just got a shot of anxiety because I graduated last year and I still haven't sent my resume out to anyone because I'm afraid it's no good.

I do have an iso.
That's why I wanna make a bootable USB for XP.
But nothing wants to work, since XP had a different way of booting than anything after it.
Might just go with Vista and say fuck it.

the formatting aint great. if you can think of an extra section to put at the bottom that would be good, otherwise use a slightly bigger font and put an extra space in between each of your sections. as it is now, it looks like you're only using up like 40% of the page space. you could put more space between your section headings and the text too so that the margins wont look so huge. and delete those huge ass bullet points, just use a dash instead

making your resume look sexy (as in aesthetically) isn't important, but it needs to at least not look like shit or the person reading it is going to not like you before they even read a word.

Have you tried simply using dd?

The syntax is

sudo dd if=/path/to/iso/Windows.iso of=/dev/sdX

Wait. You can make a USB but you will have to use VirtualBox to do so...


Yes, I use dd for all of my other OS installs, but it doesn't have the bootloader support that XP needs. I don't know why, but I've tried it multiple times and it never works.
I would love to do that, but this computer only has 4gb ram and a shit-tier core2duo. So kinda out of the question.
Thanks, though. Just gonna get Shitsta.

I'm trying to do that. 120gb ssd, 40gb free. windows partition keeps telling me ''you cannot shrink a volume below the point where unmovable files are located.'' it only lets me use 8gb. my options are easeus and shrinking it in linux. is it going to damage my windows install if I do it larger than 8gb in easeus/linux?

Try this


It is Ubuntu but it should still work. Never tried this before.

easiest thing to do would just be to download rufus and the iso to your flash drive and then use another windows computer to make it instead of fooling around with other bullshit methods. surely you have access to a windows computer at work/school/local library. i'm pretty sure rufus just runs as an exe and doesn't need to install anything to use

My android 4.4.2 phone says there are no updates available but I know damn well this model has 6.1 support. It hasn't had any updates since i bought it so why can't I get any? What can I do about ot?

I have a general knowledge of computers like how to build one and and major functions without names. I don't know command prompt by heart but I have no problem following the instructions. Is it a certain place to focus on when studying for A+ certification? Not including basics but like more emphasis on BIOS or any other places to study.?

>windows partition keeps telling me ''you cannot shrink a volume below the point where unmovable files are located.'
move your temp files and paging files off the SSD, holy shit nigger don't tell me you kept that shit in there
and always keep 10% free space on SSD or speeds go down the shitter

model? region? carrier? carriers, especially american ones delay updates by a shitload, mostly to fill them with bloatware

Is it an international version, Nexus, etc? Your carrier might be holding back your update. As to why, can't tell you. If it's a Samsung phone you can use Odin to flash the update manually if you can download it on a PC, it does not violate warranty as it doesn't flash anything custom.

I bought a monitor and it has some IPS glow on the bottom left corner.
It shows a bit of a yellow tint when the screen has grey or white on it.
Is it unavoidable? Do IPS displays tend to do this? Is this amount significant enough to return it?

>I don't know command prompt by heart
>command prompt
windows babby
you're better off having deep knowledge of adobe reader

at what GPU temp should i start worrying about hardware dmg?

I may be way off as I'm not in the field, but your objective shouldn't be entirely about you.

I would say over a bit more than 80c depending on your model. I have my 770 limited to 75c and it works fine.

No, yes RMA it.
Its known as backlight bleed.

90°C or more under heavy load.

If laptop 85°C.
If desktop keep it under 80°C and will be fine.

Get better coolin user.

What would you suggest?

Easeus won't let you shrink it farther than is safe

When a websites servers get hacked do the hackers usually get plaintext passwords? Do they just get hashes? What can they do with these?

I think it is unlocked but it is an Australian model Xperia Z2 D6503. The thing is I find not seen a single other Australian having this problem on any forum and all the Australian android sites say higher firmwares are live. I did buy it preowned as a 'new' unwanted gift so I probably fucked myself over there.

Your objective is far too focused on yourself and your personal benefit and the second sentence is vague. Spin it to make it sound like you want to help your target employer grow in some way

Hashes unless someone is retarded enough to store them as plain text or MD5.


Also under projects, use PHP, HTML, CSS, etc, like what said