Gates has a 3% stake in microsoft

>gates has a 3% stake in microsoft
>forbes still adjusts his net worth based on microsoft stock

why is this website such bullshit?

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Maybe they connect his reputation with the marketing of MS. It would not be totally nonsense. People still connect him with it.

>not Jacob Rothschild at #1
Guess forbes is too pussy to mention (((them)))

these table for retarded normies because in reality it is impossible to value billionaire's real net worth (large portion of their wealth consists of private investments withous outdoor valuation)

>tfw no bro to split my billions with

what? no pajeet?

>tfw no billions to split with my bros


how are the rothschilds out of public eye? and is there actual net worth "everything"?

I don't see why people have such a difficulty to understand this. There are lots of people who are significantly richer than those on Forbes' list, because the Forbes list only includes people whose fortune is documented and traceable. For example, before Gaddaffi was killed he had a net worth of approximately $200 billion. However, since he was a dictator and that's obviously where his money came from, he was not included on the Forbes list. Similarly, the Rothschilds still control a significant portion of the world's banking system, and exactly what their net worth is is up for debate. Hence, they are not included on Forbes' list. If dictators and other people whose wealth was accumulated through political or criminal means were included on the list, the list would consist of only such individuals, because there's a limit to how rich you can become through just business.

Is this your cat?

Escobar and his associates were on the Forbes list, even fucking Chapo even though Forbes have no realistic way to know how many assets they have, shit not even the drug lords know after a while and they usually have much less than law enforcement and media claim.
All the numbers are fake anyways just for the sake of getting more readers, the only ones that come even close to accurate are the ones referring to people's shareholding investments like Gate's.

Exactly this. Many Arab Sheikhs would be richer than people on the Forbes list. Of course most of their wealth is in holdings companies on which they likely share ownership with their wife and kids, but as the patriarch in the end that's all your money. Also arguably you can consider that they own the oil reserves in their country which are worth trillions.

> Similarly, the Rothschilds still control a significant portion of the world's banking system, and exactly what their net worth is is up for debate. Hence, they are not included on Forbes' list.

they're not included because the wealth is split among hundreds if not thousands of descendants.

>$50b at age 32
zuck is such a god

You self-apply to the Forbes lists u fucking monkeys. You can just choose not to be public. It's not like Forbes has access to all your accounts records and cash flow and assets.

Also when you get to $100million+ networth it becomes very difficult to near impossible to quantify their wealth when they own numerous companies, have tons of assets like planes, boats, houses all over the world and other things.

Most people worth over $100mm are just "really rich". Hard to say how rich on a given day

>Forbes list

Lol. Iceberg surface shit. There's many, many people you'll never see or hear of who are vastly more wealthy. You must be a top normie to think Bill Gates is the wealthiest person on the planet.

Yeah i'm sure Chapo self applied, lmao.
It's just shit clickbait "journalism" with no basis, and that's it.

Idk about el negro but all of the Forbes lists require application. Just check out the process for "top 30 under 30" for example.

>It's the Cryptojew conspirraaxccyyyy!

If they're so much wealthier Gates... How in the EVERLOVING FUCK would they spend their money without getting noticed you absolute retard?

>"t-they just live on an island unknown to anyone with trillions of dollars!"

Wealthier than gates*

Like are you retarded?

You think there's multibillionaires that just somehow spend money without leaving a papertrail and no one knows who they are?

"Okay Sir here's your Two billion dollar yacht constructed somewhere unknown to anyone, if you could just pay us the 2 billion we're owed, on which we won't pay taxes and no financial institution has records of"


If they're richer, as rich or even close to billionaires they'd be well known, at least to someone if they don't like underground with the Crypto-Gnomes and Laser-Moles in their kingdom.

Lmfao this board is as retarded as Sup Forums

Chapo was like nÂș750 or something so that wouldn't apply to him even if he was under 30.
That whole top 30 under 30 is just paid self advertising for getting more investors though like with that blonde chick that had the fake medical company, she was on it and all her fortune was literally just air.
She was bankrupt the moment it was discovered that her machines for the blood testing didn't work and she was using the competition's.

The Rothchild's as a WHOLE may be richer than any single entity on the Forbes list, HOWEVER, no single member of the family controls more than ~$2B.

>would they spend their money without getting noticed

how would spending money get them noticed?

sheik mansour is a well known billionaire that you will not find on Forbes and he is hovering the 30 billions

your naivety is amusing

People tend to notice when hundreds of million dollars drop from the sky.

Bill gates comes in and buys a $100M plane, oh sure it's bill gates.

Some random dude comes in off the street and drops the same $100M for a new jet and questions will be asked. Who are you, where did the money come from, etc, etc.

If you've got that kind of money, people will take note, even if you try to avoid it.

Oh and they're also operating the yacht across sea bodies not known to any coast guard of any country??????

Because they transact through financial institutions?

Because they need to pay taxes?

Because people don't and cannot legally accept large sums of money from unknown individuals?

>Two billion dollar yacht
Are you 15? both of your posts are fucking horrendous you have absolutely no perspective on the world

>Because people don't and cannot legally accept large sums of money from unknown individuals?

this dude is 15 years old put a trip on so i can filter you

Are u retarded or just illiterate?

I didn't say they can't be on Forbes, I said the idea that no one knows who they are is absolutely idiotic.

The notion that there's "many" billionaires richer than bill gates is absolutely retarded.

Are you?

How would these multi billionaires live their lives without paper trails exactly?

Okay so.

Let me get this straight. You think there's billionaires who have money coming in and out of accounts and no one notices?

Because financial institutions don't report this to any tax authorities rite?

Gotta love the retarded conspiracy theories about the Rothchilds.

They're apparently worth $500 TRILLION, despite the fact the entire worlds supply of wealth is ~250 trillion as of 2015.

What a joke, it's just another way to try and pin it on the Jews. The Rothchilds have money, but I doubt if it's even a single trillion, at most probably 300-600 billion, which is a hell of a lot, but nothing MASSIVE like the conspiracy theorists like to play up they have 80%+ of the worlds wealth or other retarded numbers like that.

>>It's the Cryptojew conspirraaxccyyyy!
>If they're so much wealthier Gates... How in the EVERLOVING FUCK would they spend their money without getting noticed you absolute retard?

>net worth

Not the same thing you fucking mongoloid teenage little cunt. Neck yourself for being this dumb. You can amass incredible fortune, you can also not blow 73 Billion dollars in a week. You can also buy shit privately. Seriously, how dumb are you exactly?

Do you realize no one knew who the Koch brothers were until 5 or 6 years ago when they came out publicly. They stayed hidden for decades and could have died anonymous.

How dumb are YOU?

Where do you think this money is held then?

What's the deal with the Koch brothers? There is only ONE pile of 43.8B that they both legally own, right? By this logic Zuck's wife should be listed as owning 25B.

>Because financial institutions don't report this to any tax authorities rite?
i'm reporting you for being underage

50% split on the company if zucks wife has 50% of facebook than she would get that yes but she doesn't

The Koch family is worth closer to $80B and some change.

About 40B a piece for the two main brothers, the other two split like $800M or something in the 80's


What do you disagree about what I said? That financial institutions have to report to tax authorities?

It doesn't fucking matter you little skidmark. The sole point is, there's many people much wealthier than any rich list celeb and we'll never hear of most of them. Do you think a person like some fucking dictator who owns a nation's shit or some other person who's an Arab prince has a neon sign following them with their net worth flashing and updated every second?

Does every individual have someone keeping track of their net worth, publicly?

Why do you think as soon as you get 1 billion dollars your private finances becomes public for the world

>Does every individual have someone keeping track of their net worth, publicly?
Publicly? Ehh, sorta?

Pretty much everyone has estimated networths if they're somewhat significant. There are people paid good money to do nothing BUT research people like this for financial institutions so they know where the wealth of the world is.

Because you own businesses and property.

How is it a conspiracy theory? It even says on the Forbes website that they don't include royalty or dictators.


Why do you think that money of large quantities can just be hidden?

Especially in a globalized world this doesn't occur. Unless you mean just sitting on it and not owning any assets or securities.

>There are people paid good money to do nothing BUT research people like this for financial institutions so they know where the wealth of the world is.

Estimates don't mean shit. You can think someone is worth something, then it turns out they own something worth 3x what you thought their whole net worth was. Its a difference of 1 asset.

Yeah I bet those 'researchers' have a fun time trying to get information on Russian oligarchs and Arab oil tycoons from their native countries. I'm sure they're very cooperative and don't threaten to have them killed if they don't fuck off and stop snooping in on their business.

Just kill yourself, any asset worth enough money to make someone 3x their previous estimate from a SINGLE asset is going to be something noticeable.

Name a single asset worth ~$20+ that wouldn't easily be tracked, i'll wait.

Except that most of his worth is over inflatedw

phone autocorrected

>share ownership with their wife
>Arab Sheikhs

>Buy business for $500 million

>Russian billionaire buys yacht for 1billion, that has like million dollar daily operating expenses
>"What yacht? No one ever built this yacht, we got no idea where it refills or who owns it I swear!"

Koch Brothers had 100 billion + in assets and were anonymous until a few years ago. You are very naive. This isn't some big conspiracy

getting into arguments on Sup Forums support board


Fuck off, retard.

>Name a single asset worth ~$20+ that wouldn't easily be tracked

An oil field. Ownership of an Oil company through multiple layers of obscurity, other valuable land containing expensive resources.

And then you need to sell the oil, how are you going to keep obscuring that?

through multiple LLCs


you keep ignoring the koch brothers point because it ruins your entire narrative.

Like do u think OPEC won't care at the next meeting that a major player in the oil market changed? no they didn't.

Their father was a famous Entrepreneur you fucking moron.

The Koch business has been around since the 1920's with Winkler-Koch Engineering Company.


no one knew who either of them were

I don't see how you think the Koch Brothers were hidden when they're involved heavily in politics since the 80's.

That's why I didn't reply. Wasn't sure how to respond to such idioicy

You mean who all FOUR of them were?

Jesus you don't even know anything about them.

What does one even do with 50 billion dollars?

Well it would pay for ~1/2 the cost of a proposed commercially viable Fusion power plant.

Build a dynasty

I said either of them? are you illiterate

>each of two

hmmmmmmmm, really tickles the synapses.

Can this retarded 15 year old put a trip on fucking ruined a thread with his shit

yeah either means 2, there are four of them.

this doesnt list any of the actual richest people, just the celebrity billionares.

I honestly can't believe someone as dumb as you exists. It's definitely gotten me riled up

the fact you think it's just one person, kek.

Who are the actual rich people then?

>inb4 le superjews I saw in a Sup Forums info graphic

You must be over 18 years of age to browse this website.

Give me an answer.

If these are just celebrity billionaires, who are the real ones?

I read this entire thread and now I'm confused.

Can any of you direct me to some reading on the richest and how they spend/hide their money? Preferably not Alex Jones tier stuff.

PLEASE put a fucking trip on you are so god damn naive it's insane. You are a fucking moron every post you have made in this thread is retarded.

>who are the anonymous billionaires

>I know anonymous billionaires exist. I can't name them or their businesses but I'm sure they exist!

Did you forget to take your medication again?

You have strong beliefs but can't explain them at all.

Many of the uber wealthy hide their assets well to make it fairly difficult to get a full understanding of their wealth. Putin is a great example, no one REALLY knows how much he is worth because of his various holdings in Russian owned businesses he acquired through his time as PM and president.

It's ESTIMATED he is worth ~$30-150B putting him in the top ~5 wealthiest men in Europe, and potentially the single wealthiest man in the world.

There is also familial wealth such as the Rothchilds, that while significant, is split between 50+ branch members of the family after many generations. No single Rothchild has all that much money, but together i'm sure they have a hundred billion or two laying around.

you have to go back

Do you have any resources? I want to read up on that shit.

Probably chinese or saudis no one really knows I doubt it's the jew rothschilds since they really don't have that many banks left to their names and they have no influence at all in China, which are a powerhouse right now

Familial wealth is boring and requires you to research genealogies of families and such so you can keep track of who is related to whom and where the money goes.

Political figures who acquire their wealth through politicking and/or forced sale of state owned assets is slightly easier to keep track of as it tends to happen on a larger scale and much faster than others.

It just comes down to doing as much research as possible on the individual and attempting to trace any significant potential business dealings.

TLDR; it's educated guesses based off the available evidence.

>financial website

unable to foresee the three biggest economic collapses of the last two decades

>financial website

That's just speculation though. Nothing really concrete beyond showing Putin's ties to the Satanic church in a poorly edited video on YouTube uploaded by a guy called "Scott Ameriahart" with paranoid- schizophrenia supports this.

>this entire post

did you really go to youtube to research putins net worth. Why do I come to this website

You kidding? There is obvious evidence Putin has majority holdings in Russian oil/gas industry, that alone is $50B+

Assuming he's made other investments it's not at all a stretch to see ~$150B in networth.

No one is able to though

watch "inside job" everyone involved knew months ahead of time

>tell me who the unknown super wealthy elite are

Kill yourself you fucking idiot.

>I know they exist but no one else can see them. Even I don't know, I can just *feeeeel* their presence!

Did you forget to take your medication?

buy kyoani and shut that shit down pham
own a controlling stake in apple and get tim cook ousted
fuck u're mum

"either" can mean more than 2

>The richest person in the world is Bill Gates guys! Nobody in the world has more money than him!

Its time to go back to Facebook. This is an adult website.

It's not proper usage but it is commonly accepted in informal speech.

In a written piece if you see the word "either" it is generally assumed to mean between two choices. Not more.

In spoken english you have more leeway.

Sure, but only if you agree to fuck off back to Sup Forums and /x/ with your conspiracy bullshit.

>deee jewwwwwwwwwwwwwws meng

>The richest people are secret Jews no ones heard of! Here read my unsourced info graphic and this YouTube video!

Its time to go back to . This board isnt for schizoids.

more like Oil princes not jews

Those families are so big that no single member actually controls all THAT much money, the single richest known is worth ~$30-35B. With 10+ others in the $10-20B range, and many more in the single digit billion dollar range.

All of them have more money than they could ever spend, but it's not like they're siting on $10 trillion in hidden cash or something crazy.