Been trynna change the case and the cable management is fucked up. Unnecessary cables everywhere. Cabled required to be removed tied tightly with other shit. I cant even get scissors into those cable ties. They cant cut. Lucky me i manages to get the mobo out but i cant seem to remove the psu or gpu. Pls hlap.

(Psu has cables coming out of it. Not removable.)

(Fuck using a phone to type)

>inb4 shit phone camera

you need a better tool, bruh

nothing i do fucking works. Nail cutters are useless and i dont have wire cutters. What the fuck can i use. Knives dont have enough sharpness to deal with this shit

You're an adult male so you should own a toolbox by now, which would contain wire cutters.

i have tools but either i cant find or i dont have fucking wire cutters. And the only similar thing i have its too fucking thick and big to be used against cable ties

Get something flat and thin to indo the locking mechanism on the zip tie. Safety pin, small flathead screwdriver, Bobby pin, etc.

Conversely, you could grab the locking mechanism with some pliers and twist hard till it breaks..

>the part with the small hole
Insert flat screwdriver and nothing happens.
>the small part where the ties goes over the safety lock where there's like .01 mm of space
Cant get jack shit in that.

Been there done that. This shit is made out of fucking unobtanium.

scissors on the actual locking mechanism

Where you at OP? I have tools...

To remove the ties, use either wire cutters, or your mother should have some kitchen shears. Keep in mind you will need to buy her a new pair of kitchen shears after this, as the ties will dull them.

Easiest way to do cable management, unplug literally everything, get all the wires sorted out. Only ones to leave in are the motherboard ones, as they may be a pain in the ass to unplug and replug. Once you have all your cables in front of you, sort the ones you absolutely need away from the rest of the bunch.

Use a twist tie (one that can be easily un-tied) and secure all the cables you won't need to use. From there, route each cable that you will be needing individually, and take your time.

He's right.. It took me an hour and a half to route all of my wires. Patience brother.

no dice


i managed to somehow unlock one of them. Now ive got like 2 or 3 more to go. JUST before i can untangle the fucking cables. Then i gotta define and separate the fucking PSU/MOBO/GPU cables and THEN i can fucking take the computer out.

Damn. North American fag here. Sorry.

Ok. Thankfuly there has been some progress. Is the AMD 6950's cables stuck into the GPU? i see pictures of the GPU without the cables but whenever i pull them out in my card it seems like they came stuck together from factory.

the mobo cables are usually close to each other on the PSU, and will be noticeably thicker in most cases. GPU cables usually come in pairs as well.

OP here. Is it normal that GPU and PSU cables are fucking linked together and that there is no way to get them off from the other?

Some power supply companies do this. Don't be discouraged. You have have to kind of stare at it for a while and visualize how your wires are going to be routed taking into consideration the priority of the wires and which ones you'll need access to later on in the game. Take a deep breath OP and straighten your back and stretch every 30 minutes or so. Or when you get tense.

Nvm just had to use retard strenght to pull the GPU off.

Jesus fuck i remember back when you had to have some NASA-tier precision to install parts and now i need a fucking tow truck to remove the cables.

Gotta look into how to dismantle an 6950. Mine has a shit ton of dust inside that blowing through cant get off.

Here's mine for comparison.



What ever you do, DO NOT VACUUM YOUR CASE OUT OR USE AN AIR COMPRESSOR to clean out your dust. Also, never use any microfiber cloths on any electrical component. These things cause static and static can kill Mobo's and memory in an instant. They can also fry your bios.

You could use canned air however. Just don't shake or invert the can when you use it.

sadly my compressed air can just ran out when starting this. Fuck that shit. I am using a medium-brush. Not the metal one but not the ultra light one for kids.

I do have microfiber in the room but i am not using it. I know that they are weird with static. Why no vacuum tho? wouldn't they remove dust better?

PS: I probably should not remove dust out of my PC in my god damn room and in my fucking bed. At least i know that i wont have to do this very often.

If i can actually clean the entire PC, move it onto another case, and attach everything and get it to run again i will be the happiest virgin on earth.

The speed of the air passing over your mobo to the vacuum can create static charges. Even if you had a weak ass vacuum I wouldn't risk it.


Is there still risk even if i disconnect everything, ground myself, and disarm the entire computer?

invest in a good PSU, use a metric shitload of zip ties, and don't be afraid to extend cables to get extra length to go around obstacles.

throw a tendie at it

Yes. A good static discharge will render your bios chip or any other component fried because the Mobo usually regulates the amount of power going through things on it. A random discharge at X amperage and voltage could be enough to fry some components because it is unregulated.

Not OP but I'll suck your dick and tell you that thing is beautiful. No homo.

What case is that? It looks awesome

thanks mane, this is the pic I meant to post, with the back of my mobo tray, to show OP how many zip ties it can take
Silverstone TJ08B-E

Fuck zip ties. I'd rather just leave the wires hanging.

yeah i get what you mean but it doesn't make sense to me how this happens after i grounded everything and the entire thing has been turned off and dismantled. Hell, i dont think it would even happen if i removed the CMOS battery.

Back on the topic of dismantling the computer, now i just gotta take out the PSU and figure out the entire cable shit, and stick everything back together into a new case.

What i really fear is connecting the entire cable bullshit again into the new case. First time i build my own PC and i need to finish this shit in around 2-3 hours so that i can go to bed.

Overclocking can wait until tommorrow.

>Fuck the right tool for the job
well then don't get mad when your cable management is shit, retard

God damn it i wish i had money.

Underrated kek

>All that money and only got a 660tx.

4 years later and I still don't max it out

Just make sure you have enough airflow. This is why zip ties are a good idea. They hold things out of the way enough for you to stretch a wire or create some positive airflow. Plus it gets you in to the habit of checking your routing to make sure you're organized.

I dont get mad at bad looking cable management. I get mad when the management was done in such way that i cant open it up. Like right now. They threw everything they could to make every cable go together thightly. I dont like it, i think it looks bad, but the main issue was getting everything out to dismantle the PC.

THAT is what matters to me. I will have the entire case locked up anyways.

I am gonna have a case with a single 120mm exit fan on the rear, 2 AF120 in the front and 1 AF120 on the top to force air in. Also an hyper 212 evo for the CPU since i will OC it.

Considering that the 212 was 70 bucks in my country i think that this is as good as i will get for air cooling without breaking into "fuck my wallet" territory.

it's for airflow and aesthetics both

don't use scissors you autist

Instead of an intake on top, use it as an exhaust. Youre gonna have a bad time if you have 3 intake and one exhaust.

What? why?

I want positive pressure since negative pressure is a big no-no and i dont think i can handle neutral pressure.


How many fans can you fit up top? If your answer is 2 and you're only putting one then youre stuck in neutral hell because of that open spot up top. Might as well just use it as an exhaust until you can afford a second fan up top to balance it all out.

No dude.

The case supports 1 on the rear, 1 top, 2 front. It came with the rear one, but i bought 3 AF 120 to fill the spaces. If i placed the top on exhaust and front on intake it would be neutral-leaning positive pressure. That being said, with filters i think that having the top also be intake will be good. People claimed to notice that the "hot air goes up, cool air goes down" shit wont affect computers and having more positive pressure will do wonders to your temp.

Listen bud. I've been building computers for the past 15 years. This is your first build (or so you claim) and you're trying to school me on what's good for your computer. Suck my dick. I've been nothing but helpful this whole thread and your gonna shit on me like that. Also, that other dude:
is right. If you can't be bothered to do it the right way then don't even do it at all. I hope you fuck your shit up trying to "overclock" your CPU. Yeah, I'm triggered. So fucking what. You shouldn't even be thinking of overclocking yet if this is your first build. You should be thinking of the fundamentals of PC building. Not "someone mentioned on Sup Forums/the Internet that this is good so therefore it's good." Dude, your not even on that person's realm if your still trying to figure out how to break off old zip ties. So I hope you brick your shit so you can learn the hard way. Like most people did. In all sincerity, I hope you learn from the glaring mistakes that you are making so that one day you'll look back in your mind about this thread and go "huh, that triggered fellow was right.", Good luck.

jesus fuck why are you so assmad

Is thermal paste on the GPU core a yes or a no? people claim to not use any "metallic" thermal paste. Mine claims to be 20% metal compound. Does that qualify as metallic thermal past and dangerous to the GPU core?

I'm mad because putting together a PC correctly is a fun but also daunting process. Your treating advice given to you from people who have most likely have been in your position like it's nothing. That's why.

I just dont follow instructions with no reason, user.

>"why should i use 2 intake and 2 exhaust?"

>"why should i care about tying cables that gave me a headache to untangle?"

If you want me to agree with you either fucking give me a reason to do so or dont expect me to follow you blindly.

>the last cable that gets the PSU stuck to the fucking case is stuck in the structure of the case

>i have no idea how to fucking disarm the case to give enough room to move the PSU out

can anyone tell me how to fucking crack open a thermaltake V9? i fucking hate this case since i got it and until i remove the drive mounts i cant do much more.