
In 5 hours the new Lavabit will open up. It will make use of thr darkmail protocol written by Ladar Levinson and freinds.

During this period, you should try to register as many "OG" names as possible, as this service will undoubtably become popular, and people will be willing to pay actual money for "OG" names (some instagram accounts are sold for ~$50 on leakforums, for example...)

I wish you the best of luck, be sure to post what you got when it opens up.

Other urls found in this thread:


What are "OG" names?

There's no way this will catch on

OG names are names beginning with OG_

For example:


This was a big thing on Reddit back in 2005.

not even once

Sounds like a dumb thing

No, things like "anime", "trump", "snowden", and "asuka" are OG names in this context.

Also, the clock is ticking.

>the party will start any minute
fucking ladar

and ya thot wed bee on time

Suck a wet fart out of my ass and hold it like a bong rip

>The party will start any hour

thx op

Why fuck should I trust a email rpovider that was closed down once

>The party will start any minute...

oops time to roll back the clock again

wew nice service

Seriously. What is the point of counting down if you don't have something ready to go?

ANY minute now!

Creating hype
It certainly worked

>OG_Rick_Sanchez was the only Rick Sanchez Xbox account availible

quite literally any moment...
I just want my rare e-mail addresses :^(

Literally any minute from right now to eternity!

But I need to go to bed. I should have gone to bed an hour ago. How am I supposed to get my dank meme email account if they pull this shit?


If I crash before they release it, I'm refusing to use their shit. I'll only tolerate so much jewry.


Registered my email, lads

>need to wake up for work in 7h

>Lavabit is a encrypted webmail service, founded in 2004. The service suspended its operations on August 8, 2013 after the US government ordered it to

And you are going to just trust them and lose your mail again?

sure you did

>not using PGP

they shut down after they were pressured to help them spy on Snowden you fucking faggot

I registered my semen with your moms poophole

literally who?

>Any minute now
>30 minutes ago

hour and a a half fucking late

over budget and behind schedule

Have any of these countdowns actually worked in the history of humanity? They either get rolled back, or the site crashes from too much traffic.

Don't worry I'm going to sleep, the shit will be up 10 seconds after I leave

are these niggers serious..


>paid accounts only

lmao paying with my credit card for a "secure" e-mail service

Well, that was short lived. I was mildly interested for an hour.


>paying for email

>full name and address
>credit card
Yeah how about fuck off

>>>>>>>It'll end soon goys
>>>>>>>>>just keep waiting
privacy is supposed to be for everyone, ladar.

>credit card and address for a secure email address
>60 dollarydoos a year
For 60USD a year you have a raspberry pi on which you set up a mail server, more than enough money for electricity to run said mail server and a shitload of money to pay for your domain of choice.

And it's as safe as you make it because it sits in your home

>paid accounts
>address, credit

wew lad


"""""Lavabit believes in privacy""""""

>just as long as you give us your home address

Just trust me you dumbfucks.

I have an old account with an OG name, how do i restore it and is it free?

Same password and no payment needed?

>payment up front
>can't even secure the future email address your account will use
>requires all of your personal details + payment card details to register

Literally who would want to pay for this?

Poor saps who want privacy but won't bother doing the research

you can't register names yet as it hasn't launched