Post tech Sup Forums secretly wants

Post tech Sup Forums secretly wants


This thread, AGAIN.

It's cool you got a Mac for xmas and who cares what people say about them, everyones own preference what they need a computer for, but chill, a thread died for this.




What's the point of this thing? Even a MacBook Air is better...

>but chill

>a thread died for this.
Yes, but if a thread was that far down, did it deserve to live?

That thing gets 9 hours charge from 120 seconds getting plugged in if you can't remember to charge it even fortnightly. Stop memeing this shit.



its inconvenient, and the port angle is stupid

if you can't realize this, or refuse to, you have deep seated buyer's remorse



They cost upwards of $1,000, but someday I want to get my hands on a Datahand keyboard.

I bet it takes ages to learn and even more to master, but I guess it can be an amazing typing experience if you're a master with it.

Stay jelly.


The layout of the thing seems actually pretty reasonable, every finger has the keys for it that you would usually use with a QWERTY keyboard.

Why the fuck would this cost $1000?

No thanks, I have a MBP and my non Apple desktop beats the iMac in every way.

pic unrelated?



This looks like pure fucking autismo

Your desktop is 5k?

my wired mouse has had 6 years battery life my man

Open source bios

Several 4k monitors.

desu I'd rather have 5k. When 8k 30" becomes feasible I hope to do that however.

Yet you are very limited by the shitty hardware inside the iMac, specially a GPU, that can't even take full advantage of the resolution it's driving.


Define "take full advantage". In before video games and 3D rendering.

>its inconvenient, and the port angle is stupid

Its a shit and unergonomic mouse and possible the worst Apple product ever, but its not 'inconvenient'.

I was talking about its quick charge battery like you dumbfuck sperg. Fully charged it lasts around a month. Both of you fell for meme'd jokes off the internet about this mouse. Maybe you dislike it because it doesn't twinkle and flash with pretty colored LEDs like a toy for a child with learning disabilities.


"but its not inconvenient"

>he comprehends what ergonomic means

all this anger over buying shitty hardware that you've actually invested your personal identity in

>In before video games
>has Steam

I am a macfag and totally love the noportsbook and macOS but from time to time I consider to get pic related with SSD for shit and giggles, there is something sexy about mate black plastic and the boxy design. If I only knew what to do with it.

Why do you people always do this shit? You realize Steam is also an IM client right?

It looks so small, is it 21'5 version? No thanks.

Inconvenience in using a product is one thing, unergonomic design is another. Learn the difference you retarded child.

>all this anger over buying shitty hardware

I'm using a 13" ThinkPad.

>that you've actually invested your personal identity in

I'm not the autistic (You) on Sup Forums. Stop projecting.

I run steam on my macbook for the chat client, I use it on my windows desktop for games

>It looks so small
Have you ever seen a Model M?

The keys are the same size as any other keyboard, it's the body that's huge ... which doesn't even look that huge in your pic.

Could be just a weird angle I guess.

The inner bezel immediately around the keys AND the rest of the bezel outside the key area.
Pic related, original Model M compared to Unicomp Model M size.
Either way it's a 27" display.

>he disregards conventional definitions of ergnomics to feel less stupid about making self-contradictory statements

>>I'm using a ThinkPad
sure you are

>>I'm not the autistic
right, youre not the one who derailed the thread to get all tight-pantied over an ironic post about a shitty mouse you paid too much for -- you're completely normal

Forgot my picture.

>that keyboard

What's wrong with it?

Also kinda looks underwhelming with tbqh, hope they pick up design elements from the new Macbooks (and spacegrey), otherwise it's going to look pretty awkward next to two more monitors. Still trying to decide between iMac + 2 monitors or trashcan with 3, but the latter is ridiculously overspecced for my needs, and Mac Mini is bit too weak. Why does life have to be so hard.

Pro-tip: They don't make 13" ThinkPads, at least not of the T/X/W tier.

There's always Hackintoshing.
I'll figure that out when 8k comes along.

looks like someone obsessed with cyberpunk in the 80's finally won the lottery to afford producing something and just couldn't think of a way of improving a keyboard so just went with something totally random that seems "modular" due to the hand print layout, modular hand buttons. probably hand a powerpoint layout to explain it to the engineer. modular hand print buttons.

This isn't an argument you're going to win.

Something being unergonomic means its physically uncomfortable to use, it causes physical pain and strain. Something being inconvenient to use is merely tedious and annoying (like le donglebook xD) but cause NO physical strains or pain after prolonged use. How fucking retarded can you be?

Also I'm not using that fucking mouse, what on earth makes you think I am?

He is only pretending to be retarded.

My employer gave me a ThinkPad. It's actually pretty nice. It's got an i7 in there.

I don't secretly want it.
I openly want it.

That actually seems like a cool idea

what brand is that laptop ?

Yes, many people can change the name of their OS.


Why do you have 8 niggerbytes of ram running off a shitty i3?


True, though it's pretty desperate and hopefully avoidable.

The fuck is wrong with that? 8GB is nice even for basic shit in the days where webdevs don't bother to give a fuck about resource use.

just think about someone who spends this much time thinking about customizng their keyboard

I would prefer a thinkpad since im gonna run linux on it anyway, (I actually need linux for work unlike the fucking ricers on Sup Forums)

>Yes, many people can change the name of their OS.

You think this is a MacBook? Are you that deluded?

>old ThinkPad

What is the issue?

>Why do you have 8 niggerbytes

44 tabs in Chrome. Why would I not have 8GB of RAM? I put an mSATA SSD in it too along with a secondary SSD in the main SATA bay.


It's stock. The only thing I did was change a few keycaps around.

As if Apple will ever put out a desktop that isn't overpriced and under powered.


fukkin saved

There is always a chance that they'll find the right balance with Mac Mini refresh, a slight chance but it's there.

By the way, how's the fan?

I kinda get the new mouse, the charging is suboptimal but can be justified with the design but who could possibly think that THIS abomination could be a good idea?

I've never heard the fan rev up without me controlling it manually. The most CPU intense things I've ever done are play 1080p anime and batch encoding audio.

It looks like you're running an ASUS.
I'm so sorry, user.




the level of retardation at apple is amazing

>It looks like you're running an ASUS

It looks like you're mentally retarded.

Autist BTFO.

it kind of understandeable because some people leave their mouses plugger forever killing the battery wich at that point why even have a wireless mouse but is literally retarded

>plug pencil
>dog/kid/arm pushes the pencil or tablet and bends the port, breaking it

>11.6 inch netbook with i3

i think you self doxed urself, genius

No it doesn't.

>neptunia fags actually think we care about their macs

>doxed with the model number of a laptop

This board gets dumber every fucking day I swear to god.