Current state of Windows

>current state of Windows

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it'll be fixed in the project neon revamp

You'll just get a third control panel and that's it.

I hope so. I took the pain to clean install it again over the weekend to use Office 365.

Remember XP and 7 were both kinda shit before their first service pack. Hopefully 10 will follow the pattern.

(((new control panel))) is the absolute worst, most useless piece of shit ever introduced in fucking winblows 10 cocks.

It's a fucking eye sore and the fucking buttons are so fucking big they're almost to heavy for my mouse to click them

What project neon? Sorry I don't follow Wangblows anymore

that's not neon you retard, that's some deviantard rice

This is neon:

I know it looks like shit, but just don't be misinformed

Major version upgrade. Windows 10 is a rolling release. Neon is a major UI upgrade to bring back more transparency.

Also all this lack of color. It takes serious effort to distingiush one useless item from another, so much easier to do so in the controll panel.

>Bring back more transparency
I wish you didn't just mean in the UI

Why do you keep posting that picture? It's not Windows and it doesn't even look good.


how about a live pic then? I'm testing neon insider fast track preview not slow

honestly, I don't understand what kind of dumb reasoning they had for dividing the control panel into:
1. Perfect and fast interface that just werks
2. (((metro))) piece of shit that's only good to hide all their telemetry settings

AKA making the world retarded so new generations won't have to think for themselves, simplifying feeds to micromanage needs

It's the cancer that'll make you wait a couple seconds with everything you do for animations, will require you to upgrade your gpu and ram so windows won't get laggy, and will add ten minutes to the boot time for the sake of graphics on the login screen while forcing everyone to once again relearn every piece of software and the os.

>transparent with anything other than window frames

Neon looks sexy af desu but not everyone is going to like it

As long as they remove the duplicate settings and bullshit UI, I don't care about aesthetic details. I want a fast system that just werks without triggering my OCD.

>windows will never have good font rendering

stay cucked

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Those desktop icons and preview look like Finder and Quicklook.

Still better than windows 10, and that's lubuntu, one of the worst designed distros.

>Good at anything

>what is mactype


Nice damage control, Freetard.

Holy shit, that looks like a direct fucking ripoff of any Apple OS iOS 7+. I was actually impressed with that last screenshot at , I thought Microshit finally got it together but clearly not, they're still the thieving out of touch corporation they've been for 15 years.

still fake m8

Buggy piece of hacked up shit

two because we can

They're Indians. All they know how to do is Copy/Paste.