Queen of /ptg/ edition

queen of /ptg/ edition

Previous thread >Not sure what private trackers are all about?
The mission of /ptg/ is to promote the highest possible standards of tracker service by providing members with opportunities for professional development, by recognizing technical competence through examinations and by advancing the interests of its members.

>Have a question?
FAQ pastebin.com/LQxkS1mU
WIKI wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Private_trackers
MORE REFERENCE gitla.in/ptgGuide/ptgGuide/tree/master
IRC #ptg irc.rizon.net 6697/9999 SSL only

Use as a link to find the /ptg/ thread.

Remember the following:
>Staff occasionally read these generals and have posted here before.
>Staff may pretend to be normal users asking for invites and when you invite them, they ban you for inviting strangers
>This is a thread for educational purposes only don't offer or ask for invites.

Other urls found in this thread:




please Nala post more pics! you're beautiful!!!


Who is Nala? and is it a she like in The Lion King?

PTH sysop

Her real name in Alynna btw

that's her? she's been doxxed?

Fuck off PTH

her ex-bf posted these some time ago


is "she" a trans-gender?

you've never seen a real woman, have you?

she has a feminine penis if that's what you're asking.


trans women are real.

No, go away degenerate virgin

>trans women are real.
Calling them 'women' is misleading, however.

>implying a boy can't grow breasts with hrt

First for anime is for nerds, and Apoloooo is trash


:( s-stop you guys


Also, what's the best way to get into BTN from BIB, AHD, PTH or AB?

>le hrt meme faggot
go away tranny lover

post her/his IG
is someone making a gallery?
>please share

get your girlfriend to act slutty on the pth discord

PTH has a discord?

Calling you a man is misleading, faggot

just realized my recruiter's recruiter on bib is the sysop. feels good knowing my grand papi is such an important man :^)

your gay

His gay what?

>ywn impregnate her

Because she doesn't have ovaries

I'm sorry who the fuck is this actually? Are you guys just memeing when you say this is Nala?

It's not nice to tell lies

What do you guys think of my desktop?

Hey Daniel :)

fuck off danny

where's the not porn folder?


danny is asexual, he's ascended above such earthly needs.

I'm asexual too, can you not mock my asexuality please?

memeing, there's a ghostbin of some IRC logs of the faggots who started it

post it

it's somewhere in the last couple threads, look for it yourself

MusicBee or Foobar2000?

it apollo irc users trying to derail threads



more of this qt pls. lewds will make me happy

I sexually Identify as a Nostream Sysop. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of soaring over the trackers dropping hot sticky database leaks on disgusting 4channers. People say to me that a person being a good NoS sysop is Impossible and I’m fucking retarded but I don’t care, I’m beautiful. I’m having a plastic surgeon install a fucking brain, dignity and mind of a man on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me “Sarek” and respect my right to ban from above and get banned needlessly. If you can’t accept me you’re Nala or Z and need to check your sysop privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.


foobar if youre willing to take some time and make it just how you want it (may require a bit of autism)
from what ive seen with musicbee it looks pretty decent out of the box, but i know nothing about the functionality

Someone please talk about trackers or something related to the consumption of media for the love of God.

> found poolshark archive.fo/kJsUH


is depending on nips on OPT a good strategy? seems you need a lot of GB downloaded to get a decent nips per day. any fool-proof strategy?

>found poolshark archive.fo/kJsUH
>found former BCG admin

You ever wonder why indians are so consumerist but never seem to do anything other than tech reviews and tutorials
Technology's root development is to increase communication and understanding at some level
yet indians seem to never communicate or be creative on the internet just consume
serolsyly look up "Cow Sex" on youtube
wtf aren't cows holy animals in india
1.2 billion of these people just watching and consuming
Become a christian you have nothing better to do
What do have to lose?
You waste that constantly on stupid shit
At least get some real bros out of it; living in a monastery is like being in a 80's sitcom
You'll learn ancient traditions like putting Gold Bond on your dick to eliminate fleshy desires of the world
Know good old Cash&Carry when pulled over by Cop-o's with no Geico. It's cheaper to pay them off instead of trying to save 15% in 15 minutes
Use handbrake to copy libaray dvd's and sell them to babysitters so don't hustle fake coach purses in a Ford F150. All things come in a crash landing.
Neighborhood watch captan pick up all dog poopies
In respect of those who served in the korean war for the future of Samsung products 30,000 american heros
Vice Presents: Build-A-Bear Workshop's Dark Side
My dad was watching college football all night and he didn't even go to college or play football.
Bless this mess
Some guy 2 streets over still has a Hilldawg sign up [ I live in a battleground state ]
I know he was a single father and his daughter used to go to my bus stop in middle school
She looked like a sightly uglier version of Morgan Webb but she let me copy her math homework
Save all money in order to buy an equivalent of a boy scout summer camp
Cuban sandwich is not actually cuban
google it
You've Got Mail 2 (2019)
How many stickers do you put on a fridge?

Watch her face closely, if this is really there got to be some hot stuff out there.

>found poolshark archive.fo/kJsUH
>found former BCG admin
Hi, Andre!

>found poolshark archive.fo/kJsUH
>found former BCG admin
>fount a fat cunt


I don't get it
Why do you people try going around doxing people like this? What did this guy do wrong

What's to get? It's hardly doxing if everyone already knows.

Well if he doesn't care them yeah but I don't see what you gain from it, it just seems a little perverse to go around revealing shit about these people who might not want others to know

At least he is white, not like that muslim shitskin from IPT

have better opsec

if Sup Forums can dox you the feds definitely can

That's fake, you lying nigger faggot.

>Expecting obese manchildren to have an ounce of empathy
Just give up now, you'll never be able to understand the autistic.

Anyone know what's going to be the next big leak on PTH?

He wants everyone to know. He posts pictures from his Facebook all the time.

Is that really Nala? You're shitting me.

Stop caring about fat neckbeard cunts.

find him on irc.p2p-network.net as `poolshark and ask him if he gives a fuck

Why do people post personal information online if they don't want people looking at their personal information online?


Because they don't think people are actually autistic enough to be like some of the manchildren here and go through their personal information at great lengths


>It's not just you! ghostbin.com looks down from here.

Why do women send nude photos to people when the only reason to ask for them is to show them to your friends and laugh at her for being a whore?

yeh, shit's down


does he?

i linked the thread
if he cares he can tell us

he is idle

How does it feel to be the most autistic general on the most autistic board on a uniquely autistic image board?

feels ok

I don't feel anything anymore

it's the new nerdy, when people call themselves autistic they are actually complementing themsleves
UUUUUUH IM SO QURIKY AND RANDUMMBBBBBBBB is the normal equivalent of "im so autistic"
groupthink, virtue signalling and generally aiming for status

NOBODY on this site is truly autistic
here's a prime example of a special snowflake

this thread is especially shit

usually they're not this bad


>using the smiley with a carat nose

this, I've seen so many generals on so many boards claiming to be the worst/most autistic one, it's like a challenge or something.

Anyone got the Viemo link of the indian driving to the Internet cafe and lets ripping some stuff for Apooloo?
