Is 8k the end game?

is 8k the end game?

nop. when you reach 1024K.. it will be renamed to 1M then.

No, in 10 years you will see people on Sup Forums posting >tfw you fell for the 65536K meme

>is 480p the end game?
>is 1GB RAM the end game?
One thing I'm sure of is that OP is a faggot.

thats the true endgame...

GG anons.

the end game is directly hijacking your optic nerve

Actually 16gb PCs have been around for a while now and still most of computers produced today run just fine on 4gb so yes, we reached the end game.
For screens with 480p you could easily see pixels, with 4k you can't and fullHD screens are still the norm. I think 4k is the new 16gb, you can live without and over that is for extremely specific applications

I just want 4K 3D monitors at 120hz or 144hz so I can play 3D games at 60FPS. All while being run on an affordable GPU, so another 5 years to wait probably.


You can't make this shit up

For displays with discrete pixels it could be. Maybe at some time a whole new display technology is developed which is doesn't have discrete pixels (like the horizontal lines on PAL were truly analogue).

3D requires double the frames for the same amount of fluidity. If you run 3D shit in 60 fps, it'll feel as fluid as 30fps.

>not 16k
Well I guess we found the plebeian

It's a meme

This is what tech illiterates actually believe.

Yes but 144/2==72!=60

You don't have to run a 144Hz display at 144Hz.

Vector displays are.

Okay but why wouldn't you

>user-kun, why are you still using a display where your images are bound to gridlines?

Eventually we will reach millions of k. It's just when will we decide enough is enough.

For the exact reason you mentioned, watching 3D stuff at 60fps.

pretty much, yes

but good image quality is about more than just the amount of pixels


That depends on the type of 3D you're using. Active shutter is a dead end technology, especially with resolutions constantly increasing in favour of polarised 3D. No one wants a heavy piece of shit on their face, that's why VR is years away from being non-shit.