How come there are no good open source GUI git clients?
How come there are no good open source GUI git clients?
Other urls found in this thread:
>muh open sores
just use discord like everyone else
>GUI client
for what purpose
Open Source projects usually are made for the people who make them in the first place.
Anyone who can build a good GUI client for git doesn't need one.
piratebay>"lynda git essential training"
>open source
the hell are you on about
literally for what purpose
>How come there are no good open source GUI git clients?
Github. As in, that's the reason.
Fuck open source, I want to get the job done well
Because it's easier, you piece of shit.
And you know it.
And why wouldn't you want easier?
>GUI git
>the hell are you on about
marketing shillbots triggering automated responses, report and ignore
I like clicking things
thanks, I knew about their SVN client, but forgot this existed
There's no need for """GUI'''''' git clients.
>I like clicking things
>I like clicking things
Maybe git or version control or programming entirely isn't quite your thing, mactoddler.
my superior intellect supercedes GUIs
>GUI git client
>git client
Please leave
is this a new shilling meme or something
does your GUI git client have emoji support?
didn't think so
>git clone harder than pressing ten buttons and scrolling down a 50 item unsorted menu
>cd projects
>git clone (Ctrl+V git link)
that is more than ten keystrokes
Are you retarded? The official site of git directly gives a gui. Unless you mean you have an obsession with the specific license in which case you are indeed certainly retarded.
yea, but that one is shit
Yeah but a few words are equal to like 1 click in a gui unless you can't touch type.
>discord as a git client
No wonder you never make any commits
no it isn't... you still need to learn how to use git, and then you can just use the command line. its easier
>job well done
>using proprietary software
You're not actually a developer, are you?
17 characters, at 350cpm that's less than 3s
>no using sourcetree
alias clone='git clone'
I want git to commit my changes.
git commit -am Fixed the problem with the frobnicator
Do you really want a Gui for that?
So you want a little window with a textbox where you can write your comment (because fuck doing that in your normal editor, amirite?), and a button where you can click to awkwardly mark the files you want to add, etc.?
Just... why? Why do you detest learning new things? You can have a GUI for git, but you don't actually want to have one, because it only makes life harder for you.
>not open source
Yeah but that's the most simle thing to do in git. Certain things like interactive staging where you only add selective hunks is really cumbersome with the normal cli and works better with a proper gui and context menus.
You forgot to quote the commit message
>Certain things like interactive staging where you only add selective hunks is really cumbersome with the normal cli and works better with a proper gui and context menus.
No it isn't
git commit -p
git rebase -i
But, Ted, how is referring faggots on Sup Forums to pirated educational materials going to make any money?
Why aren't you using superior Mercurial, user?
You deserve all the bad things that are happening to you.
You only need a GUI in the first place because git's command line interface is unintuitive and arcane. You can do much more on mercurial with fewer commands and less switches with more sensible names.
I don't know why this git cancer is such a fad right now.
^ It's the only good gui git client, although it's fucking retarded because simple things are harder to do than in cli
This, not enough people know about patch mode.
FFS, soon you're going to need a GUI for a woman.
>GUI for version control
>implying you already don't
there aren't even good manuals for it
because torvalds wrote it, so everyone was interested what that retard has conceived again.
and sort of caught on
Sourcetree is fine and free as in beer and its commit and browsing interfaces are huge improvements over git add --interactive and git log
git is the fastest, which matters for large projects like the Linux kernel
If it's not actually better than CLI, then it cannot be considered "good".
And that UI is awful.
also it has built-in git flow support, which was a big deal when I was a wincuck a year ago and couldn't make the damn thing work