Why do girls pretend to like technology
Why do girls pretend to like technology
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Because they crave attention from lonely basement dwellers like yourself user. Feel flattered.
>Why do girls pretend to like technology
For much the same reason as Sup Forums does.
But they are not 2D, neither a computer.
Scary, isn't it?
Better question, why do they get mad at said basement dwellers if we don't get flattered and treat them like any other person?
All girls I have worked with ends up screaming at me for their own incompetence.
Or, perhaps, it could be a possibility, that, you're a weaboo fucking autist who is just really annoying to be around? Just a thought.
again how is this not like any other person/ poster
just look after yourself, get an so if you need, and don't be so pussy problemed
Why do boys pretend to like music?
Because they crave attention from females. Feel flattered.
Haha, as if all good music is not made by men, good one user.
No girl would want to do anything with a basement dwelling autist.
Dolly Parton
>he hasn't listened to hiromi
It's just western women who are shit, user
garbage, sounds like a downies attempt at jazz, I said good music, not trash
im really actually now trying to think of any say... top 40 females who have produced the tracks they were featured on
im feeling sad. maybe portishead? did beth do any mixing?
Women are there to sing and look pretty, sad but true.
The horrors of being near a real girl. The heresy.
>not liking jazz/progressive rock fusion
the problem is you m8
Naming your garbage doesn't give it personality m8
I want to ravage your boipussy m8
fusion is jazz for retards that dont have rhythm
I've never seen a girl using a laptop and assumed it was her boyfriend's nor have I ever heard of anyone doing it. That sticker is just pure attention whoring.
They have no intention. They just want the attention. The truth is theyll just fug the next chad thundercock that looks their way
What the fuck does this even mean? please stfu.
For the same reason that Sup Forums likes to pretend to be a little girl.
Who pretends to like music?
user I'm currently doing strenuous research, so who is this?
>tfw you have seen this thread for the 1 billionth time but are too clingy to Sup Forums to ignore it
I'm not sure what's worse, hanging myself or being stuck in Sup Forums for the rest of my life.
Just singer
>implying I don`t
>implying your Yoko Ono shit is quality jazz fusion.