I am building a PC with a new i5-7500 CPU. I planned to continue using Win7 on it, but they say it's officially incompatible with these new Kaby Lake CPUs. Some say the only problem is that you cant install it from usb and must use a dvd installer. Is it really a serious issue or maybe win7 will run fine if I install it from DVD?
Windows 7 + new Intel CPUs
there's some features that don't work on win7, or so I've read
Why stay on windows 7 though ? You will have reinstall windows anyway and windows 7 has all the bad shit of win10 and not all the good shit of win10
>Why stay on windows 7 though ? You will have reinstall windows anyway and windows 7 has all the bad shit of win10 and not all the good shit of win10
>good shit
Like what? Forced telemetry? Shit UI thats not even consistent?
Pajeet pls
I am lazy and don't like anything new, especially dont want to learn the new user interface. Plus all the spooky shit about MS spying on you and shit.
But it looks like I will have to go win 10 sooner or later... Sad!
Zen won't force Win 10 on you.
Zen is said to be the same as Kaby Lake in terms of Windows 7/8 support, but who knows.
Kaby Lake isn't supported on Windows 7, yet it still works (4K Netflix and iGPU do not though)
Just fucking get windows 10 you Goddamn neckbearded luddite.
You are literally the worst fucking person
If you don't like anything new, buy an old i5, user. You already enjoy an ancient OS.
You will need an optical drive and a PS/2 keyboard because your USB ports will not work during the installation of Windows 7.
Are you sure there will be no more further problems after the installation?
Just get a 4690k and overclock the hell of it. It probably performs almost the same as the 7500 at stock
Windowsw 10 Enterprise LTSB + Ancile script
Do you really think that Microsoft only paid to Intel to drop support for older operating systems?
Intel isn't stupid, they know they would lose a big part of their income if they would stop supporting these operating systems, while AMD still supports them.
Microsoft paid them enough to compensate this loss.
The same goes for AMD. AMD needs money more than ever before.
Listen here you stupid shit.
Go try to find your drivers.
USB, xHCI, iGpu, all that shit
Then post the links.
They don't exist, faggot.
Now go buy a skylake and fuck off.
Skylake doesn't support Win7 either.
>I planned to continue using Win7 on it, but they say it's officially incompatible with these new Kaby Lake CPUs.
Intel just didn't release drivers for the iGPU. If you motherboard has Windows 7 drivers it will work. If you install from DVD there shouldn't be any problems.
What the fuck, I'm on Skylake right now.
ZENs SMT will most likely not work with Win7 as AMD used a different approach than Intel so their SMT would require a kernel update.
>implying that scipt isnt just placebo
yes it does
>doesn't work on Windows 7
What this really means is you won't get microcode updates through Windows update (doesn't matter, update BIOS if for some reason you really need it) and you won't get igpu drivers. Installing from usb requires some simple modifications.
That's literally all it is.
Ok, I will get a Syklake 6600K then, undervolt it to save more power.
If you overclock it, does the clocks stay the same all the time or does it clock down automatically depending on the task even with OC?
Depends on what you do in the bios, you can do either option you mentioned.
If you don't use the igpu, you can take off 15 watts.
1.38 for 4.8 on mine.
Here's what my sensor says on power use running AVX Linpack
Mad that people didn't update, Bill?
>Do you really think that Microsoft only paid to Intel to drop support for older operating systems?
What makes you think MS paid Intel anything? The kernel is proprietary, if MS decides not to support certain CPUs there isn't anything Intel can do about it except maybe take them to court.
Yeah, I'm sitting buttblasted at my win10 PC, while all the patricians use XP, Vista and win7 ;^)
Nice try, shill. Trying to promote XP, Vista and 7 as the patrician choice.
Posted from my Windows 3.1
Don't you just have to integrate some drivers into the iso? I think the issue was with the usb ports on the new motherboards being usb3 and win7 not being usb3 native.
Remember when you had integrate sata drivers for XP, kind of the same situation.
just install it by dvd for chrisakes, it's much quicker than fucking with the iso
For real one month, worst case intel prices go down best case Zen demolishes intel and you got something better for less money, WAIT FOR ZEN YOU TECH ILLITERATE FUCK
>optical drive on a new build
Shieeet my case doesn't even have a place for that kind of atrocity
You can't just plug it up for 10 minutes while you install your OS?
>raypoozen oc to 3.9ghz and catches fire
>7700k does 4.5 stock
its 8 cores bruh
quit embarrassing yourself
eat some tendies
8 amd cores is equal to 1 or 2 intel cores, you should know that by now
You should just report intelshills instead of replying to them.
>8 amd cores is equal to 1 or 2 intel cores,
Retard is you
AMD will be releasing their 8core CPU and the availability will be bad.
Nobody knows when they are gonna release their 6core CPUs.
Yeah, I know rite? Faggot doesn't understand anything.
He forgot about diminishing returns, so it's really 16 AMD cores is equal to 1 or 2 Intel cores.
what the fuck is a 'core'?
It is the soul of your computer.
Don't forget it will have sandy bridge i3 performance
>ayyyymdpoojeet answer is always wait for x
How is it? I fucking miss Windows 7, I would love to use it.
windows 7 support ends in 3 years anyway.