Make first PC

>make first PC
>connect everything
>time to know if it works
>turn it on
>turns on for half a second
>there's light, there's fan, but there's no beep and it then turns off

What could it be? Best case scenario would be me just messing up the case-mobo connections, but that's not very likely.

Worst case scenario the PSU is fucked/wont work

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actually the worst scenario is you shorting out the motherboard i suggest you unplug everything and go one by one

GPU probably not properly connected to the rail (push it in hard). Could be PSU has not enough power though.

>GPU not connected to the rail
You mean the PCI-E or the cables that go PSU-GPU?

If the PSU doesn't has enough power that would be a great reason to swap the PSU to one that lets me take the cables off (seriously, my cable management its a mess of unused wires). But that would still be a kick in the balls. I use a non-Overclocked single GPU air-cooled computer with a 750 watts PSU. I thought it would be enough.

Extra detail: Used thermic glue on the GPU core and the CPU core. Could this be a sign of fucked up cores by me using it badly? I used Titan Nano Grease and i thought it was odd how liquid-y it was.

couldnt you fucking just put it together like a normal person without trying to tinker around with it

Tried using the power switch cable of the motherboard both ways and ended up with the same results.

So now using thermal glue its tinkering around and not building a computer like a normal person?

youve got a short on one or all of these

yea it is, atleast for a first time building unless you can risk fucking up your hardware

Well fuck me at least. I just used a small amount of paste on the CPU core but i spilled out a little on the GPU core. I just want to know if this issue is due to the GPU or if its something else. I really want to start up a computer built entirely by me.

thats not the way to start, there is no shame in paying someone who has done it a 1000 times 10 bucks and getting it build without worrying that you fucked up something and that you may have to waste hundreds of dollars on new stuff. you should have started building with your older computer, assemble and disassemble so you can get the hang of it

that computer IS old.

Its an old 5 year computer that i dismantled, swapped case, and rebuilt.

I didn't want to pay someone because i also wanted to learn how to this shit myself.

The issue is that there isn't much i could have done wrong. I dont recall connecting something the wrong way.

If you believe that this issue IS a GPU fucked up i can take the GPU off and send a picture of the core (and see if the thermal glue spilled really fucked up).

But like i said, i would like to get around every possibility. I have no idea what could have gone wrong.

Another detail, i cant seem to fully connect the P1 pinout from the PSU to the MOBO pins. There's a very small gap and i already forced that shit in so much that the motherboard itself bends slightly inside. Could it be that i just need to press it more?

you need one of these puppies

dont most mobos have a speaker on em already

the case's speaker? i had it on and off and the issue did not change. It did come with only 2 pinouts tho. No idea if that and he issue are related.

you cant just start doing something without any previous training

Yeah, but not integrated.

Put a finger underneath the motherboard for support.

Fuck that pal. I know that building a computer its not rocket science. Depending on WHAT i did wrong it could be anywhere from some fucked shit up to something that i personally messed up.

Not enough space. The MOBO doesn't has enough room on the behind to place the finger. Still, i am gonna try with more strenght tho.

Make sure your motherboard is screwed in to the standoffs

You're retarded, congratulations

yea yea keep making excuses for being either too stupid or too cheap,have fun wasting money

Thanks for your input user you sure are helping me so much into being a beta depending cuck and pay someone else to do something i can do and learn for myself.

i told you the first time you non listening fuck, learn with something that doesnt cost you a shit ton of fucking money

Ok so its not the PSU-MOBO cable nor the speaker of the case.

I told you its already a 5 year old computer. This IS the practice computer.

You fucked up the cabling, the ram seating, or something else.
You fucked up lego, somehow.

It not booting is a 'whoops can't boot like this!' signal, not a 'shit is broken' signal.

What are the specs?

>You fucked up the cabling
MOLEX on the rear fan, PSU connectors one to the DVD drive another one to the SSD, and the GPU cables to where they should be. I dont think there's a high chance i fucked up cabling.

>the ram seating

i REALLY wish that i fucked that up, but i am afraid i am not that dumb either.

>or something else

No shit.

>It not booting is a 'whoops can't boot like this!' signal, not a 'shit is broken' signal.

That's the thing. Its not even sending me to BIOS. It just spins for half a second and turns off. No BIOS splash, no load up, nothing.

i5 2500k, sapphire 6950 and 16 gb DDR3 RAM. Bronze quality 750 watt PSU and a 250 gb SSD. Using a hyper evo 212 as CPU cooler too.

take it apart and do it again,everything GPU, CPU, RAM

In the entire process the CPU was not taken out of the MOBO. Already tried reinserting the ram with a single stick (after cleaning the pins) and no luck. Other than the GPU i am out of ideas.

why not just connect the old GPU and try then to see if its a problem with the new gpu or something with the mobo

I am afraid i have no spare GPU. Nor do i have an old GPU (the 6950 IS the old one).

I am right now about to take it apart and see if the thermal glue actually messed up the core.

you did plug in BOTH of your mobo power cables, correct?

to be honest if i was you i would have atleast gotten a new gpu before upgrading

This was what happened to me in my first build, and it was the PSU. lights/fan would come one for one second then it would all die, no beep.

As soon as I connected a working PSU it came alive. Check your connections but dead PSU is a real possibility.

uh..... You mean PSU-MOBO cables? i think my PSU only has one.
Let me tell you what i did and why:

I dont have money to upgrade. I have unlocked hardware, so i decided to overclock. First i need a new case and new coolers, so i got them. Now i am trying to get everything to work so that i can proceed to overclock.

I dont have money to get a new GPU.

Oh for fucks sake. I think that there are no more cables left to connect and everything its fine. If its truly a dead PSU or underpowered one, getting a new ones will be a rape to my wallet.

make sure your cpu and mobo power connectors are inserted properly faggot
You may thank me later

there is a smaller connector specifically for your CPU. If it is not plugged in your CPU will not have power and your computer will start and immediately power off.

make sure any cables for the CPU are connected properly

Oh and make sure the cpu connectors says CPU on it a 4+4 pin CPU connector is not the same as a 6+2 pin PCIe connector

Wait, i think i spotted it. Is it a 4 top 4 down 8 pin connector on the MOBO directly?

rofl yes


As soon as i get the GPU back together i will try again.

Should i try with the 4+4 connectors or the 6+2?

only 4+4 as I said earlier 6+2 is for PCIe only NOT cpu

Try booting without gpu see if it stays powered on or not

ITT: user manages to fick up moving parts from one case to another

also replacing gpu's thermal paste
>implying the stock thermal paste is going to cause it to throttle at all

How much thermal glue is too much thermal glue?

that much if its conductive

Any at all, you're supposed to use thermal paste, not glue

Oh right, forgot that he changed something before making sure it was working.

>thermal glue
Elmer's brand?

it was at this point that I realized we were getting trolled

You're not fooling me jizzing on your gpu does not qualify as thermal paste/glue

Is your CPU power plugged in. That was my rookie mistake when building my first PC.
>Silicone Compounds: 50%
>Carbon Compounds: 30%
>Metal Oxide Compounds: 20%
Gee, that might short out the shit. Clean the jizz off your GPU and try again, tard..

Jeez. Allright. So its too much and the Titan thermal paste contains enough metal to create a short? Ok. Is the coolermaster thermal paste that came with the hyper 212 better if i use less of it?

>implying i cum that little.

What's with that image? I don't get it.

its unrelated.


OP, post a picture of your setup so you can get some actual help. This isn't tech support, but reading the replies in this thread is making my head hurt.

I built my first desktop computer and everything worked perfectly.
All I did was watch a linustechtips guide before I started and it was easy.
If you can't get the computer built properly you're a dumb retard.

He already said he's too much of a pussy to properly insert the mobo connector and doesn't seem to know that the cpu power connector exists.
No picture needed to see where it went wrong.

And you are a great master too, user.

Update after cleaning the GPU core. Dont think i can clean much more. Is it out of the "i am gonna fuck everything up in flames" territory?

Guess it depends on how much of muh overclocks you are going to do on that sweet ass gpu there...

Focusing on CPU overclocking. And its just an old sapphire HD 6950. I was planning on checking up how high i can take it with the stock drivers without messing with the BIOS.

None of those will be your bottleneck if you overclock it you can keep turning it up all the way until the voltage is so high that it'll kill itself.

Your motherboard is grounded.

How bad/good does it looks like now? will it blow up?

Jay had this recently. He blew up his cpu.

Saw that video. What happened was nothing to do with my case.

Update: Computer boots. Sends to BIOS splashscreen then restarts. At least it does something after almost a week of doing this entire shit.

>couldnt you fucking just put it together like a normal person without trying to tinker around with it
OP is an idiot and dismantling the GPU to fuck with it, even if it's replacing thermal paste, has no benefits.

Had to clean all the dust in it, user.

You don't dismantle it for that. You take a can of air and spray along all the crevices and holes like a normal person.

its much more dust than that.

And on top of that i wasted all the canned air. Had to take a brush and remove every dust from every part of the GPU. Since i had thermal paste anyways i used the opportunity and used it.

Computer boots fine now. Gonna proceed to install win 7.

Thanks to everyone who helped and those that made me see my mistakes