What are better alternative to PHP and/or PHP & SQL?
I've noticed people love to shit on it, and if anyone has good alternatives I'd be willing to look into them.
Also, preferably not NodeJS & MongoDB, I've already tried it.
What are better alternative to PHP and/or PHP & SQL?
I know you guys love to bitch about PHP, let me hear it.
sql is fine, keep using that. learn literally any language you want
But PHP is still the most used language. Why would you not learn that if you're trying to get a job? I guess you could learn Ruby if you want to compete for the 4000 Ruby Jobs that are out there.
I've already used PHP, and know a fair amount.
It's just a matter of finding something that is arguably better
SQL is arguably better.
What I would recommend you instead of PHP would be Go or Python (node.js is cancer)
PHP and JavaScript are both objectively poor languages. But somehow people get stuff done in them every single day. Who cares if it rustles the jimmies of academics and purists if you're getting shit done?
Go. You don't even need a framework to do web work with it + speed|easy deployments|easy to learn|made by people who know how to program(Rob Pike, Ken Thompson).
Yes it lacks generics, yes the error handling is redundant but what really matters in programming is consistency and efficient utilization of resources. Go is good
Rust if you wanna be a memestar
depends what you want to do, php and sql is fine
>Ruby on Rails
>Django or Flask with python
>Node.JS, but yes, MongoDB is overhyped shit that is meant for niche cases
>PHP with Laravel, which has an ORM and RESTful development style like Rails, but vanilla PHP sure is shit
Is JSP any good?
Use the right tools for the right job. There are no objectively correct language to use in every scenario. Pick the one that suits your needs.
Also mongodb has dataloss, so only really useful in scenarios which don't require full data integrity, like analytics.
If that's what one of those enterprise java technologies for using Java on website backends, it's going to be clunky as fuck. Java is awful for backend web stuff
NodeJS and MySQL
I still can't believe how absurdly limited the options for backend programming seem to be.
They're not limited, any combination of web server (module) and database engine works.
In my old job, we used a combination of Python+flask and C++ for a long running FastCGI process and MongoDB.
MongoDB is an eventually consistent distributed key-value store with a concept of objects. It was never intended as a catch-all DB back-end.
What the fuck are you on about? Tomcat is neat AF.
>eventually consistent
>never intended as a catch-all DB back-end
yet most people, or at least hipster cucks, try to use it that way
again, niche cases, not a catch-all DB back-end
Tomcat is neat. Just a fair amount clunkier than running one of the following on a command line:
>python script.py
>rails server
>python script.py
In my experience, it's not so simple, it's more like sacrificing a virgin and reciting lines from the necronomicon in order to summon Ghraal the Invoker so he can start the mod_wsgi process and N number of worker threads and then stirring a pot of blood in order to talk to Mh'ithrha the Birth-Womb of the Great Ones in order to make sure that Apache's virtual paths aka endpoints points to the running mod_wsgi process(es) so you can invoke your nifty flask endpoints.
Or even if you use some minimalistic web server, like Gun or Zappa or what the cool kids use today, you still have to pass a bunch of arguments and run multiple commands to deploy.
If you know alot of java I thought they were pretty straightforward to use to do some quick things. Definitely not worth it if you're iffy on java though. I started learning Rails after dinking with JSP+servlets and I think you'll get alot more mileage if you stick with Rails.
Have you tried Flask? 20 line hello world program, then 1 command to get it in browser. Tomcat is like 30 pages of wtf, then you might get something to work, *maybe*.
>Have you tried Flask?
>20 line hello world program, then 1 command to get it in browser
Have you actually tried deploying it on a real web server like Apache and not using the embedded minimalistic web server which is absolutely dogshit?
Php + laravel is good. I prefer Rails myself, but laravel is good. Source: have written probably a million lines of php for apps that have shipped.