So your boss/employer is about to break you the news you're being replaced by an Indian.
What's your response and your reaction?
How fucked are you Sup Forums?
So your boss/employer is about to break you the news you're being replaced by an Indian.
What's your response and your reaction?
How fucked are you Sup Forums?
I'd call my union and my employer would go to jail, since it's illegal for an employer to replace a worker if he has worked there for more than 6 weeks
Feels good
Laugh because that's illegal
Sorry, but by law you can't fire an employee unless he is a criminal
My job is guaranteed by the government and if I get replaced they have to pay a settlement and help me find another job and pay for my child care.
i'm a researcher. my experience is that indians and chinese people tend to go for more conventional, "reliable" jobs. immigrants tend to have that mentality of avoiding anything vaguely risky.
that's not to say there are no indians or chinese people, but there are really few of them compared to code monkeys.
Microsoft Research closed its Silicon Valley office a while back and everyone there got snatched up by other companies (or moved to Seattle/Redmond) within like 36 hours. it was like sharks around blood in the water.
>be today, going to comp sci lecture, first of the semester
>teacher is a pajeet woman
>constantly fucks up when trying to use the computer
>literally just reads the slides and does shitty example problems in mspaint
How do these people get hired? They move to America and get paid American wages so i doubt it's cheaper
>How do these people get hired?
is she a professor or a lecturer?
professors aren't hired for their ability to teach or their enthusiasm or creativity and competence with digital note-taking software.
even lecturers don't get *that* much scrutiny. if students are learning the material, the university could hardly give a fuck that your ~superior~ but also more nitpicky needs aren't being met.
very very few universities really go out of their way to make sure the introductory courses are being taught by excellent speakers with really well-planned lectures and whatnot.
Laugh because that'll be a joke. I have to speak fluently French as I do the training for our frog sites, and I've yet to see an Indian speaking even English properly.
>What's your response and your reaction?
Yeah, nice, that job was shit desu.
>How fucked are you Sup Forums?
I couldn't care less, I'm not a consumerism whore and have a good sum of money to live a few months without a job.
It's not like it's hard to find a job, anyone who says otherwise is a retard and shouldn't be allowed to work in the first place.
will never happen because I'm IT lul
having offshored support will never replace on-site support.
> be indian
> raised in montreal
> speak fluent french
> bachelor's + Masters from McGill
> laughing at stupid goras
I'm a machinist, and I work in the family shop. I don't see this ever being an issue, especially since I'm the most reliable and experienced machinist here, aside from my uncle. I could totally see replacing some of the other people we have working here though, and if it were up to me we would. My uncle is a bit too nice and easy going sometimes. Right now we have one guy here that was fired for stealing materials to support his drug addiction. He's gone through rehab and my uncle is giving him a second chance. I hope he's right, because I don't dislike the guy, and he is actually good a good machinist when he stays off the drugs and bothers to show up. I just have a strong suspicion that it's not going to end up being a wise thing to give him that second chance.
My uncle was talking about hiring some Mexicans a while back, because it's so hard to find whites and blacks willing to actually work for a living anymore. The ones that will tend to be his age, and therefore have health problems, and/or are ready for retirement.
That's the fucked up thing about this line of work. He'll, about skilled trades in general. There's high demand for this stuff across the board, and it's largely work that can't be outsourced to the third world, or else it probably would have been by now. These are jobs that pay decently to very well, offer benefits (especially if you work somewhere with a union), and offer plenty of opportunities for advancement. Yet kids today would rather flip burgers and run cash registers for minimum wage. I realize that none of these jobs are likely anyone's dream job, but surely McDonald's wasn't either. Especially with the kids who have been forced to work there despite having degrees.
Call my lawyer and my union rep.
Poo in the streets so i can keep my job.
Welcome to the wonderful world of Republican captialism.
Now go die. Quietly.
Funny you say that, because Darrel Issa recently introduced a bill to plug the loopholes in the H1B program.
Pretty much all Indians in IT will be deported once Trump takes office and approves it.
If trump was a truly based prsident, he'd allow immigration, but females only, like they did in the 19th century with korean waifus.
>tfw Polish
>Indians are our bosses
>literally bottom of the foodchain
I'm as safe as you can get.
I came to the US on a H1B in 2012. AMA.
"Hey user, meet Poojeet Notoiletjurama. You're gonna be training him for the next two weeks :^)"
More like progressive egalitarianism because you as a citizen don't deserve your job more than a foreigner since everyone is equal.