Is this the right way to fix a cpu Sup Forums?
Is this the right way to fix a cpu Sup Forums?
Yeah, just smear flux all over that shit until it's fixed.
stick 230v through it
nah, get a welder
that gotta fix it in place alright
who comes up with shit like this? seriously
Is there a source for these?
I know it's shutterstock supposedly, but really?
Time to hack
I wonder if they have to take so many goddamn photos they just give up on thinking
I mean, try to come up with absurd stuff, shutterstock has it
>pic related
delet this thread
Is that fucking Billy Joel?
why did they do this, uh... bless her, she seem's cool anyway
yea that must be it
Where's the one with the lightbulb
Buddy van doodle and a welder, buddy van doodle and a welding gun.
t. Louis Rossman
That's bretty cool 2bh
the same "professionals" that insist on buying mac