Why did it fail?

why did it fail?

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average normie has an IQ below 100

Average person isn't stupid enough to use an broken and unnecessarily complex product when there's a simple one that actually works.

You are using it currently, dumb phoneposter.

No one's talking about routers when they say Linux on this board. Get your fanboi head out of your ass.

no games


it's not normie friendly

It's not its fault. There is just no third party software support. I *REQUIRE* with all the strength of the word certain software to run because I must exchange files with other people, and I'm not gonna run wine or simulations or vms and make it slower and more unstable anyway.

Other that that, it does waste time to tweak things.

But I would care little about that. Also no madVR.

The average is literally 100

Found the

Considering that Microsoft is ditching Windows: It didn't.

It's too driven by idealism and not enough cold hard reality.

Because you are not helping the community.

Bloated monolithic design

Avarge linux user iq is below 50 tho

Why did it fail? Not consumer friendly, shit programs for it, woese than competition, autistjc userbase give it a bad name

Its shit

a Literal botnet

centralized repository of softwares like programs, games, os update, drivers, etc.

Linux has no centralized repo of anything.
Please return to Sup Forums or Sup Forums as soon any time.

>Avarge linux user iq is below 50 tho

the end game is to let normies discover the windows 10 botnet and provide a huge surge of linux users to push companies to fund it

> """""0"""""" starts at 97

Only low IQs do that.


It clearly starts at 94, retard.


SystemD was the beginning of the end.
Why use it when it's botnet infested.

Because penguins are pretty dumb animals. They even shit on their neighbours while nesting.

>Avarge linux user iq is below 50 tho
So you saying linux is the most used operating system in Africa, south america and India?
Don't think so...

Yes retard.
Top three countries that use Linux are Cuba, India and Russia in that order.
Poo in Loo Pajeet


Neck yourself, Ramesh

>implying anyone (sane) would want to use Linux without systemd

Not yet. It will be soon enough, it's their end game.

i have a dual boot ubuntu/win10
one day ubuntu just refused to login, basically got broken out of nowhere, windows still runs great

ChromeOS is a thing.

>So you saying linux is the most used operating system in Africa, south america and India?
Actually I'd be willin to bet that it is, but it's irrelevant to his point one way or the other

OP probably made this post from a Linux box.

Until Windows decides to crash, then you'll talk about how Windows sucks and you're going back to Ubuntu.

Windows 10 update has overwritten the bootloader which loads Ubuntu

Android is linux based, hence the
>dumb phoneposter
you dumb phoneposter.

I was a fan for many years then I switched to Ubuntu. Made the mistake to post here that I like Unity and some autist replied with a picture of him hardening his Gentoo and calling me a retard for liking my distro. I decided that I don't want to be a part of the community and that was it. :^)

Oh look, another Poojeet shill thread

It's the most used OS in the world though. How did it fail?

So its better to join a community that steals your private data without your consent for monetary gain?
You better stay out cuck

At least you didn't fall for the Gentoo meme. >:)

It was meant to be desktop OS.

It's better to interact with sane people and not be part of a community that worships a toe jam eating extremist with no sense of personal grooming, among other things.

Any source for this claim?

Linus said so during one of his talks. I forget which one, but probably the Aalto university one

I don't feel like using a modern feature-complete distro like Debian or Fedora requires an IQ of even 100.

It's a bigger problem that normies still think that installing GNU/Linux in general equals installing Gentoo Linux. That is where their IQ is lacking, to break through the conditioning set up by the corporations.

Using Ubuntu is no harder than using macOS, really. You can even install zsh and neofetch in both cases and be a hax0r.

because you're and idiot

lack of standardized, stable and forwards compatible APIs. It happens in kernel and userspace.

>not locking the boot priority list in UEFI setup
AFAIK most ThinkPads allow that(and some EliteBooks).
It's not my fault you're using a crappy consumer laptop.

Freetards thought it was good enough to have a slapped together desktop made out of hundreds of different programs. It never will be.

The memes are real though.

try to do any non trivial stuff on ubuntu, without having to open a terminal

Average for everyone. High IQ people aren't normies, so the normie average is less than 100.

I'm not even going to pull your leg here, but its gaming.

The only way Linux would even be consider for being a possible OS if developers pushed their games to Linux.

which will only happen if the core APIs become stable so the same game runs on all distros without issues without recompiling

>so the normie average is less than 100.
The Normie average is exactly 100.

90-110 = Normie

tfw 80 iq

at least you're not a filthy Normie


It didn't fail.

Just because you're too stupid doesn't mean it's the fault of Linux.

Linux has:

conquered the embedded market
conquered the phone market
conquered the server market
conquered the supercomputer market
conquered the render-farm market

conquered nearly everything except the "market of people who don't know anything"

>tfw IQ is 112
>tfw basically just an upper normie

yeah, this

still kinda sucks ass on the desktop though

Low-IQs are normies

Normal is defined by the majority

you can thank nvidia for that one

it really isnt

>one of the biggest collaborative projects of all time

sorry to break it to ya, but the SD is 15. so its 85 - 115

Normies can't handle it

android is bad because google and everybody using it should feel bad and should be exploited

But Linux is being replaced by Fuchsia on phones, user.

Threadly reminder that git sucks and Mercurial, Fossil and BitKeeper are much better.

There are high IQ normies too, dipshit. The Sup Forums way of thinking is a mindset, not some kind of intelligence test.

>The Sup Forums way

That's what I said: an upper normie.

My biggest fear is that I'll take an IQ test and end up in this range.

here you go

i can't use it because my GPU is not supported (?)

Just take an online test, you'll score anywhere between 130 and 160 depending on how lousy the test is. Then tell your normie friends about it just to find out that all of them have at least 130 too.

What GPU is it?

I took the online Mensa one and I got 130. Maybe if I just subtract 10 for artificial inflation.

the proper thing is to have and actual IQ test taken back in elementary school so that you get way high scores (140 at the least) and then you can brag about it for the rest of your life.

IQ 174 here. I use Microsoft Windows.

Asus R7 260x

If i install xorg or linux-drivers-nonfree i get some errors during the boot . AMDGPU don't work for unknown motivation .

Windows/iOS just works and doesn't break.

What about the free AMDGPU drivers?

the system run in console mode.

AMDGPU (free) support for slightly older Radeon cards has been improved only recently
Try the Fedora 25 live system
or any other bleeding edge distro like Arch or Debian unstable

Every year the total install base of Linux has increased, on all fronts.
Current objective lead by RHEL is to unify the core Linux, thus it wouldn't matter what DE or distro you run. Current idea is just to circumvent "unification", by the use of containers and use systemd as the common base to manage it all.
Currently we bikeshed on the container type, since systemd won the init wars. Hopefully this shouldn't last long, few release cycles from major distros should show us the route.
To succeed on the desktop, there needs to be one clear winner on this, so that developers have a single target.

But ChromeOS doesn't use systemd

>Too much time to fix basic things.
>There is 1 millions of programs for playing music but not a single onenote clone.
>still not a single one web based decent sofware appstore
>It looks like software development is stuck since 2007.
>Community is cancerous : if you ask help for doing one thing , they will try to convince you don't need this thing even for common usage things. for exemple "why do you need native resolution? you can still read the terminal"

Linux is GOAT for science but so shitty for normie usage.

181 IQ here, I use Linux. GNU can fuck off, but gcc is cool.

ChromeOS is just a glorified browser, it's for tablets and netbooks, not desktops.
You can't run steam for example.


Awful software and instability.

Every sudo pacman -Syu even on a stable Manjaro is extremely nerve-wracking.


But it didn't fail. It's as popular as ever, and continuing to become more popular


You actually think I was going to use the unstable shithole that is Arch? Good one.