H-hold me, Sup Forums...
H-hold me, Sup Forums
stop being gay
You can't, you're born that way, stupid.
>.t mental disorder
Wow I thought this was a joke
HAHAAHAH traps and fags BTFO
I hope you all cunts will be wiped from the earth
It's just archived
This post is hate speech.
Is that what you tell yourself when you feel attraction to other guys? So you don't feel so guilty about it? You figure you can't help it because it's a mental disorder so it's okay, you just have to control yourself?
There's no need to feel guilty, user. Just let yourself go, there's nothing wrong with it and it feels great (as you might now from the times you haven't managed to resist).
>remember whitehouse.com
>type in url
>no more porn there
H-hold me, Sup Forums...
Gonna electrocute the faggot out of you
Wait till trump changes the lgbt laws so we can freely hunt you faggots down and nail you to a burning cross.
Come at me, fashy scum.
>Come at me
Take your faggot shilling somewhere else.
stop using faggot phones
Hahahah. Trump's really making america great
I don't use iphones, sorry.
>Gas all white people
Wouldn't we be almost completely gone anyways from the first 2 gassings?
No half measures.
Well it's not gonna MAGA itself
You aren't born that way. Babies aren't born with magical understanding of sexes and genders.
The correct statement is that you develop that way, you fucking uneducated imbecile.
Just like pedophiles uncover their urges, you uncover your own, and animal fuckers uncover their own.
Why would you lie on the Internet?
Why can't pedophiles say this?
>what is google image search
That's not what modern research has shown. Study more.
>what is consent?
Climate change is gone too. It's a new administration, new website, and the major platforms of the old administration are gone along with the rest of the old website.
>le slippery slope fallacy XDDDDDD
Smelly, dumb cis scum.
People who deny climate change are fucking retarded sperglords
>he thinks fashy scum are the biggest nemesis of faggots
>meanwhile the Muslim world whether Arab, African, or Central and South Asian
>meanwhile China
>meanwhile the vast swaths of religious and conservative Latinos
>meanwhile any society which has positive birth rates except a very few Indian tribes
Keep at it m8. The more you are focused on neo-nazis, the sooner your death will come when the only ones protecting you have crumbled under their own negative birth rates - whites.
Just like Rome was at its worst when it was destroyed by white barbarians, a giant shithole of homofaggotry and giving female whores power, while white barbarians only adopted the technology and science and purged the faggotry;
now white barbarians have become like Rome, and equally will be destroyed along with the homofaggot and feminist values while everyone else replaces them and purges this shit.
And the cycle will continue.
or feminism + LGBT.
You can pick one and only one between these two groups.
Faggots like you won't know what hit them otherwise when the day comes and i'm laughing my ass off.
But pedophiles who don't act on their sexual interest
Stop being naïve. Those people know very well what they're doing. They are working for corporate interest.
>modern research has shown babies have been implanted by magical sex understanding by the magical LGBT wizard up above
Shows me that research. And read it before you post it otherwise you will make yourself look like a retard you fucking faggot.
>implying leftists are not inherently fascist
When you steal from someone because
>muh social gibs
you're putting the group before the individuals, which is the sheer definition of fascism.
Not everything is a blank slate. If sexual orientation was developed, conversion camps would work. But they don't.
It deals with hormones. Homosexuality is an evolutionary trait. Although it doesn't make sense from a biological viewpoint, it makes sense from a societal perspective.
Research a bit.
>sex requires understanding
>it is not biological
Poor worms, they can't understand sex so they'll never copulate...
Damn, the mental gymnastics you people go through just to rationalize your irrational anger and hate.
>all those traps with their stupid maga hats
lmao, you are gonna get what you deserve traitor scum
You are talking to the wall.
These fuckers think of themselves as enlightened and accepting when in fact they got memed into hating and destroying their own people.
And they won't understand before it's too late.
Worms copulate after develping the senses,
they aren't born with the urge or the understanding.
You are only reiterating you retarded idiot.
I know: it takes being Human to grasp such things. And there's never been anything both leftist and Human.
Huh so they have society where they learn how to sex
Where the fuck are you getting these 19th century understandings of the world fucking kek
Wow, faggots will stop getting special treatment! It's the end of the world!
Anyway this is not technology so fuck off, queer.
Is Sup Forums leaking again? I hate this Trump presidency already, it gave all the assholes a free pass to stand by their assholism
The neo-reactionary who gets his history lessons from Return of the Kings!
For your next trick, please tell us about the Lost Cause and War of Northern Aggression.
>Wow, faggots will stop getting special treatment! It's the end of the world!
The only special treatment faggots will get under the God Emperor is shock treatment.
And God will save us from climate change.
Site is currently in transition. Old LGBT page had to be removed due to references to previous President. You should be concerned only when it isn't back after a week.
I don't think current President will have something with LGBT, so I don't think it will be restored.
Nature of attraction develops. It isn't learned nor is one born with it.
Sorry your buzzword mantra logically and biologically crumbles under itself.
I know it sounds nice to say "born" and you attach all kinds of symbolism to that word;
but it makes you no less retarded than the people who refer to humanity as a race instead of species.
It only shows you are a dumb faggot who couldn't get past elementary level biology.
I'm still waiting for that research which will never be posted.
Shouldn't they have already prepared pages to replace before taking it down? They would have known this would cause a shit storm
>impliying that they care
he's already making everything great again
Well that's what I'm implying. I doubt they will replace it. If they did plan on that they would have replaced it fairly quickly
I am actually a proponent of multiculturalism and immigration, mainly because it feels great seeing you faggots get trampled underneath it when its percentages get stronger to the point of not having to "do in Rome as the Romans do".
It feels nice seeing you people in complete confusion and panic when the contradicting aspects of your ideologies backfire on you like an exhaust pipe.
>special snowflake needs his own page
I wouldn't mind holding you... by the neck... tightly...
>I am actually a proponent of multiculturalism and immigration
So you're Tony Blair from the UK? How does it feel being hated worse than a pedophile? (which you probably are also being a leftist faggot.)
Is reddit leaking again?
You know what makes feel anticipation?
The exponentially increasing number of LGBT clubs and gathering spots that are getting swept up in violence now.
Reading through news feeds is gonna get more and more glorious in the next few years to a decade.
A big grin is plastered on my face when i think of it.
The best part? I don't have to do anything. Immigrants will do it for me.
That's why most gay people who are born with an identical twin have a straight identical twin.
do you actually believe this?
It's about time we treat these people for what they really are: extremely mentally ill. Once we accept that then we can all work towards a cure/ better treatment.
I have a few Turkish friends in Germany who go around beating up them white faggots and drag queens.
We should get more Turks to come to America.
How mactoddler even recover?
Its a developmental disorder triggered by hormones, it doesn't actually make you want to fuck men it just makes you effeminate.
The whole dick sucking and wanting to have sex with men part is optional.
Any hope on finding a cure for this mental illness?
Blacks, Muslim people, Chinese, Slavs, Turkic people and their mixes.
All of them are great anti-faggot cures.
They are also impervious to this white guilt and the usual colonialism/imperialism tactics used to tie down whites, so that's a big bonus.
You forgot your trip. Why are you talking to yourself?
You don't need to cure it, the only symptoms are caused by a lack of self control.
Just don't encourage it.
So there are no gay blacks, muslims, chinese, slavs, turks, ect?
Are you fucking brain damaged? This is a widespread mental illness that covers all races not just one.
>Its a developmental disorder triggered by hormones
Can confirm:
Mods, don't ban me for citing research on a controversial issue.
They exist, they just don't shove it in everyone's faces because their culture doesn't encourage it.
>You don't need to cure it, the only symptoms are caused by a lack of self control.
It's tearing families apart. Do you know the damage families take when one of their kin come out of the closet? It's like finding out someone in your family raped their own sisters.
>Just don't encourage it.
Nobody does except for libtards but getting rid of it altogether would be the best outcome. Just throwing the mentally ill under the rug doesn't mean you cured the problem.
Neither does american culture of whites. Homosexuality is seen as an extreme form of degeneracy and frowned upon by most.
Climate change is real, but so what? It's a completely natural process, even if humans are speeding it up a bit. The Earth used to be both much hotter and much colder in the past and somehow life still exists.
>You aren't born that way. Babies aren't born with magical understanding of sexes and genders.
>The correct statement is that you develop that way, you fucking uneducated imbecile.
That is actually correct. Just like females aren't born with tits, they develop that way.
>So there are no gay blacks, muslims, chinese, slavs, turks, ect?
Just like cancer there are always some of them that appear.
But unlike in the white world, this cancer gets cured by those people.
Don't forget that African-Americans are your biggest homophobic group, far surpassing rednecks, in USA.
Faggot in a hood is no good.
is that you fagmin?
Precisely. Some develop with planks, some develop with mounds.
but bernie and his supporters think its gonna destroy our kids! no wonder these dolts didn't win. Pure stupidity
>But unlike in the white world, this cancer gets cured by those people.
Cured how? Why are they still prancing in the streets like the filthy degenerates they are?
>Faggot in a hood is no good
Want a record deal? Dat's a bangin' lyric brother.
>Cured how?
By beating them to death with the curing powers of cacti.
Nah m8, the lefties are spamming their politics all over the board. If they don't like other political opinions, they should leave theirs at the door also.
By the time they show symptoms the harm has already been done, if you catch it early enough its actually extremely treatable.
Well it's not very effective. Either the gays are coming back from the dead or they aren't actually killing them.
But all evolutionary traits start as disorders. Homosexuality has survived in humans and other animals as it provides a higher rate of survivability in a group.
Black women are starting to help too.
They have also had enough of transweenies:
wait so where's www.whitehouse gov/straight
>tranny swine was not killed
Thanks for proving my point
So let me ask you this. Should the T be left out in LGBT?