Who Arch Linux OpenRC master race here?
Who Arch Linux OpenRC master race here?
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so lonely....
Bsd masterrace
why wouldnt you just install gentoo at that point?
Enjoy you shitty little scripts, I'll be enjoying the future.
Ain't nobody got time to compile everything.
is that possible? how?
post guides faggot
>cuck license
I really wanna use Archlinux so I can have a cool desktop aesthetic but I like gaming and I'm too stupid to even get it installed since there's no GUI installer like Ubuntu.
Just read the wiki...it is not as difficult as you think.
>being a communist
It's really the only valid reason for arch.
Try Arch architect or Arch anywhere or even Antegros.
You will fit in perfectly with the "Arch Crew" as we like to call ourselves.
I installed antergos and its pretty great. It is the arch experience with a graphical installer
enjoy your lack of support
I'll give it a whirl.
If manjaro openrc came in a kde flavor id never use anything else.
Serious question: Never used BSD, want to try it on a T420, need a familiar DE because I need to be able to actually do shit while I play around and learn the underlying differences. Whats good to use?
I use fluxbox. Most DEs and WMs seem to be supported. Openbox and i3 can be good for starters. For freebsd you'll probably have to set up X all by yourself
Antergos is honestly great
Since Arch is systemd default does the OpenRC variant get fucked up by updates? How does that shit work?
You know there's precompiled binaries for almost any library or program that's time consuming, right?
You can get a netinstall image with Manjaro OpenRC, I used that and installed MATE. You have to go back to the 16.08 release but its fine.
I used Arch for 6 years before switching to Antergos. I love it.
install gentoo
Friendly reminder that even FreeBSD realizes that systemd is the future.