95% of Sup Forums does not actually work in the field of IT, some argue

>95% of Sup Forums does not actually work in the field of IT, some argue
>the 5% that do works as self-taught "application programmers", "web developers" and not software engineers

Do you just sit at home and pretend to know computers and technology when really you don't?

That's pathetic

I'm not even a "web developer", I'm worse - a QA automation """engineer"""
fight me

I'm a Civil Engineer that was hard core hobbyist with computing since 6 years old, including learning several languages and building machines, and I'm willing to bet everything I have that I'm above the average "IT worker" in knowledge.

What are you working on pajeet? Customer service for phones?

That is objectively better

>tro att civilingenjör == civil engineer
du är en obildad autist

Why? I'm by all means less technically educated than your average frontend dev.

Do you not have an academic education?


This is a fucking hobbyist board you damn nigger. Literally the exact same shit Sup Forums is to anime this is to technology. Or even Sup Forums.

IT is not development you dumbass.

Why didn't you do computer engineering.. just asking seriously

Extortion by family. No money unless I go Civil Engineering first. Then it was too late.

Don't do the same.

are you making money as a civil engineer now ?

Your parents prevented you from taking the path you want in life by forcing you to become who they wanted to become, I hope you understand the implications of this. I would disown them if I was you, they are bad parents bro

They made the right choice.

>all these people working in IT field and making shitty and useless 'apps' must know more than self-taught retards

I understand you feel bad because you needed to pay thousands to know and do what we did in half a year OP, take care of your inferiority complex pls

Yet Sup Forums claims to be experts at EVERYTHING technology related

pretending i know how to code has paid my bills since 2004

>Sup Forums is for wagecucks only
Fuck off, faggot

You won't find more competent posters on any other website

in the first world, we are paid thousands to go to uni

well, im a third worlder, and I picked up things faster and earn more than you, what does that say about you?

>earn more than you
in the third world?


I hade more in benefits when studying than a full-time salary as engineer in the Balkan countries is

>95% of Sup Forums does not actually work in the field of anime, some argue
>the 5% that do, work as self-taught "manga artists", "drawfags" and not anime producers

Do you just sit at home and pretend to know anime and manga when really you don't?

That's pathetic

>95% of Sup Forums does not actually work in the field of video games, some argue
>the 5% that do, work as self-taught "indie developers" and not studio-tier vidya producers

Do you just sit at home and pretend to know video games when really you don't?

That's pathetic

>95% of Sup Forums does not actually work in the field of movies, some argue
>the 5% that do, work as self-taught "movie critics", "fx artists" and not movie producers

Do you just sit at home and pretend to know movies when really you don't?

That's pathetic

>95% of Sup Forums does not actually practice the ideals of national socialism, some argue
>the 5% that do works as self-taught "gas chamber technicians", moderate edgy meme pages on facebook and not members of the SS
