Ironically using windows

>Ironically using windows
Why are you in this board? You are probably not even very good with computers anyway.

Other urls found in this thread:

What if I use Windows ironically?

>Why are you in this board?
So I can reply to inbred cucks like you :::^^^)))

Kill yourself, shit for brains.

how much ram does Sup Forums have?
pic related is just browsing chrome :^)
*teleports behind u*
*inserts picture*


Linux is dysfunctional dog turd.

Remember reddit users come here to be edgy

Why do wintoddlers get so angry? It's okay to be a computer illiterate.

god i want to see him naked

Thanks for the (You), cuck. :^D

I don't even use the cuck OS (^:

I can get Windows 3.1 running on a system with 2MB RAM. Let's see you do that with Linux.

>I can get Windows 3.1
No you can't

that almost looks like they wanted to document the toy they gave the kid and also get a recent photo for a missing kid report in one go

I still have The Oregon Trail on 5.25 floppy.



I keep using Linux over the years. For months on end. Only to find that ONE thing that doesn't really work right and is a dealbreaker.

I just switched back to Windows and I'm sure the cycle will continue.

Mmmh, keep giving me your spicy (You)'s.


I don't use it "ironically" though.

This. I will use Linux and tell myself it is just as good, then find something that (((can't))) work as well as in Windows like a driver or something and I have no choice but to switch back.

>Many educators have found this phenomenon to impede a user's ability to learn new systems, which be detrimental as my new systems are better than their previous versions.
>as my new systems are better than their previous versions
pffftt hahahahhaha

>implying knowing how to use some shitty terminal makes you good with computers

Anyway, sorry i actually want to play games. Deny it all you want, linux is shit for gaming.

I'm unironically using it, so that's fine right?

still playing gayms?

The difference is that I accept the differences. I accept that with any distribution of Linux I may or may not have to put in time to make work how I want. Just like windows. I have to put in time to make it work how I want.

The difference is that with Linux there is a lower selection of things that are even capable of normal operation, not my own interpretations of how "computer" works.

I bet you don't believe that the ground is made of balls, either.

linux is shit for everything besides web browsing

no foobar makes its even worse

Is this really an argument now?

lol I didn't even care about that poo even when I was a winpleb, autist

>i actually want to play games

dude what

keep with the delusion, Linux will always be the worst for music listening

especially with no drivers for sound cards

It is a fact linux is shit for gaming. The VAST majority of games don't support linux. And the ones that do are often some random indie games that nobody gives a fuck about. Go ahead, argue that linux is good for gaming.

>Sound card
Confirmed autism. I bet you vape while you hear music from your pointless audiophile "devices", faggot

Sorry some people enjoy their down time by playing games instead of trying to fix their shitty os.

>games don't support linux
what the fuck am I reading

And some people do programming for fun.

Then there are Sup Forums scums like you.

>anime avatarposting
>video games

Holy fucking manchild. Get off of this board and kill yourself. I bet you're one of those faggots that thinks they're a techno-god because they replaced some components in their computer. I can almost guarantee you're NEET and underage.

oh, do I detect some anger?

>being good with computers
>browsing the Sup Forums tech support and rumor mill board

>video games is always a negative
>"my os is better, because it doesn't have games or proper software. If you disagree with me, you are a manchild"

>complaining about anime on a website made specifically to discuss anime

>Over 20
>Plays video games

Go drink some bleach, you mouth-breathing mongoloid.

You sound like you're projecting tbqh

Name one thing I can't do on Linux that isn't gaming. One. inb4 "muh CAD and photoshop"

Most of us on the board don't even work with that shit.

>people still regurgitating this shit argument after the age of m00t

You sound like a 70 year conservative republican on fox. How about you grow the fuck up and accept how some people relax.

>over 10
>on Sup Forums

Because windows actually supports games

>Sup Forums scum tries to defend his manchid obsession
Not even 1/10

every time this mentally disabled kid gets posted another Sup Forums poster dies

>not a manchild obsession

Tell that to IBM, manchild

Please keep posting this so I can be next in line to get away from this Sup Forums faggotry

>ibm now use macbooks

Wintoddlers' damage control are always so poor

>tfw too smart to not use windows

>tfw too smart to use computers

noticed that any anti-linux microshill posts are minimally informed - we have "linux is slow" "linux is not ready for the desktop" etc etc .. small card index system, cycled, repeated. falsity with nothing to qualify. collect your 150rupees

Desktop Linuxfags can only shill, "If you put 6 years into it you'll have a minimally capable OS."
Windows doesn't need a defense. It is a fully capable OS that can be learned in minutes out of the box.

>poorfags who cant afford windows like everyone else stuck using free shit

windows is fine for casual usage imo. Mac is nice to work with and even a toddler can understand it and Linux is good for Webdevelopment or Neckbeard virgins


>tfw to smart for *buntu

There are no Linux drivers for my laptop and I have to work with CAD.

Windows is good because there are already a shitload of software and libs made by big companies that just werks and you don't need to spend weeks to install them from terminal. However, if you need to install some open-source libs made by lonely gooks, it's usually easier to do with Linux.

>What is piracy
>What are torrents


>What is piracy
Brutally attacking and robbing ships on the high seas.
Just in case you're confused:

The only thing Linux has to offer me is better font rendering and how easy it is to update software installed. Thanks but no thanks, I need to work.

Dumb frogposter



2/2, you are the lowest of the lows.

Just end your life