Why are they so shitty?
Why are they so shitty?
It just werks :^)
Yeah, I don't want the grapes either.
whats the point of even coming on this bored anymore every day I come on and I just see
>apple sucks xddd i hate apple
don't trigger me, Tim
you mean secure and well-designed
Android is an insecure mess. Admit it. We both know it.
you have to actually try their products first to form an opinion, Sup Forums
I know it's hard given that your thinkmemepad is cheaper than the iPhone SE and don't have money to try Apple products, but try to use reason first
i'll gladly hand over my webm so that my entire address book doesn't get grabbed by PictureViewer+ coded and owned by Sajesh Rajaj
not to mention -- who else said no to the FBI? You think the Android login screen is hack proof? lmao
t. itoddler denying his buyer's remorse
>don't think first, don't do research, just buy Apple
ok schlomo
>implying they actually said no
The FBI broke it themselves even if it's true, and that's even more pathetic.
here's your research:
pick the more secure, more stable, and more well-patched OS platform.
hard choice, huh? Android is a bug-riddled mess that's about as secure as an anus facing a gloryhole.
as if the FBI would even need to ask Android. 99% of the devices don't even run with encryption by default. and you can bet the login screen is a swiss cheese piece of shit because of that, too.
Android is security LAST, stability LAST, Google's eminent botnet growth FIRST. Never forget that. There is no opt-out except by choosing Apple.
>he actually believes Apple is any different
You make me laugh, silly user.
you do realize that any project google initiates they focus almost entirely on data collection on its users?
revenue ranks dead last in their goals. they want to know what's in your shit, where you go, what you shop for, what you think. they will become the data warehouse on humanity.
Android is a toy to them - it's a porno viewing device that plays some crappy games.
visit ANY metropolitan city in the world. productive people with mission critical jobs are using Apple.
I got a iPod nano in a contest once. It was all right and I got it to run DOOM, but is it really worth hundreds of dollars for a mp3 player/DOOM machine?
>There is no opt-out
What do you think of the fact that Google publishes Android's source and Apple doesn't publish iOS?
>he actually believes Apple is any different
You make me laugh, silly user.
>mfw thinking publishing the source of EVERYTHING but the botnet keeps you safer.
Apple produces the most secure mobile smartphone devices in the world. They are government, military and business-class standards. Refute that, just try.
>uhh, it's enterprise software user! that means it's bug free!
>N-no, you can't check...
I'm gonna go take a poop ^^
he thinks that giving russian hackers the full source code to his software makes him safer :)
do you even know what a 0day attack is? it's when the russian hackers who have been living in your system for the past 3 years decide to let you know about it.
It's not the Russian hackers that I'm concerned about, it's me. I want to be able to hack my own OS, is that so much to ask?
you do that, you twiddle with those skins and themes (deviantart2.0)
i'll be using my device to contribute to society + generate revenue for myself. :)
Mac doesn't even have themes? Are there other things that you are not allowed to do on a Mac?
absolutely a fair critique. there are aspects of anticustomer behaviors.
but none of that compares to getting your full address book owned by any random app. the security issues Android faces are absolutely momentous. even Sup Forums.org ads used to contain exploits that could take over your phone via Chrome.
Because they are catering to women and faggots who buy their products as fashion accessories.
>completely ignores android has a permission system
>implying android is the only system with exploits
>there actually are jailbreak methods that jailbreak
afaik isnt the permission system running on
The permission system was there even back in 2.3, you just couldn't toggle an app's permissions on demand. It still showed them to you before installing the app.
>Android vs iPhone or Nexus/Pixel vs iPhone
>literally comparing a two year old huashit and a modern iPhone
Of course I compare iPhones to Nexuses/Pixels, they're the same device range for iOS and Android respectively. You're not nonironically comparing some random cheap Samsung and an iPhone, are you?
Also in my previous message: I meant jailbreak exploits that work in the browser. If I want to work around browser exploits on Android, I install shit like Firefox. On iOS every browser is just Safari/WebKit, more Apple being a little brat about its platform.
Why do you come to this board expecting to discuss applel pooinloo tech? Applel is and
Because you don't understand elagant design
fuck off with your design shit
Even pcs today look better than that shit.
I hate Apple but I'd totally just buy one product of them and that's it. I love that the SE is still there. At this age of big screen sized smartphonee, I actually prefer something with a smaller screen. I just love the form factor.
>thinkvirgins projecting this hard
Nope, dell xps owner. Fuck off itoddler.
>hahah, i don't own an ugly thinkpad, I own an even uglier dell
jesus christ, the delusion
>he literally bought consumer trash for premium price
At least cumpad owners have the excuse of being poor but you are just retarded.
I made an OSX partition on my PC for work (I need to use Sketch) and I have to say, it's a lot better than I thought it was.
The file browser is pretty shit, and some of my stuff is missing drivers, but everything else is nice.
>owns a fagbook
>tries to make 'consumer trash for premium price' argument
O am i laffin. But anyway I'm in engineering and I need to run autocad and solidworks on a daily basis. Can't even do that with a 200 dollar thinkpad or even a 4000 dollar fagbook.
What do you use your facebook machine for?
>autocad and solidworks on a daily basis
>implying there are no macOS versions
>implying rMBP doesn't have much faster hardware
>What do you use your facebook machine for?
I am a screenwriter (for television, nothing fancy), so outside of browsing just word processing hence Core M is fine and having no fan is an absolute bliss. Then there is obviously shitposting and some freelance writing. Considering learning webdev shit in the free time for the fuck of it.
Obviously the tasks can be done on basically everything but why cheap out if there is an option weighting less than one kilo with a HiDPI 16:10 screen. 8-9h battery life is helpful too if you travel a lot. Having to re-check your backpack because you're not sure whether you packed your laptop is the fucking future. Never getting harassed by Windows updates is sweet too.
Also have you seen it? The design is ridiculously perfect.
Because i get laid using a macbook air everywhere
Because Jobs died.
>people who hate Apple and all mention of Apple continuously talking about Apple and starting conversation about Apple and why they hate Apple
Stop fucking posting shit about Apple. What else can I do other than call you poor and bitter for this? What other excuse than bitterness and jealousy is there? Is someone forcing you to make threads and posts about things you hate?
Kek no you don't
Dunno man, I've been trying to get out for years now...
What if it's also the people being "hurrdurr praise apple" being annoying and/or fun to bait? Also
>literally calling people poor because they happen to prefer something else, not even because it isn't as overpriced
you faggots made them rich
>never getting harassed by windows updates
Ever heard of Linux, user?
Literally impossible, design is objective
>faster hardware
ehhh, not really, depends on what you compare to
design can be judged objectively to an extent also linux is not for everyone and you know it
It's not so much that they are shitty, but that they know they can get away with anything because of how submissive their customers are.
>>literally calling people poor because they happen to prefer something else
Can you not fucking read? Its not about preference its about these fucking never ending anti-Apple spergout threads. Why do they exist? Neck yourself.
>Ever heard of Linux, user?
Is very lacking when it comes to software especially if you value it not looking like some guy designed the UI in his basement, somewhat limited hardware support too (wifi is hit or miss) and it takes a while to make it functional and comfy enough for daily use(UI, power management). That's when compared to Windows (Linux got much better font rendering though) Neither is even close to macOS with gestures, HiDPI screen support, unified UI across the OS and programs, continuity and the "pretty much ready out of the box" experience. I can walk into an Applel store, grab a new Macbook and set it up exactly the way I want it to have in 5 min tops. The winfag would be still waiting for an update to download while the freetard will spend the time making a bootable thumb drive.
>Literally impossible, design is objective
I take you meant 'subjective', which is mostly right but there are some objective criteria, take the idiotic webcam placement on XPS.
>depends on what you compare to
XPS 15 vs rMBP 15 is pretty even, rMBP got slightly better CPU, slower GPU and much faster SSD. Much better battery life, which is kinda specs too. At 13", rMBP is better at literally everything.
Pricey yes, shitty no.
It's 'mactoddler', Pajeet. No rupees for you this time, sorry.
Today I just put all the passwords from the Keychain of a mac in a text file. Much secure
You know you can crash the whole iPhone with a while(true)?
In android, apps crash. On ios the whole OS becomes unusable
I wish android had some sort of choice of what size phones you can get. Every single one of them is huge. But then, their OS is much better... Can't have it all
>Never getting harassed by Windows updates is sweet too.
Are you fucking kidding me?
Every time I start the iPhone or plug it into a mac it asks me to update the OS, and the options are "now" "tonight" and "later". The mac is the same, constantly annoying me with its shitty little notification. You know what Windows does? It shows an exclamation mark next to the shutdown button. Fuck off you ignorant, distorted fuck
>itoddler that can't get his priorities right
don't. not until they get rid of the lightning port. that thing has pissed me off more than any other piece of tech, it's hot fucking garbage.
>not until they get rid of the lightning port
Nobody has a shred of an idea how Apple works. Are you one of those morons who thinks Apple will put USB-C on its iDevices?
Kid in my liberal arts class uses mint on his macbook and just browses facebook all class.
I never use webm outside of Sup Forums
Do you think the iPhone SE is worth it? I have small hands and never tried iOS, but I'm pretty tired of android. Oneplus 3T could also be an option? I'm afraid of its size though.
Consumers allow them to be.
jobs died
I switched from an android phone (4,7") to SE. I really like how small it is, I also have small hands and it's just a lot more comfortable to use for me.