Where were you when the i5-2500k fags and AMD-tards got BTFO by a $65 processor?
Where were you when the i5-2500k fags and AMD-tards got BTFO by a $65 processor?
Other urls found in this thread:
*stock 2500k
*not overclocked i3-6100
>5 years
>1/5 the price for the same performance
This is what I expected.
i5 2500k fag here and i have no idea why that old thing is still making headlines.
It's gonna be funny when people think all pentiums are like this cause this single one has hyperthreading
Is it 2017?
The 2500K has been left in the dust for YEARS.
Just look at benchmarks of 2500Ks overclocked to insane (unstable) frequencies and yet still lagging behind some piss poor current CPU.
>new cpu beats a 6 year old cpu
This is not true at all, 2500 lk has held up against all of the i5 k cpus released since.
Only skylake and kabby have made significant gains against it.
>it took 5 fkn years for 2500k performance to progress down to a cheaper entry level processor
CPU industry is dead. There is no more progress.
>comes with Hyper-Threading Technology. It has four threads and this is the first time Intel has enabled the technology on Pentium series processors
P4s had hyper threading. Fuck this retard and his "benchmarks" and (((((reviews)))))
Amd has been losing for a while now, they are simply taking too long with ryzen
Although in multi threaded applications the FX chips will still be faster
You wish.
>Skylake offers single percentage points boost over Haswell yet the former "made significant gains against" Sandy Bridge
except pentiums were their top line before core, retard
also kill yourself back to
I don't wish at all, I know.
And I have a 6700k before you accuse me of having a 2500k.
>except pentiums were their top line before core, retard
Uh ok? What does that matter
the biggest performance jump between the sandy and kaby was the move from ddr3 to 4
why the fuck do you think he's from pol
Your grammar is awful, I bet you're poor. No wonder you used a 2500K for 6 freaking years.
because you can't compare netburst pentium HT to core pentiums, you fucking retard
he's right it's the first time intel enables HT on core pentiums
If you don't have a 2500k and yet claim that it's just as good as a modern i5 then you're an idiot.
It loses to an i3 6100 in almost everything
all pentiums above it are like that. But the price scalates very quickly, a G4620 which is the highest Pentium, has slightly better performance than an i3-6100 and a better IGPU, for the same price. But the i3-7100 also costs the same
Author says Pentium series, that means Pentium brand
>Intel shills implying new releases actually give the performance suggested by other intel shills' benchmarks
4.5Ghz 2500k is literally fine
wasn't the gen right after 2500 the last one that had large improvements, then intel barely did shit after that?
>he's right it's the first time intel enables HT on core pentiums
I like how you added "core" in there
The ((())) is a common thing on pol to indicate that the one posting it is a racist.
Obvious. Lurk more
>Get a used 2500K with mobo for £90
>Get a 970
>Can literally play any new releases I like
>fucking £90
Well it is true, there are "atom" pentiums too.
It actually indicates involvement with jews, get it right cuck.
My i5 2500k runs stable at 4.6GHz. Why would I need a new processor?
The author didn't state core
And since y'all don't even know what a jew is anymore it pretty much just indicates that the poster is a racist. I swear y'all will be saying "Mel (((Gibson)))" before long.
>2017 cpu faster than 2012 cpu
really makes ya think what OP's mental developmental level is
>4.5 GHZ
You CANNOT make this shit up
>third worlders on suicide watch
nigger no it isn't
>b-but some are atoms
not all of them faggot
Look at this subhuman 80IQ negroid who can't understand abstract applications of funi memes.
I believe OP is shitting on the fact that everyone with a 2500k always says it's still great and still doesn't need to be replaced, which in all honestly, is probably true for most usage
Now compare that to a 6600k instead of an i7.
Not saying that it won't be faster, but you're comparing a 4c8t to a 4c4t CPU
>most usage
Yep, shitposting about the """""""""greatness"""""""" of the 2500K on Sup Forums and masturbating to anime
>my random forum post proves me right!
Sure and not everyone is playing the newest cowadooty at 4k 144fps
>hehe i don't like jews i sure am a funny guy heheheh black people aren't good god im so funny
such humor
This shit doesn't even make sense, 38fps in Skyrim because the 4.5ghz 2500k and switching to Skylake suddenly gets 84fps?
What fucking mods is he using, prime95? I got 100fps sync'd with mine and a ton of mods, never dropping and if it ever did it would be because of the GPU. Skyrim is fucking old. It does not get 38fps on an i5 2500k.
>I did bother to scroll down the forum posts and only read the title
Maybe you want me to post a direct link to the post which is literally 9 posts down the OP?
Same results with HT off.
Here's your (((You)))
Why the fuck was it running in DX9 too, isn't Skyrim DX10 with a DX9 compatibility mode?
>hehe me and my Sup Forums friends sure are funny hehe I called him a jew, he sure must be embarrassed
Just...be better.
>comparing CPUs
>with GPUs slow enough to introduce GPU bottleneck
So a 64€ CPU is finally on par with my 5-year-old 2500k that I bought for 170€. Not really amazed.
Why do you find it funny that an i7 beats a 6 year old i5?
Of course it beats it, why wouldn't it? Are you retarded?
No, Skyrim is DX9.
>moving the goalposts
What, do you want them to run a quad SLI Titan X setup to satisfy your autism?
I mean sure, you were fine with a forum post using a GTX 970, but man, a GTX 980 is too slow my mang.
But I already have an i5-6600.
No K, because thats a rip off.
You're the one who is mentally challenged. The cause of laugther doesn't reside in that. I suggest you to read the previous posts again, I'm sure you'll eventually get it.
>no AVX2
>Get a used 2500K with mobo for £90
2500K + 970gtx
No plans of upgrading the next 2 years
>maybe if I bring up an imaginary goal and call him an autist this will show him!
It really is not on me if you can't grasp how irrelevant you've been you and your Anandtech IPC tests (which really are not) on GPU intensive games with a GTX 980 and an R7 240.
Yeah too bad that doesnt translate to a the $250 7600k being ~4 times as fast.
Don't know why people seem to find it amusing that new CPUs are finally beating a 2500k.
It has taken Intel six (6) years to finally progress performance.
When Sandy Bridge came out the 'i5' 2500k matched the performance of the 'i7' 920 which was the fastest mainstream i7 at the time.
The £300 2600k gave near i7 980 performance which was the fastest enthusiast i7 of the time and cost £900.
Since then all we have had no real performance increase, well until now with sky and kabby.
you've gone into incoherent babbling territory mate
What is wrong with poor people?
They always seem to post the same shit over and over, making the most inane points ever.
>AMD this, AMD that
>2500k blabla golden
>R9 290 I'm set for life
>SSDs are memes
>16GBs of ram? LOL!
another 2500k nigger here
its been and continues to be a great cpu
>5 fps faster
definitely worth the 500 dollars for a new mobo and cpu
>5 fps
are you ok?
>well until now with sky and kabby.
SKylake and kaby has done even less than previous gens. It's just that all the little 7% better per gen is finally stacking up, and intel is releasing better lower end CPUs (with more features unlocked)
There's still no reason to upgrade from 2500k to 7600k.
>i7 with more cache
Not a fair comparison at all
I'm using an i5 750 that I bought in 2009, still haven't found a good reason to upgrade.
a-are you me?
"Ram speed doesn't matter" meme is dead, bub. 2500K is perfectly adequate if you overclock it, the main problem is minimum framerates and framedrops.
Sauce: I used to use budget 1333mhz ram for my 2500k, then I read the article, bought a cheap kit of 2133mhz ram, and it definitely helps.
It's 2017 though, and the G4560 is dual core and not overclockable. Good value for now yeah, but I wouldn't be surprised if Ryzen comes along with an overclockable 4-core 2500k contester for 100
i5 6400 @ 4.5GHz here. Can't be beaten for the price. Anyone who bought a K for gaymen got cucked.
>2500K is perfectly adequate if you overclock it, the main problem is minimum framerates and framedrops.
>perfectly adequate
>main problem is minimum framerates and framedrops
>the comparison the Sup Forums makes isn't a fair comparison
okie dokie :^)
read the rest of the post, duh
You have to go back
>Hehe muh sekrit 4chin internet cloob xD, go back to plebbit lool
Look at you, how cute.
>already have an i5-6600
>No K, because thats a rip off.
>rip off
actually its only like what, $20 more for unlocked plus a cpu cooler
stop lying to yourself
Congrats on losing about 90% of your CPU's resale value. No K, no resale value. Even if you don't intend to overclock, you should always get the K.
>trying to knock sense into pajeets
protip: they don't listen
newer games in general have shown some pretty big strives in performance with faster memory. i honestly think it has more to do with the memory than cpu for skyrim's at least. bethesda games as a whole have shown some pretty sizable increases in performance with faster memory. his skylake build was running ~3ghz dual channel ddr4 while his sandy was on 1600mhz dual channel ddr3. the gap would have been much smaller if he at least tried ddr3 2133mhz / 2400mhz.
for the longest time ddr3 topped off around 2133 - 2400mhz range. the price for such kits was high enough to where the performance improvement wasn't worth it over 1600. with the release of ddr4 and its higher frequencies for affordable prices we can easily start seeing the benefit of higher clocks again. its why a lot of users on enthusiast sites like ocn recommend ddr3 3000mhz dual channel bare minimum. at that range you see a nice, noticeable increase over ddr3. games like bf1 actually have shown a nice boost with ddr4, 4000 kits. even quad channel has been showing its benefits. quad channel 2400 performs very similar to ddr4 4000 dual channel kits. quad channel 3000 is off the charts. i just wish more people did quad channel vs dual channel benchmarks for we can get a more accurate data.
>2500k 38.2fps abload.de
>6700k 56.3fps abload.de
i don't know where you are getting the 84fps for the 6700k from.
>the only time an amd cpu comes close to beating intel, it literally dies
I don't see why people are still supporting this big fuck up of a company.
>selling a used processor
Who would buy one?
bumping for justice
>They always seem to post the same shit over and over
It's just different people expressing the same thoughts
>only 2 cores
worthless for anything other than facebook gaymes
>My i5 2500k runs stable at 4.6GHz. Why would I need a new processor?
This. The only real reason is so you can use a newer ram/mobo/graphics combo, which is probably going to be the only convincing reason as intel utterly fails to increase performance anymore.
I know Sup Forums's rig building sub is probably not the best place to ask this but what is the best bang for you're buck dual core processor available right now?
Read the OP
>what are instructions per clock improvements and TDP savings
user pls
A lot of people
That's bullshit tho, the i3 6100 is better in pretty much every test.
Read wrong, ignore my retarded post
>mfw i can OC my Core2 Quad and get respectable results in the year twenty seventeen
dunno wtf intel and amd are doing
>2700K has 95 watt TDP
>7700K has 91 watt TDP
>Where were you when the i5-2500k fags and AMD-tards got BTFO by a $65 processor?
I was in 2017
This might have been impressive if it happened the same time last year.
>still using a 1090T at 4.1ghz
gonna buy me a Zen I think.
>want to buy a pc for video editing
>now intel is doing the exact same shit