Are HDD caddies worth a try?
Are HDD caddies worth a try?
Source: I have one.
if you make an ssd your main drive, and put use a caddy for a storage drive (2tb or something) its definitely worth it
Definitely, I picked one up for my T420 and it was the best decision I could've made.
too bad my macbook doesn't allow for one.
my old xps 13 had one, and my t61 used to have one before i traded it for an extra battery
What is this? an HD instead of optical or something?
people still use laptops with optical drives?
Not as long as you already have a 2.5" bay. My laptop currently has a mSATA SSD and a 2.5" HDD for storage, why would I need more? Newer laptops will have gotten rid of the mSATA port, but will have M.2 instead.
I still have discs from like 96
Shit is nostalgic as fuck
optical drive has been taken out and is using the sata interface for a hard drive or ssd instead
idk senpai, I'd rather put more battery in that space
I have one, shit is cash money yo
purchased one yesterday, i have a 120gb ssd and plan on putting the stock 380gb hdd in the caddy.
Worth it if you want more space for your laptop or another method to transfer file from one computer to another quickly with a HD dock.
literally zero reason to ever use a mechanical drive
please try and keep up to date with modern technology, since ssd's are several years old and are already becoming obsolete themselves
Theoretically you could set up a software RAID array (likely RAID 0) by booting from a flash drive.
space per dollar. That alone will keep HDDs around another ten years.
>already becoming obsolete themselves
Yes. I have a SSD and HDD in my T420 (SSD is OS and HDD is bulk storage) and i can use the ultrabay for a 3rd drive for other oses/cloning a disc from one in the main HDD bay.
That's cool, Ryan
OMG r u a hacker??
>being poor
What are these do they go in your disk drive ? Are read write speeds effected ?
and this
Source: I also have one