Will there ever be a good Linux desktop environment that can rival MacOS X or at least Windows 10?
Is Linux doomed to always be a server-based OS?
Will there ever be a good Linux desktop environment that can rival MacOS X or at least Windows 10?
Is Linux doomed to always be a server-based OS?
I think cinnamon is pretty good
There's plenty of good DEs. I much prefer cinnamon and xfce to Windows or Mac
yeah, cinnamon is the only good one. rest are a joke.
>Is Linux doomed to always be a server-based OS?
Cinnamon ain't bad.. Kinda buggy, crashes a lot but it's almost there. I would use it as my primary OS if it were more stable.
what's wrong with openbox+tint2?
DOD uses Linux on everything probly becuase its free. but it also makes alot of thing run like complete crap
Explain to your grandma how to set that up.
Problem with Gnome?
... why?
i don't choose things based on how useful it might be to others, that makes no sense
if you meant DE's made for the average joe, then say so
i can't really talk for them anymore, since i've been using linux long enough to be comfortable with just about anything, but when i first used linux, i used KDE3.x, and it was very easy to get around in with no previous experience, it was also competitive visually to what was on offer elsewhere at the time
i have not tried current KDE, so can't say if this still hold true
Like you could tell your granny how to use a Mac
With a strong corporate backing to bring order and strong support. It's what google pulled off with Android. If it got to that point it will be a locked down system restricting user freedom functioning from riding the coattails of free software without the freedom. Linux has some success for workstation use. I have a friend that's a professional animator and his studio uses linux workstations. Maya uses python scripts now and linux supports it natively and it just works real well in their environment. For consumer use there is Chromebook.
How does that compare to fluxbox? Is it a lightweight WM?
KEK'd hard at these comics. They're 100% true.
they explain why there's a million diff managers that all suck... in a different way. there's just no fucking way to fix linux without a manager telling you what to do. people just do shit for the ego and fork something and abandon it after few months... instead of working on a fix.
>I think cinnamon is pretty good
>There's plenty of good DEs. I much prefer cinnamon and xfce to Windows or Mac
>yeah, cinnamon is the only good one. rest are a joke.
>Cinnamon ain't bad.. Kinda buggy, crashes a lot but it's almost there. I would use it as my primary OS if it were more stable.
>what's wrong with openbox+tint2?
>Problem with Gnome?
>How does that compare to fluxbox? Is it a lightweight WM?
And this is why linux will NEVER, I repeat N E V E R break 1% desktop marketshare.
>Is Linux doomed to always be a server-based OS?
linux could be a contender if they got a big manufacturer to distribute it alongside a laptop
pretty sure memebuntu sells on phones and laptops now still too this day
I mean a model that you'd see at best buy or walmart
yeah dude look
>And this is why linux will NEVER, I repeat N E V E R break 1% desktop marketshare.
Who the hell cares? I don't give a shit that some soccer mom and her memeing faggot 12-year-old aren't using Linux. If anything it's a feature that they're not.
>mid range
>1000 american
or look here walmarts selling them online
>Who the hell cares?
The OP since that's the point of this thread you fucking retard.
>answering a hypothetical question
>claims that others are the retard
Enjoy your shitty bait, OP. Here's the attention your mommy never gave you.
The rest are fine, you have baby duck syndrome.
You left out embedded devices and cell phones op. Linux is pretty much everywhere but desktop computers. Microsoft cornered that market pretty well. Chromebook is making a pushback though. It's not a fully-fledged workstation OS like the other distros out there.
>pick one of 140 distros that don't work
>pick a system that spies on you that doesn't work
>pick a system that requires overpriced hardware and doesn't work
Wow, I guess that maybe "working" isn't actually required and you should just pick what you want instead of what some autistic retard on Sup Forums considers to "work" based on his arbitrary, non-disclosed opinions.
dear god, i love this subreddit
The new KDE is still normie friendly.
I think new users should start there instead because that would remove the "you need terminal to configure basic things" argument.
The search is also better than everything else on the market.
I think it is as good if not better than Apple's DE.
Me, i3 is amazing if your actually intend to use your computer for work. I know it's not flashy and shit, but it runs with hardly any overhead and I don't have to manage shit, hell I hardly have to even use a mouse for a majority of my work. Jumping to Windows or OSX actually makes me become frustrated and angry at this point.
Yeah it's not cut out for Grandmas and shit, but I'll be damned if it (and other TWM) isn't the most efficient and pain free way to interface with a DE/WM.
Linux isn't ready for the desktop because of other issues, but KDE or Cinnamon is usable enough for the masses.
Try to explain to your mom that she needs to add dad to the sudoers file if he wants to install packages or how to enable something in systemd to run on boot. That's the problem with Linux on the desktop, not enough abstraction to make stupid people feel like they're not stupid.
The true problem here is freedom of design.
When people have too much freedom to design their desktop, it becomes cringy non-professional tiled window shit with anime icons and flat colors.
I'm glad Windows restricted any freedom of this, until Linux came along and made you all idiots.
>overpriced hardware
Hackintosh isn't too bad if you have time to tinker
>linux could be a contender if they got a big manufacturer to distribute it alongside a laptop
is DELL big enough? They make a Linux Laptop.
It still didn't help Linux.
Linux is just too fucking pointless to use on a desktop. way too many issues and shit just doesn't work. I couldn't get my Bluetooth working for a week and just gave up on that pile of shit and went back to Windows because everything fucking works.
every fucking time
>Hackintosh isn't too bad if you have time to tinker
It take literally
>me playing factorio
this so much
ITT: NEETs getting mad because they can't rice a perfectly functional DE like Unity
>>pick a system that requires overpriced hardware and doesn't work
macOS actually does work. but yeah, it's expensive. but a Hackintosh is not, however. you can build one for $700 with top-tier components and everything will work.
>macOS actually does work
[citation needed]
>perfectly functional DE like Unity
God damn that De makes me puke. It's so fucking ugly and disgusting. I hate everything about it: colors, fonts, layout, icons, widgets... pretty much the whole fucking thing.
If you want a good DE, install Cinnamon + Arc theme (or Arc-Flatabulous).
Huh? Millions of pros use it every day. Google, Facebook, Twitter etc all run on them. Pretty much every website you use daily is developed on them.
Don't be a fucking retard, kid.
>Don't be a fucking retard, kid.
Pic related is you
someone's butthurt & projecting. kek
Yeah. It's obvious from the "kid" part - those who aren't butthurt don't say it.
that kid part really stung you hard. how old are you? under 18?
Try not projecting. That will make you less mad.
yeah dude just stop. u try too hard to project at fellow anons
It's called a Chromebook, and it illustrates that you need proprietary (something) to work. Linux only works coupled with proprietary hardware since someone takes ownership of it then. The desktop is free as in freedom -- nobody owns it -- so nobody is going to sit down and make a working Linux distro for it. The OS market is left to Microsoft, as they have a working business model due to copyright.
oh yeah, confirmed for toddlers.
Another symptom of mad butthurt.
You only need a smug pic and an mspaint comic and you'll be the maddest mong on upper half of sidebar.
This is not facebook my fellow user.
We can not like your epic lulz post with reaction image.
oh, they really mad now. time for bed, kids.
It wouldn't be more obvious that you're mad if you typed with all-caps, you know.
Ironic that you don't know that (implying you're really new to the internet), as you were the one to call me a kid earlier on.
are you off your meds today? calling you a kid set you really off! I've seen some crazy outburst here on Sup Forums but your was quite something. hope you refill that prescription soon.
You forgot your laughing/smug pic to stress how not-mad you are.
Are you lonely? I will give you all attention needed to help you with some (you)s
they're STILL mad! unbelievable.
Problem solved.
that cartoon is no longer relevent.
there is now one unified linux distro that just werks...its called android perhaps youve heard of it?
Android is not GNU distribution.
>fallling for a fat commie kike's trick.
Reminder that microsoft pays shills to post anti-linux comments to get everyone to use windows 10.
fuck off -- all these garbage microshit shill threads
they infest
where are these people from?
linux has been competent on the desktop for years
lol if u think that shit's usable
I use gnome. Everyone in the server room has no problem with gnome.
Why do people hate it?
did shill also fake the Linux on desktop usage states from major websites like Wikipedia?
Loonix is full of conspiracy nutjobs for some reason. Paranoid much?
>linux will NEVER, I repeat N E V E R break 1% desktop marketshare.
GNU and Linux are two different things. Android is Linux. No, GNU/Linux will not be a mainstream desktop os.
Microsoft is so worried about losing marketshare that they literally pay failures to spam imageboards for them.
> a java based abomination with no real package manager like apt, pacman, or portage
fuck this was meant for
How the fuck would that gun work?
>MacOS X
That's a new one
Are you stupid? Even allwinner releases the kernel sources. The only thing they don't release is the properitary graphics driver and ARM's answer to that is "We could but we prefer to be assholes", there is no NDA or patents, they literally just don't want to release the graphics driver.
there is no good desktop environment
only good windows managers
>not going for superior dwm
That comic implies only one entity is working on all those projects. That doesn't reflect the FOSS community at all.
>Will there ever be a good Linux desktop environment that can rival MacOS X or at least Windows 10?
>Is Linux doomed to always be a server-based OS?
With *Nix you have choice after choice and option after option in terms of which pre-packaged DE you use. Some of these mimic Mac, and every version of Windows, and even improve upon them. If that is not enough there are tons of options for easily creating the exact desktop you want.
To answer your question though, yes, there are already two 'wonderful' options that meet your basic requirements of being complete shit, with little to no customization: Gnome3 and Unity. Albeit, you still have the ability to unistall them, and use something better, so they do not recreate the Mac/Windows experience precisely.
I think this is more common in developing countries actually
>With *Nix you have choice after choice and option after option in terms of which pre-packaged DE you use. Some of these mimic Mac, and every version of Windows, and even improve upon them. If that is not enough there are tons of options for easily creating the exact desktop you want.
prob is they're all fucking unfinished and buggy as shit.
Nigga, I'm using Ratpoison and has being finished since years ago.
this is the part where you go "b-but LOL still low % linux BTFO eternally" for damage control
kek'd. pick only one you retard. software is never finished.
I literally for 4 years thought using linux here was a meme like MSE and Mechanical Keyboards.
most grandmas can't even figure out windows or mac
The user experience is pretty seamless between the two now.
Rice your own desktop, faggot. Don't need a DE anyway, all you need is a file manager.
By being just an RPK with six pounds of plastic glued to it
Firmwares are usually created to be non-updatable.
>linux will NEVER break 1% desktop marketshare
good thing
Can I have that css for firefox ?
>Firmwares are usually created to be non-updatable.
ever heard of IOT DDOS? kek
they always have bugs and good companies always update them.
Unity. I've installed Ubuntu for an old lady who had Vista on their desktop, and only uses Firefox for web browsing. Just werkz.