Looks like it's time to dump leftyfox...

Looks like it's time to dump leftyfox. That's right it's YOUR FAULT that people who don't speak English can't be bothered to make their own content.

Other urls found in this thread:


Just switch to Waterfox

that was ez

I don't speak English


>Shitty fork made by one guy that's rarely updated

who are you quoting?

Can't even play YouTube html5 videos

Fucking SJW americlaps, jesus christ. Hopefully trump can turn that nation of cuckolds around.

Trump can't force them to not be SJWs, but trump thankfully can get people to stop listening to them.

>be Trump
>appoint conservative Supreme Court justices
>they set a precedent that hating white people is in fact the same as hating any other group

The trump clone that lives inside his head.

>who are you quoting?

The very next line is
>There are other ways technology is skewed to reflect the unconscious biases of their creators thanks to years of inattention to diversity.

In some regards he's not wrong. Mainly in that typing, especially programming, in non-english languages is difficult or relies on English as a middleman.

who gives a shit
kill yourself retard

People that speak English: 20%
People that don't speak English: 80%

People that speak English: 20%
People that speak Language.1: 1%
People that speak Language.2: 1%
People that speak Language.3: 1%
People that speak Language.4: 1%
People that speak Language.5: 1%
People that speak Language.6: 1%
People that speak Language.7: 1%
People that speak Language.8: 1%
People that speak Language.9: 1%
People that speak Language.10: 1%
People that speak Language.11: 1%
People that speak Language.12: 1%
People that speak Language.13: 1%
People that speak Language.14: 1%
People that speak Language.15: 1%
People that speak Language.16: 1%
People that speak Language.17: 1%
People that speak Language.18: 1%
People that speak Language.19: 1%
People that speak Language.20: 1%

Gee I wonder why.

Then they should make their own computer systems that are easier to use in their languages. Either way the correct answer is not to blame English speakers for the problem.

Say it with me.
President Donald J. Trump.

Forgot to put a etc, there are ofc. supposed to be more languages.

Lazy or shit at math?

>the correct answer is not to blame English speakers for the problem
I agree, but the problem still remains and your solution is practically impossible.

There really does need to be some work put into this area from both sides, English and non-English speaking, but the impetus shouldn't be shaming English speakers.

>this is how retarded americans actually are

they're not blaming english speakers though, don't be so fucking sensitive

Pretty sure a bunch of people speak Mandarin mate.

Like you do realize there are more mandarin speakers than there are english speakers? Or are you actually this ignorant of the world? Even if you were a retarded american, you would have to admit at the very least how popular Spanish is.

poltards really put Sup Forums to shame

>coding in english is racist

Does Sup Forums just spend all day scouring the Internet for petty bullshit to get triggered over?

>oh no they acknowledged some people dont speak english im being leftist commie pc thoughtraped help me breitbart it hurts

SJWzilla aren't referring to chinks or huehues, they have plenty of content.

>they're not blaming english speakers though, don't be so fucking sensitive

Yes, they actually are.
>There are other ways technology is skewed to reflect the unconscious biases of their creators thanks to years of inattention to diversity.

What is being said:
>If English speakers hadn't designed these technologies for use in their language instead of for all the obscure languages in the world, we have this problem to begin with.


That's portuguese.
Of course they're referring to chinks though you fucking moron. They're a huge market and at the end of the day that's all "SJWzilla" is after, market share.

That's not blaming english speakers at all. You truly are sensitive if that statement is #triggering your dumbass. Go blog about it on tumblr.

>Of course they're referring to chinks though you fucking moron. They're a huge market and at the end of the day that's all "SJWzilla" is after, market share.

The lack of Chinese users has far more to do with China than it does with English web designers and programmers though.

Of course, but that won't stop them from putting out a message to recruit people without literally putting out a job recruitment ad saying "COME HERE CHINKS".

I don't support the information in OP's picture but you are a moron.

>drumpfkins get LITERALLY triggered because some poor negro boy would like to use the internet in suahili

r/thedonald called, they want all of you back

screencapped for future reference :)

And what did Mandarin speakers actually do to deserve having their language have to be a globalized language? English is unofficially the globalization language of choice, many places teach it almost out of pure choice, some are obligated to, and many workplaces even outside of native English countries almost demand English for jobs, any other language being a "benefit" depending on the workplace.
Oh wait this is Sup Forums, forgive me for talking about jobs.
Also what if those people don't even have internet access? There are plenty of people in Africa that speak fuckknowswhat and I am very, very sure they have the best internet in the world, right, they are worth making effort into making content for them, of whatever nature.
How about you ingrates start caring more about what's going to benefit the majority of people that will use a platform, rather than solving issues of minorities that are never going to appreciate the work put for them anyway, if a country/language would have such a righteousness of self-importance maybe it should stop importing and using foreign software & hardware and just make it's own. China's a good example, Cuba, Korea too, they all have local programming languages. Wether they are used or not that's not my issue. Don't make something that's worthless and then complain someone else needs to make it better to suit your needs, when you could just stop living under a rock.
Here's a language you should use, suits your culture you ingrate fucks.

how many people that speak mandarin/jspanish use the internet in comparrisson to english people

You do realize this isn't about replacing english as "the unofficial global language"?? It's about accessibility.

Of course, you know zero about accessibility because you've never had any sort of career in tech and just spend all your time shitposting about muh SJW D:::

You have to be at least 18 years old to use Sup Forums.

it works fine faggot

This website hasn't make a single invalid point.

prove me wrong

>high energy memes
>mod camwhoring
This is the type of cancer that came during the last year en masse. Let that sink in.

Most of Sup Forums would agree with the statements because they're facts. However, Sup Forumsposters infecting every other board on this website tend to shitpost away facts as much as they can because they're triggered over whatever minority du jour.

They'll leave eventually, election is over for good till 2020.

Then why are you doing here.
>wah no arguments wah

And? We are supposed to give accessibility to people that are insignificant? By all means hire translators and whatever the fuck you need if you have money for it, by all means, anyone else developing don't give a shit. All content is by default accessible to anyone that knows English. If you are any other language, you'll be dealt with per-website or per-content/item/etc. basis, if it's decided that a lot of people actually visit/use your crap from a specific country. There's no point in doing accessibility for a tiny number, or for someone that simply doesn't use the crap that you shit out while doing anything. It's a waste of everything, considering you'd have much better things to do. A lot of content is already accessible in languages with large amount of activity, I seen plenty of things that are available in non-English languages, but mostly European ones, since those are the places that actually use that crap. It's rare to see crap like Mandarin because almost nobody there uses this fucking crap, and anyone that does might be doing it on their own communist closed network anyway, in which case who the fuck gives a shit.
Also you seem to have your own flair of spending time on Sup Forums so you're about as much of a shitstain of humanity desu, though something tells me you've never done tech crap yourself and your level of shitposting reaches the SJW D::: level of just complaining about worthless crap nobody that actually /pays/ people to do this shit would do since it'd simply not be profitable or beneficial in the least.

Just because you faggots blame Sup Forums for everything doesn't make you right. It's make you a scapegoating nigger. [spoiler]Like Hillary.[/spoiler]

ITT: Sup Forums getting triggered whenever they are not the center of attention

>All content is by default accessible to anyone that knows English

muh anime raws

If I am going to tell you I don't browse Sup Forums you wouldn't be lieve me. What answer is anyone that doesn't browse Sup Forums even supposed to give to that?

None? Just ignore it?

You see, this is why we need reddit type IDs so we can check your past posts and determine you're not a bigot.

And translation teams translate/localize it into English because there's demand.
You don't... well I think you don't always see anime translated into fucking Mandarin* by default, although most anime is translated in English.
*There are anime in Mandarin, don't get me wrong.
By all means, if there's demand in other languages there'll be translations as well, be it fan subs or not, ultimately, most of the time the people/fans are the one doing the translation, not the actual people that make the anime.

Everything should be translated to lojban.

> Message sponsored by Haskell, tiled WMs, and BSD

>*There are "anime" in Mandarin, don't get me wrong.


Sup Forums literally elected Trump. you need to go back Tyrone/Jesus or whatever the fuck your subhuman name is.

>do I fit in yet
back to plebbit

>you're from reddit
>no you're from reddit
Jesus christ you guys are pathetic.

>not speaking English

I also think people living in undeveloped countries have more important issues to deal with.

What other browser do you suggest? Edge?

op is obviously ms/jewgle poojeet on paycheck

>emerging economies
You mean nobody plans to write apps for African shitholes and ex-Soviet economic wastegrounds? You don't fucking say! Some countries are better than others and and the best ones can afford to focus their energy on phone apps instead of fighting for basic biological needs.

Uh, nothing in there says anything about it being "your fault". So you're either a shill or a retard.

Uh, unless you're a ``creator", it's not talking about you. Can you read?

>Either way the correct answer is not to blame English speakers for the problem.
They're not ``blaming English speakers", just stating facts.

>Say it with me.
>President Donald J. Trump.
So then you are a shill. Isn't there a place on the internet where content like this can be posted without killing useful threads? I seem to remember hearing about some kind of board that's dedicated to the kind of stuff you're posting, so it doesn't derail on-topic discussions elsewhere. It was referred to as a ``quarantine board" or something. Maybe you should look into it.

>I don't know who you are quoting

BSD has no drivers!

>Sup Forums literally elected Trump
>Sup Forums literally elected Trump
>Sup Forums literally elected Trump
You just went full wew lad. Never go full wew lad.

I'm sorry Pablos, but you have to go back.

Look, I can post funny memes, too :)

>I refuse to use software based on my Alt-Right™ TRS-Endorsed™ Political© Beliefs™

Tips™ Fedora©

Judge software based on its merit, not based on what the developer's of that software's political opinions are. How do you know Sup Forums staff aren't liberal-minded? maybe some of them might be on the right side of the political paradigm, but some of them are undoubtedly lefties. If you can't tolerate the fact that some people have political opinions that differ from yours, I highly suggest that you visit the following alternative board for those who are in critical need for a right-wing hugbox; boards.Sup Forums.org/pol/help.php

>Google Chromenet: Bloated
>Microsoft Edgelord: Botnet
>SJWzilla Firefox: Runs just fine on my 1 GB Linux box and respects my freedoms.

Sorry, looks like Firefox is still the only option if you want a non-meme browser. Besides, the values of the company are pretty much irrelevant to you as a user, ESPECIALLY if it's freedom-respecting software. They're not making you volunteer time or money to help starving children in Africa or whatever. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure you don't agree with the values of Google or Microsoft, but having non-free licenses means you as the user ARE likely to be exploited to support their agendas whether you want to or not.

You have to go back where you came from.

I'm white, quite possibly whiter than you. And my family is from Poland, isn't that one of the countries that all the cool kids say is ``based" now?

Funniest thing is, your version predates the Trump election. Sup Forums can't even come up with original memes :^)

>Some countries are better than others

Kys social darwinist.

What is that even supposed to mean. You are the one infesting this board with political opinions. And are not contributing anything of value. And posting pictures that you saved 3 months ago.

If you really want to play that card:
>Google Diversity; Need I say more?
Sorry bud. Looks like no web browser fits the needs of the modern Nazi.

>I'm supposed to give a shit about spicks and dirty chinks not being able to read English
O I'm laffin

14 year old edgelords are truly the most oppressed race. When will they be granted justice and equal rights?

That was my point. In the past I have seen multiple threads bashing Mozilla/Firefox for being SJWs and suggest to use Chrome instead. But Google (or other companies) are doing the same.

Since when did Polaks stop being considered niggers of Europe?

Ive never heard someone say shithead Polacks are "based"

lets all laugh at the lefties together

That's my point, you shouldn't obsess over the values of the developers, you should do what says. And of the three major browsers, Firefox at least is truly free software, while the others could be using your data to support an agenda you disagree with behind your back.

>admits language is a barrier
>wants to increase the barrier by catering to non-english speakers
>not wanting to abolish all languages but english and subsequently abolishing the language barriers

Sorry, but you have to go back.

Also, watch the helpful webm.

It's because they're less open to Muslim immigration than most other European countries.

Did they actually talk to this person, because from the picture they look pretty androgynous, maybe on the male side if anything. Or am I just really bad at gendering people?

Back where? And what exactly is ``helpful" about the webm?

Go back to where? This is one of my main boards I've been visiting for years. And let me tell you, it was a lot better before Sup Forums leaked all over Sup Forums.

You on the other hand seem to have come here just recently. That webm for instance, you saved it just a month ago.

you have to go back.

>how algorithms can perpetuate racial sterotypes
fucking math is racist now?

Oh boy, april 2016, we're getting better.

OP here, unfortunately no.

Maybe I should just go back to a good old version of firefox like 10 or 15 or something.

Usage of math can be. ``Algorithms" in non-trivial software aren't pure math, how they work with real-world data is subject to human biases.


>So then you are a shill.

>a person who posts the president's name because it triggers leftists to the point of 'actually shaking' is a shill

It's quite clear you aren't a native English speaker.

Maths is maths. But a lot of people don't know how to properly interpret algorithms.

>it's time to dump leftyfox
>Maybe I should just go back to a good old version of firefox like 10 or 15 or something
because using a older, less secure, less standard-compliant browser somehow magically rids you of all the evil that lefties have included in the newest firefox versions that is clearly limiting your political stance?

>how we do int = 1 can be racially profiling

this is fucking stupid

>Language is also barrier

I wonder if they're including themselves in the portion of the world that doesn't speak English.

Going to reddit is still not okay, even if you support trump.

>but some of them are undoubtedly lefties.
There was a fem-mod at one time who declared there would be a cleansing on Sup Forums. It's been a few years now.

They don't like it when a rice as is giving to a nip. These people are stupid.

>non-trivial software

What does ``triggering leftists" have to do with technology? And yes, I am a native English speaker, but I've only been using Sup Forums for about 2 years, so pardon me for not being perfect with the local dialect.

Uh, nobody's saying that though. Racial profiling comes in with the large-scale "big picture" planning of the software. If that is impossible for you to comprehend, then you're either autistic or have never written anything more complicated than a fizzbuzz.

He should go straight for phoenix. Just when his mommy changed his diapers.

>a rice as is giving to a nip
Have you really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>fucking math is racist now?
Has been for a long time.

>retarded language with millions of symbols instead of using a simple alphabet
>m-muh it's unfair our shit ltier language is hard to type or not widely used in computers

>because using a older, less secure, less standard-compliant browser somehow magically rids you of all the evil that lefties have included in the newest firefox versions that is clearly limiting your political stance?

Well these people clearly have a mental illness and it could be transmitted via code... anything is possible really.