Fuck with the zuck, get cucked

fuck with the zuck, get cucked

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Jews gonna jew

get fuck with the zuck cuck


If it were their land they wouldn't be getting sued.

Bad goys get what they deserve!


Haven't you heard? That's fake news goyim :^)

pretty much desu
as much as the zuck is pretty much despicable, you can't really side with the cuckaiians here

Better take those refugees in though :^)


Hawaii is like all samoan and japanese mix'd girls that put on grass skirts for tourists, there isn't any rich tribal heritage to save.

Lol. If Zuckerberg wanted to he could go to your house, kidnap your kids and fuck your wife right in front of you, and then later sue you for breach of contract. And you would have spent your life savings on lawyers before the case saw a day in court.

what a great, well thought out post

This desu senpai. If they're not within their right legally then fuck them.

Why don't they hire some hitman to kill him off?

>land they've owned for generations
>inb4 "Natives" and their grandpa from Kansas

Based cuckerberg gonna ship em back to Africa

I fought the law and the law won.

>need to make FB profile for work related purposes
>deleted my old FB fucking years ago
>new FB is REALNAME and company initials for my last name
>completely different email address
>FB somehow recommending me most of the people i was friends with before

You can sue anyone for literally anything in the U.S.

>The Facebook chief is using a legal maneuver called "quiet title and partition," which forces owners of undeveloped land to sell the property in a public highest-bidder auction. To identify owners of the dozen or so parcels that cross his private property, Zuckerberg commissioned genealogical research that determined the descendants of Kuleana tenant farmers that were granted parts of the land between 1850 and 1855. Based on Hawaiian law, descendants of those farmers — or descendants of any Hawaiian resident that later purchased land from those farmers — remain the rightful owner, regardless of the existence of a property deed or will.

If the Hawaiin owners contest his suit, it could cost them up to $200,000 in legal fees.

Hitler was right about the Jews.

If they lose the lawsuit then they were legally in the wrong.

Or had shitty lawyers.

>win suit
>go bankrupt from years of legal fees
>have to sell land
>Zuckerberg is the only available buyer because he's threatened other potential buyers with lawsuits

It's a classic Jew move. The only viable counter is an oven.

>>win suit
>>go bankrupt from years of legal fees


>sell land
>hire killer
>end the jew

That is such bullshit. If you successfully defend yourself against the lawsuit you basically end up where you were but with a shitload of debt to lawyers? Couldn't you counter sue for mental distress or would you have to do that in a separate case?

Has Sup Forums become pol?

he could do all that, but somewhere in the midst there would the be plot addition of me blowing his head off with a combat shotgun

lol more like
>faggot breaks in
>gets filled with lead


Or you sweep and blow off his legs with a shotgun because you're fucked and going to be homeless because some retarded Jew is taking your land and has so much money he can't lose.

Might as well go out with a bang and make a statement, make him crawl for awhile. The world is ending anyways.

fuck off kike

What a savage.

He's more savage than the vir/g/ins on here that make fun of him. That's badass as fuck. Kicked them out like the pussies they are.

I bet they later went on FACEBOOK to rant about it. Ahhhhhhhhhh HA!

No offence I think he's in the right Kappa but if it were me and my land I'd fite and if I was forced to sell I'd pour radium all over my share and be like fyk dis modafokin inbred island RIP eyy lmaooo

There literally isn't a single person in this thread that actually read the article.


Speak english you downy.
Sup Forums is garbage, I don't know what you expected.

A true American hero, you guys know how Hawaii became American property right?

this is why guns should be illegal. only the police should have them desu

Sup Forums is just Sup Forums discussing politics

>A contested case could potentially cost land owners more than $200,000, though Shultz says Zuckerberg has no intention of contesting any co-owner who can prove his or her interest in any of the land parcels.

He's literally saying he only wants to sue opportunistic faggots who see it as a chance to get some land, and not people who honestly own part of the land that he bought.

>kicked out through litigation
>oy vey
kys circle puppet

I don't think anyone has read the article.
If it is to be believed he is merely making sure that anyone who has a possible claim to the land gets there share of the sale of said land, which he would legally want to do. No one is loosing land and some are actually getting money for land they didn't know they owned. There might be a few legal dick moves going on but nothing too terribly egregious. I mean if you believe what he and his council says; that is up to you.

Now what everyone in this thread should be upset about is that the mother fucking founder of Facebook wants to buy land for more privacy, how rich is that?

>believing spun stories

you must be a hillary supporter

The loser pays all fees retard.

IP, your IP or browsing history if you're some fucking noob who doesn't clear browsing history or resets router once in awhile.

If your ISP gives static IP then go fuck the ISP for a change of IP.

dam son, be careful, might cut yourself with all that edge

You've never been in court.
The loser doesn't pay shit unless you can prove he or she was lying.

>it's edgy to defend your property
>in a Jews being Jews episode
I seriously hope we swear in a fascist tomorrow

>you must login first to view this page

Jews was a mistake


>nobody read the article

Anyway, if I had one of those microplots I'd install a 20 foot glowing sign saying FUCK FACEBOOK.

>get cucked

too late. He already did.

Were not contained in here with you. You're contained in here with us.

>stop us if you've heard this before
is this common?

Facebook has so much data the can figure out exactly who you are. Even people who have never been on Facebook get "ghost profiles" so Facebook can collect data on them.

Well Zuck can get fucked.

Sup Forums has always hated kikes.

If you are even the least bit familiar with technology, you have to hate Jews as a rule. And Indians of course.

only the reich will rid the world of kikes

>even bush men know kikes are vermin
Really fires the synapses.

Someone sold him 700 acres of land. They didn't tell him that natives had ancestral claim to 8 of those acres. He's having to pay more money to buy back the 8 acres he already owns.

No. Just report them.

Not sure I mind? What is he sueing them for?
