Are standing desks a meme?

Are standing desks a meme?

My feet hurt realy bad

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Obese faggot

kneel like the japanese or sit in lotus

>not using a squatting desk

>he actually fell for it

Uhh, yeah, you fucking idiot. Of course standing and sitting is bad for you.

Real health-conscious, creative professionals use treadmill desks

Still waiting for a pool desk, persoanlly.

It's a meme sold to upper-middle class yuppies who never had to work an assembly line standing all day.

yeah try coding on a treadmill. only meme jobs like this young lady has at buzzfeed can get away with this

They are, yes. Sitting and standing are both bad for you, but cause slightly different issues. You have to move, shit a fucking treadmill desk would be less of a meme than standing desks.

If you're actually worried about the negative health effects of sitting all day its much better for you to just go for a walk every so often.

So yes, standing desks are a meme

alternate, if you have a desk that can convert from stand to sit

i have my laptop on top of my dresser next to my sit desk until i can afford a decent sit/stand desk. seems to be a pretty good investment.

it doesnt fucking matter what you do

if you have good genetics you can get away with almost anything

of course the opposite is true if you have shit genetics

Why the hell does she have an action camera mounted to her desk?

>my feet hurt
>I could be sitting down right now
>I wonder what's for tea?
>I wish I could go home
>This office is cold
>I bet those faggots all have bad posture

Far from a meme, familia, treadmill desks are the future. I wish prices would drop to < US $500

Stop posting this shit.


comfy chair > standing

Just get up once every one or two hours, walk around a bit, do some streches for a few minutes and then it's right back to shitposting

take a chill pill idiot, we're discussing our health

I'd love to see the work this cunt does while constantly moving. You can't even think like that.

>>I wonder what's for tea?

Nigga what?

>his brain only has one core

Perfect for when you're coding in JavaScript

people can't multitask. it's true. look it up.

i think typing would be annoying, but really whenever i'm on the treadmill running my mind seems very sharp and imaginative.

it might really help with working, depending on if your career involves creativity.
but then again you could just go for a walk / run to get the blood flowing and then back to work without the mememill

>whenever i'm on the treadmill running my mind seems very sharp and imaginative
it might seem but it's not true. if it were, we would have evolved differently. running causes more blood to rush into your brain but the areas activated are motor areas. not the forebrain.

>listen to music
>drink tea
>read your shitpost
All while using my treadmill desk. Literally the definition of multitasking.

Because women crave attention 24/7. She probably livestreams herself working or some other retarded shit.


nobody respond to this maniac

for fucks sake can medical science please just come to a consensus on what is and is not bad for me?

Id cunt punch that loud ass motherfucker so fucking hard


it's possible that my mind feels different while on the treadmill because im not distracted by computer screens and the TV.
it's in a pretty empty room....hmm....


whether you stand, sit, or or float in a fucking wind tunnel, staying still for extended periods of time is not good for humans.

pro-tip: it's not "science"

put one foot up on a small platform, swap every few minutes

keep a higher chair nearby that is heavy, so you can lean against it, and occasionally unload your feet

every half hour, physically lay down on your back to unload your weight from your spine -- this is true for any position

once every two hours, at least, walk 5 minutes, including on stairs

laugh all you want, but this, mechanically, has effect

walking is primarily managed by spinal cord sequential processing

if the terrain is constant, the brain doesn't have to monitor the activity that frequently, since it operates in near automation

actually, it is science, but there are human factors that prevent one method from being effective or good for everyone

e.g. a person with balance issues, versus a person with a spinal fusion surgery, versus a blind person, versus an older person with slow reflexes, etc

This. Now the white collar middle class is being made to stand in stalls like cattle to 'increase collaboration' and 'creative synergies'. The real reason is that you can cut the floor space they occupy by a third at least if everyone stands. Next move is to do away with heating and cooling because it'll improve health by toughening up te employees. Which is great because then the company can do away with health insurance!

Standing desk a meme. Look at all the other jobs where people stand the majority of the time - store clerk, Wal-Mart greeter... you see the pattern here...

actually it may be more to reduce health care costs from back problems that develop from sitting too long

as for the other professions, walmart greeters are allowed to sit, and store clerks should get more education and advance to context that is less menial

Rememmber that standing causes your heart to work at a higher rate

You are essentially reducing your life span just for your fucking office job

Don't feed into this industry made lie.

> Sit your ass down

>listen to music
>drink tea
>read your shitpost
baby tier multitasking

Um, no. It works at a slightly higher rate, which is normal. It's not marathon running. The risks of sedentary lifestyle on cardiovascular health are much higher than "just standing" a few hours a day, so long as you aren't forced to stand for hours on end.

Standing desks are a meme. Use a treadmill desk like I do. I tied a plank to a regular treadmill and it's better than sitting on your ass all day.

Stand up desks aren't a meme unless you fuck it up by standing the whole day. Switch between standing and sitting. The whole point is to change your posture throughout the day so muscles groups and joints don't become weakened by decades of maintaining 1 posture (sitting.)

If your job allows it, add a treadmill to the mix so you're adding even more postures to your day.

Standing fucks up your back and legs. It's far less healthy than sitting all day.

Asian squat master race here.

>standing desk
>not standing for hours and hours on end

>he thinks standing still is better than sitting

I used to have a folding camping chair when I worked at a garage that I set up next to my toolbox when I had nothing to do

My manager would snag it to sit down when he wasn't busy because they had those stupid standing desks out by the counter

ITT: manlets.

When you're well above the average height, you'll need a fucking standing desk.

Even at normal height, I suppose sitting in a chair 9 hours a day wrecks your spine.


>expecting to get performance wins
>not programming below parallel

this. kneeling is the best. i remember some otaku on bst posting his setup with a short table (kotatsu ?) and it looked comfy.

I'm 6'4.

>he doesn't have an underwater workstation
Lol. Enjoy your deteriorated joints, Hicks.

Can you show your feet to us ?
Maybe im doctor.

>sitting down all day is bad 4u
>maybe we should stand up

>turns out standing up is bad 4u
>maybe we should add treadmills

>turns out constantly running a treadmill is bad 4 the environment
>maybe we should just sit back down


Fuck off lib

In a more recent video he's back to sitting at his desk because he couldn't get shit done


obviously that user can't think straight while on a treadmill

because his body was so weak from having become accustomed to sitting all day

WOW i know theres "broscience" but what the hell is this? "memescience"?

Kneeling fucks up the legs. Older Asian people need to sit on a kneeling stool.

get better shoes

I'm European, we don't wear """sneakers""" indoors like you classless savages.

*claps internally*

i told you get better shoes not sneakers you dumbass

>if you have good genetics you can get away with almost anything

Yeah but eventually age comes for everyone.
As you hit middle age you start really paying for your sitting/standing/running/ect... too much.
Variety in our activities the key.

>wearing shoes at home
I don't get it

What disgusting place do you live that home shoes aren't a thing?

I thought savages were confined to places without internet

>Wears shoes at home
>Calls other people savages

>doesnt know about home shoes

i pity your savage culture

>shoes at home
fucking Americans

>home shoes

what disgusting place do you live in that you need to wear shoes?

Standing Desks: Work in an office, feel like you're a retail sales associate

Best posture

I'm American and I don't know anyone who wears their shoes in the house. This person is barbaric.

hey now let's have none of that language

Normal people wear slippers you dumb amerifat

how do i do that z shape? or is that a N, or V?

Well I am
>fat (not obese but still not fit)
>flat footed with multiple surgeries to correct birth defects

I love standing desks, I love standing and working it makes me feel productive and powerful and my feet only hurt minimally.

You are either literally 100 pounds overweight or a pussy faggot. You might honestly be both because I used to be 50 pounds overweight and didn't even notice the difference compared to now being like 30 pounds overweightd

adding to this I even use get my netbook and hold it in my arm and pace while I work.

Helps me work on my office bullshit and on my programming homework (23 in my second bachelors) it helps me think

>Browsing facebook

Working hard, or hardly working?

>Are standing desks a meme?
Obviously position changing workdesks are the best, as they help the blood flow and don't destroy your knees.

Do you know how to sit in sqatting position?

Now do that ON chair and loosen up a bit.

>Are standing desks a meme?
They are memes 2 the extreem.

This is a software engineer hard at work.

why is it that people using standing desks are always chubby faggots with man tits? exercise first, then plant yourself in your chair.

Can you sue your work if you fall down and injure yourself?

No joking Linus Torvals works on a treadmill, and thats the reason he is always so agresive when responding to dev hypsters that cant code without valgrid and meme OSx


It's definitely possible to ponder on stuff while walking on a treadmill, but switching from just walking and thinking to multitasking isn't going to work if your work requires any real attentiveness.

Also I doubt these treadmill people even add much quality years to their life. Maybe a couple, but that extra time probably matches the time they spent on being a spaz on a treadmill so it's zero-sum.

A millisecondly reminder you'll be dead anyway. Just walk after or before work and you'll get the exercise you need to stay healthy. Preferably walking from place to place rather than being a spaz on a treadmill, but whatever floats your boat.

my setup. I have my desk standing about 1 m from the wall so I can have my legs straight, it's addicting

It's easy. You're just retarded.

>squatting desk
>what is this shit
>searx for it
>pic related
>sides are on their way to Alpha Centauri
what the fuck user

Because she has to GoPro®

with that sort of desk real estate invest in an aperture-grille crt, it doubles up as a space heater in winter