actually ill make it easier: name 3 things wrong with this highly, highly functional DE
Name 5 things wrong with this OS
1. non
2. free
3. botnet
Needing to disable Safari hardware acceleration to avoid page glitches crashing the entire OS
Even more locked down than windows. And macfags don't know how to use their own OS.
I can really only think of one. It's actually a very useful operating system, with a lot less problems and inconveniences than Windows.
The only problem I can think of is that the desktop isn't really my style, and it's difficult to get other desktop environments installed.
It is not the OS. Its the user.
You're shit.
You actually have A LOT more control over your computer with OS X than you do with Windows, if you know how to use the terminal. It is a proper and fully-functional UNIX system.
is this the new macOS desktop thread
#1 no real dark theme for finder
# 2 outdated OpenGL drivers
# 3 not really macOS but holy shit, the store is so fucking jew, faggots try to make money out of simplistic shit, it's disgusting
#4 it'd be better if it was slimmer
#5 updates take pretty long
That's some kawaii as fuck terminal.
It's not a botnet Winfag.
>cares about botnets
- terrible hardware support
- terrible build quality (yes)
- terrible performance compared to modern linux distro
I just need one.
1.- Is not Windows 10.
>no right click
>to unmount a drive you drag it to the trash can
>bad mouse acceleration
>to get to menus in programs you gotta move mouse all the way there, click, then go to the top
>I don't have a Mac, so I have to Fox & Grapes it
on windows 10 no lie reading your comment and computer restarted itself to do do updates
This has been introduced in last OS X update and was addressed by yesterday's update
How did you get rid of top window border?
1. cant maximize window without pressing a keyboard button
2. only runs properly on a very limited set of hardware
3. cant uninstall apps easily, they still leave traces after you delete them from the apps directory
4. file manager is slow and clunky
5. still can't copy and paste files in 2017 :^)
Isn't the thread about NEGATIVES?
>no right click
Simply wrong.
>to unmount a drive you drag it to the trash can
Who the fuck unmounts drives? Besides, it's faster than alternatives.
>bad mouse acceleration
Haven't noticed anything special.
Maybe clunky although it's pretty subjective but how is it slow?
Nice meme, but Windows alert you about the updates and let's you postpone it.
>Isn't the thread about NEGATIVES?
Windows 10 > 0SX, by far.
I know this is a bait thread but i'll bite anyway.
homOS X is a homosexual operating system that seeks to spread acceptance of sub human degeneracy (homosexuality).
*Citation needed*
At least OSX doesn't force you to update unlike winblows.
The X is actually for 10
So they're both version 10 and are equal.
Linux is still at version 4 and it's only kind of worse than the 2 at version 10. Imagine how awesome it will be when it finally matures
What sort of bath salts are you on? Sounds pretty primo.
Linux users are
we wuz lecters n shieeet
Not at all, most of them prefer younger girls and few of them lived in country where you can marry multiple 13 year-old girls.
I know very docile and very dumb linux users too.
The only true thing about them is they are complicated.
#1 They will add this in 10.13. theres some OSX apps that have a dark mode
#2 they use metal now, its like vulkan
#3 luckily you can easily avoid the app store
#4 wot
#5 wot
1. wot
2. hackintosh if your poor
3. appcleaner
4. wot
5. wot
It's called macOS now.
I like to have my OS up to date, so I have no problems with that.
You have a lot less freedom over your system on windows than you do with Unix. Do you even know anything about Unix, other than "lol Linux sucks b cause you can't play video games!"
#1 sweet, although is there something not SO dark? Dark grey basically?
#2 sure but it's not too helpful for all the older software that doesn't use it
#3 true
#4 they made it smaller with 10.12 but it still takes fuckloads of space compared to most Loonix distros, which is not a huge problem but could be done better
#5 updating takes longer than fresh install for me, easy over 10-15 minutes with a NVMe SSD sounds like way too fucking long
A big difference is that you go back to where you was after macOS update with all the shit you had opened, with Windows you have to arrange it all back.
Also choice generally, and the amount of Windows updates that did more harm than good is still too high.
It'd called Macosx, you pretentious whore
How do you get the rainbow apple logo in the top left for O SX?
macOS (pronounced /ˌmækoʊɛs/;[5] previously Mac OS X, then simply OS X)
No you fucking idiot. 10.11.x is still called OS X. Only 10.12.x is macOS.
What a dumb piece of shit going around correcting people without realising his an idiot himself.
sure thing, slick.
Hi, Sysadmin, web developer, network admin, database admin, systems architect, IT-desktop support tier 2, and programmer here.
1. no GPO
2. Will not support newest applications: Windows 7 will still run majority of all applications developed. The same OSX of that time, snow leopard, cannot run most modern apps.
3. Hardware identification via database-styled queries:
4. Inexpensive hardware re-utilization and replacement: I can tear apart majority of windows desktops, or get them on ebay for $20-100 for an entire system which supplements parts supply, and reutilize almost all the good components after testing them because they are so cutlerly (DDR3 modules and their support for example). Good luck finding any OS-X/Apple hardware that will do this for $>60 a piece that is relevant.
5. Licensing: I believe the licensing is tied to a single identity(email) per machine; no? This is less Apple at fault and more myself- lack of experience
6. see #5, guides on how to fix problems are few and in between. The community is much smaller so there is less general support when addressing tech issues. Apple support mostly says 'GTFO we dont do that here dirty newcomer pleb' on their forums in 1/4 threads I find.
7. Application support: Microsoft bends over backwards for new ideas and developers, has been the biggest contrib. to Github in 2016, and allows for the most innovation. Think Linux in Windows in 2016, for example. Apple would say Applel and say "good luck doing that".
Now Apple is great for providing a simple stupid OS for end users and also: think that OSX is UNIX based, meaning OS-Architecture shares similar construction to Linux (for gods sake bash is even present)- so it functions well over long periods of time because it does not suffer from constant reconfiguration. I think of Apple/Mac as a stable version of Linux, with vendor support, at a high cost for 8 guaranteed years of support, with a mandatory 'drop-dead' computer date.
>it endorses faggatory
>it endorses homosexuality
>it endorses sjw's
>it endorses speech censorship
Its a regressive os.
>his an idiot
>A big difference is that you go back to where you was after macOS update with all the shit you had opened, with Windows you have to arrange it all back.
Nice to have, but not a killer feature.
>Also choice generally, and the amount of Windows updates that did more harm than good is still too high.
Not in my experience, every update makes it better and smoother.
#1 it might be like iMovie dark mode if its not super dark
#2 true
#4 I have no idea how big linux distros are but my system takes 22GB
#5 i mean, if you go to wikipedia and check the frequency of updates: 10.12 was in Sept 20, 10.12.1 was in Oct 24, and 10.12.2 was in Dec 13. when OSX updates, it 'seriously' updates. its not like your bullshit windows updates that happen every other day
Literarily nothing but #3 relates to actual operating system and if you think ability to query hardware like that is a disadvantage then you must be an ass not a dev.
>Not in my experience, every update makes it better and smoother.
Which is kind of the point. It can work perfectly fine for some and not so fine for others, and the people who don't want to take the risk and choose to update later ... don't have much of a choice beyond annoying postponing loop or using a different version like Enterprise, which is not available for most private users beyond piracy.
>but not a killer feature
Obviously not but still weird that others don't have it, would be a great combination with the constant Windows updates and make them a lot less noticeable.
>I only use window because I love gaming, but I think MacOs is terrible
>It can work perfectly fine for some and not so fine for others
I don't know about that, but I have 3 laptops with Windows 10, and I owned 1 more also with Windows 10, never had a problem.
>Obviously not but still weird that others don't have it, would be a great combination with the constant Windows updates and make them a lot less noticeable.
Must be some of those feaures you don't apreciate until yo experience them.
>so shit even apple doesn't use it
>Nice to have, but not a killer feature.
How is it not? Being able to resume your workflow instantaneously every time is key to productivity.
It doesn't matter only if all you use it for is entertainment like facebook, watching youtube videos or playing gaymes.
1. Fewer programs that are natively supported
2. Doesn't appeal to me
3. Nonfree
Mind you: the bit about it being nonfree can be excused if it has lots of programs to use but I find regularly that Windows simply has more programs availble to it. Don't get me wrong: I'm sure OSX is great for some people but it doesn't appeal to me.
Backing up my post:
#1 -> more research actually made me think of Active Directory not being present in OS-X. When searching for an equivalent, I found OS-X server- "Just like that, your Mac is a server! You wont need IT!" I dont think upper management anywhere wants to change gears into turning off 'x'-employees profiles while maintaining that data, or receive alerts when that employee logs in after being fired and accesses files.
They had GPO eqivalent, up to 10.9, it was called MCX and it was removed in replace of the menagerie aforementioned
#2 Evernote is a good example of this.
#3 This is called IORegistry in OS-X and does exist: however it would be better if I could call the name of the program itself and pass parameters to it, like you can in Windows with most of Windows with printui /b for example
#5: ->Samsung DDR3 8GB for 10600R (fairly standard) is $18 on amazon. Closest I find on amazon is $30 for Samsung compatible RAM, here and there.
Woah there, don't cut me with those edges of yours.
This has everything to do with the OS. I Windows has released updates and business continuity plans for their operating system. #3, You should always scan your machines and get serial numbers off hardware; I think you are misinterpreting my post, as I didn't finish my thought there. It is important to note that if I cannot migrate my data from existing platform over, I cannot in a quick manner migrate my end users over.
I also want to mention that Windows is cheaper to the end commercial user. Meaning that it is less-likely I have to teach, guide, or assist a user in using the actual operating system because they may already be used to using it at home because it is so available.
This has definitely happened to me.
I don't see it like a big deal, you can always open the the programs again.
>I don't know about that
There are tons of posts, the last I remember was something about not starting because of anti virus software.
Got 2 laptops and 2 desktop with W10 and never had anything drastic either but it happens for others.
>Must be some of those feaures you don't apreciate until yo experience them.
That's pretty much all modern improvements, even something like HiRes screens and SSDs.
A killer feature would be something bigger I'd say, while I really, REALLY like it, if it would suddenly disappear I wouldn't consider switching to another OS for example.
Biggest macOS/Apple killer feature are probably the trackpads, it changes the experience completely and one of the biggest reasons why I don't even consider other laptops anymore.
>he wants Tyrone to steal his laptop without being able to locate it
>1. no GPO
You're dinging a non-Microsoft OS for not supporting a proprietary Microsoft technology?
2. Will not support newest applications: Windows 7 will still run majority of all applications developed. The same OSX of that time, snow leopard, cannot run most modern apps.
Unless you keep around some decade-old Mac from the early Intel days, why the hell would you stay on an old, unmaintained, unsupported OS version? El Capitan runs on all Macs released in that same period (2009).
>3. Hardware identification via database-styled queries:
>4. Inexpensive hardware re-utilization and replacement
Cheap, bulky, disposable desktops are not and have never been Apple's market. In any case, you can easily buy inexpensive third-party DIMMs to upgrade the RAM on desktop macs.
Also in my experience, the crummy parts (particularly hard drives and power supplies) that OEMs use in their "business-class" PCs fail fairly frequently, whereas hardware failure on iMacs is practically unheard of. Windows laptops are a thousand times worse with unresponsive trackpads, touchscreens, and even keyboards.
>5. Licensing: I believe the licensing is tied to a single identity(email) per machine; no?
What the fuck? No.
>6. see #5, guides on how to fix problems are few and in between
Learn to Google. There are also plenty of support communities outside of
>7. Application support... Github... innovation
Apple doesn't use its products as a public alpha test for brand-new concepts still in their infancy and hope that some of them will lead to a thriving, profitable new market. They do all that internally and only make an announcement when they're absolutely certain that they have a blockbuster on their hands.
>t. mactoddler
>Apple doesn't use its products as a public alpha test for brand-new concepts still in their infancy and hope that some of them will lead to a thriving, profitable new market. They do all that internally and only make an announcement when they're absolutely certain that they have a blockbuster on their hands.
>There are tons of posts
If is bad for others it is bad for me, right?
>That's pretty much all modern improvements, even something like HiRes screens and SSDs
Nice feature, but is not enought to convince me OSX is superior, Windows 10 is better.
But user, only one out of five computers I have runs macOS.
It EASY outsold every other premium laptop in like five hours after the announcement.
1. Finder is shit.
2. Mediocre aesthetics (the dock is always ugly and the white/gray palette they always use is really ugly. Yosemite looks fantastic, though).
3. Walled garden to an obnoxious extent (you can't even boot an OS from a USB without ridiculous workarounds).
And just to cover even more,
4. Incompatible with a lot of great Windows/Linux programs (Notepad++, Foobar2000, etc.).
5. Proprietary.
t. Person who uses a Macbook for work every day because that's the work computer we use.
why don't you show the full picture?
1. I have no idea what GPO is but it seems to be a proprietary piece of software on winPCs. it'd be like me complaining windows doesn't have a terminal...
2. this is because the adoption rate of OSX is that much higher.
3. wot
4. buying bmw parts is more expensive than Honda parts, what a surprise
5. ok
6. smaller community has smaller support, what a surprise. in terms of everyday consumer support, they are way ahead
7. again, same thing. smaller community, smaller contributions.
most of your points have nothing to do with the DE itself.
>t. mactoddler
>you can't even boot an OS from a USB without ridiculous workarounds
Uh, no. As long as you're booting a modern OS that supports EFI, you shouldn't have a problem.
You can burn the eFuse and permanently disable that functionality in most laptops. Now try to do it on your fruity botnetbook.
I don't see Canonical or the Linux Foundation. So I'm fine.
My 5 year old, Windows 8.1 laptop does this with updates and shutdowns. I would do some googling to see if you can resonate the same behavior in Windows, properly.
I can agree with the Windows updates breaking software, for sure.
I can set up updates automatically as a scheduled task, update 100-300 machines and run very hands off management for a decade.
Oh, you want me to redeploy _another_ OS just so Evernote will work, instead of working on a big project? Get real. Time is a financial investment, not a moving minute hand on a clock.
>Adoption rate of OSX is that much higher
So what you are telling me, is because John in accounting at home has bought an Apple computer, I should upgrade our entire Apple domain, buy all new computers, or upgrade the existing OS? Are you kidding me? lol.
3. See new post, where I defend and give examples to my claims. I didn't finish my thought here, I apologize.
4. Lol, your reply is literally a dismissal of smart financial choices.
5. Apple user, coming at me with the sharp edges again
6. Yeah, I frequent them for other apple products, too. Sheer Windows-user-population outweighs OSX population; there are more posts for problems, in more languages, increasing the chances of picking up slight details missed in a post that may contain 90% of the answers to fixing a problem.
#7 I respect the high volume of testing that is performed on Apple's products, as well as their swift movement in patching products ASAP when responsibly disclosed.
>in most laptops
>can't snap windows without third party apps
>can't ctrl+arrow navigate one word at a time
>garbage file manager
For the OS itself
>homebrew is garbage and otherwise installing certain programs is a complete mess
>HFS, though it's finally being replaced
>as soon as you start working with non appstore programs, it quickly becomes really unstable
1. m
2. a
3. c
4. o
5. s
You're welcome.
>as soon as you start working with non appstore programs, it quickly becomes really unstable
>freetard shit being badly made is somewhat the fault of the operation system
2.7k is almost a decent deal for it. Why the fuck couldn't a single other manufacturer come up with a cool desktop case.
Badly written software shouldn't crash a good operating system.
Also, it's by far not only freetard shit.
>throttling housefire piece of shit
>decent deal
You think this shit is functional ? Try merging two folders.
And this is just an example of the insane bullshit that is trying to perform simple tasks on osx.
Why would you want a mac for unix instead of any linux distribution with a correct desktop environment though ?
>2.7k is almost a decent deal for it. Why the fuck couldn't a single other manufacturer come up with a cool desktop case.
(link is you) Yeah! Manufacturer, maann, mannnn
Thanks for the laughs, guy. I'm going to go play some games....because I can actually do that on my computer....without buying a new computer for one game -> (ref #2)
video @ 2:34 as Sup Forums doesn't support clipping that to spec.
As funny as the vid was, I hoped more for a link to a better looking case in attempt to prove me wrong.
Enjoy your vidya I guess.
1. again, your complaining about a proprietary piece of software. the fact that there are 3rd party solutions, like you say, pretty much makes this point null
2. I have no idea what you're talking about. Macs have a much higher update adoption rate. if John is the 1% of users who hasn't updated, well thats on him
3. I have no idea what the fuck this point even means so not gonna bother addressing it
4. Macs are more rare and they are more expensive to buy when new. thus, their parts are more expensive to buy. your argument here is basically 'Macs are expensive' which has nothing to do with this thread
5. you admitted fault, having lack of experience so I didn't find a need to address this. anyway, someone else has already.
6 and 7. your dinging them because they have a smaller community. thats not argument. on a personal anecdotal level, there were 2 times were I had fairly obscure problems. I managed to google and found the answers with in depth terminal guides.
>can no longer pin dock to corner
>can't use stock settings to hide Spotlight and Notification Center buttons
>doesn't officially run on any modern workstation hardware
>I have no clue what I'm talking about
Eat a dick.
>>can no longer pin dock to corner
false, running latest version of sierra, and it does have this option right away. (right click on dock)
>>can't use stock settings to hide Spotlight and Notification Center buttons
Honestly, who fucking cares about two tiny icons? Just hide the whole thing and you're fine.
>>doesn't officially run on any modern workstation hardware
What does this even mean? It runs on x86 hardware, no graphics issues with AMD, Intel or NVIDIA, even on hackintosh.
>El Capitan forum
>Feb 20, 2016
>Last edited: Nov 30, 2016
>t. mactoddler
My .EXEs won't run on it
Christ OSX is a fucking joke.
what isn't wrong with it
It's called macOS now.