Do you think that card manufacturers ever make upgradable GPUs, and RAM on graphics cards?

Do you think that card manufacturers ever make upgradable GPUs, and RAM on graphics cards?

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no AMD, being able to upgrade your cards won't give you an edge over the 1080

>go back in time

Man, that would just make getting the right build even MORE of a pain in the ass if we were to throw upgradeable GPUs into the mix....

No unless it gets to the point our shit is the size of a pin head and u plug like 32 pinhead sized things into some Linda weird next level slot

Yes, OP, because when I am shopping for a new computer, I always wanted to shop for a GPU chipboard separately. When it does not have a chip in it, I can always make pancakes.

It's called MXM.

>upgradable GPUs

Wouldnt they change sockets all the time like intel? For what purpose then

Eventually it might make sense for there to be no difference between system RAM and GPU RAM. I don't see much point in having both upgradable GPUs and RAM on the same card though.

Thanks for contributing, Jamal.

No because at that point we will be able to plug our brains in which are much better are performing graphical computations than dedicated gpu's could ever be


No, but I sure wish they'd put the heat sinks on the other side of the fucking cards so as not to cover up a slot.

Yes. You'd buy a fancy PCI-E board with the socket (or the GPU sockewt would be directly on the Motherboard.)

The socket would be relevant for 2-5 years, and you just buy the chip+more VRAM whenever.

It just gives the consumer more choice.

However, GPU's have gotten to the point that they rely heavily on the configuration of their VRAM, and VRM's. Either the Chip would have its VRAM on-die, like the Fury/X with its HBM. And then you would purchase your Mobo/PCI-E card on the premise of 'better GPU VRM's' and video output types.

It gives a little more choice, at the cost of more complexity, and... more cost to the consumer.

Graphics cards are fine the way they are for now. I doubt they'll change even now for another 20 years. They'll change no sooner that graphics become completely synonymous with your processor. AMD is right with its APU's. But its 20 years before its time.

And then speculating even further. Distributed computing to thin clients may become the norm by then too.

Your card consumes slots.

Going up would interfere with the motherboards configuration. Thats not how ATX works. Buy a bigger motherboard.

MXM is just a PCI-E port for laptops, you still install graphics cards into them without any upgrade possibilities for the card.

Wrong board, Pajeet

If it even was possible to make GDDR5 upgradable, it'll be impossible with HBM.

GPUs used to have expandability. I remember my brother adding vram, and some chip to his sound card? too. back in the 486 era

Fuck that. GPU's are already their own little PC insirde your PC, with cases and ram and fans and everything. Most even require a dedicated power source. You might as well have two computers. One with CPU and one with GPU. It's really retarded how unnecessarily complex all this bullcrap is already. Soon you're going to see Graphics Cards with SSD's in them.

Radeon SSG or something has that already