>junior developers used to be fresh CS graduates programming since 12
>now it's mostly 2-month bootcamp survivors
When it will all come crashing down, Sup Forums?
Junior developers used to be fresh CS graduates programming since 12
Other urls found in this thread:
>are you a male programmer?
>are you also cisgendered? (i.e. not a transexual)
>do you work on free/open source software? bad news
>software engineer without being an engineer
why do americans do this
>When will it all come crashing down, Sup Forums?
>implying it hasn't already
No legitimate company takes these people seriously.
Intel mostly hires Pajeets, which are much more competent than the average bootcamp grad.
because americans fucked up their entire education system, so they literally think that software developers and engineers are entirely exchangeable terms
There's so many shit devs, and it's only getting worse.
My company usually has a 15:1 interview to hire ratio, and that's after screening resumes. It's amazing how many people will straight up lie about what they know, or think they're an expert because they've created a basic web site.
Intel is funding it, but they're not eating their own dogfood. Intel pays for them to go to a bootcamp but doesn't hire them, aside from the 1-2 that are actually talented.
>My company usually has a 15:1 interview to hire ratio
That's actually extremely impressive.
It's fucking annoying is what it is, because we waste a lot of time every time we need to hire someone new. Each person gets interviewed by 4-5 devs for 30-45 minutes each. Multiply by 15 over the course of weeks and that's a lot of time that isn't being spent on work.
That said, the process has largely worked, and we haven't hired someone who's worthless for a few years (used to be a problem when management thought that whoever was the first candidate in the door should be hired - they learned their lesson after having to fire 4-5 people because they were incompetent).
And they wonder why people hate them and ignore them as much as possible. These libs have a mental disorder.
They hire them to meet a quota or keep someone like Jesse Jackson happy. They will dump them into useless or dead end projects and let them rot.
manager at IBM
have several visible projects
great team of 5 (4 men, 1 woman) all veteran developers
new edict, here's your new Mary Sue developer
I am literally told by my 3rd line manager that Mary Sue will make great contributions to my team
and they expect her to make immediate contributions to the most complex projects I am responsible for
Mary Sue has never worked in a team before
Mary Sue has never used a SCCS, Version Control, GitHub
First week she is mostly attending new employee orientation events
My team is like WTF, I can't really say outright that she was a Gift I can't return
Mary Sue is like a deer frozen in headlights
Mary Sue does not understand Encapsulation or OOP in general
She confesses that she wants to work on Multimedia "stuff", not algorithms for distributed XML query
See her outside the building with new other hires
She's crying
Everyone on my team is more than twice her age
This is why I decided to go to medical school instead of working in tech. I know a girl who struggled on a fizzbuzz in any language screener and somehow landed an internship at Amazon.
You need to streamline that process. You should implement some standard test or set of questions that they have to answer up front to weed out the idiots and liars.
Enjoy working with Tyrone and Paco.
Literally says in his post that this is after screening resumes
I think you can always improve on the process, but that being said a 15:1 ratio is still exceptionally good. Even in industries where it's so easy to tell whether someone will work or not (ie retail, even they spend 30min+ per candidate), they're dealing easily in the hundreds:1 range.
They don't practice. They end up doing "activism" or "community health." Medical schools use race, but competitive residency sure as hell doesn't.
sure thing
>...not because I'm a bad person or a bad engineer
I guarantee she's both.
Her "sassy" persona is probably only due to the fact that she's a drain on society and would rather convince herself she's oppressed than try to change or improve herself.
The sad part is she'll probably get hired due to some diversity program, confirming her delusions and contributing to the problem at large, just to meet a statistic on a spreadsheet somewhere for corporate.
Most posters on here don't know the difference and just think that if black people are admitted at a higher rate to any field, they must be becoming top experts in the field.
Realistically though, overwhelming majority of them are just going to be grade school teachers.
>Using proportional measurements without showing raw numbers next to them
It sure is lying with statistics 101 in here.
>graduate CS bachelors 3 years ago
>done some exercises but never developed anything remotely useful (e.g. website, simple program, etc.)
>work for company unrelated to field, doing basic grunt work like wiring (telecommunications)
>quit after 2 years because of shit pay
>jobless for 1 year
If I start practicing right now, what are my chances of landing a software engineering / web dev / app dev job for the next two months? Granted, I'm out of school for nearly three years now.
Cis male btw.
You have some hardware experience to go with the CS, that is always a plus.
Just type up a nice CV embellishing yourself. I had a lot less to work with than you have
>2 years
didn't even see this part. For a young person these days this is great
If you don't find a job you must be autistic
It's your fault. You know that, right?
Try to do some fun project, so you can show them some reference of your work. You could also contribute something nice to an OSS project. This works great on applications.
Is there a field where whitey ISN'T getting shafted? Civil Engineering? EE?
Start fixing yourself
Just fire her. Assuming there's true equality, she should be fired as a male junior would be.
>>now it's mostly 2-month bootcamp survivors
IBM used to say that they could make a programmer out of anyone in 6 weeks.
Suzy and Sammy COBOL. The code they wrote is still running.
>mental disorder
lol no, they just take advantage of stupid people
>think they're an expert because they've created a basic web site.
I know I'm far from expert, but, what am I if I've made a whole website by myself, i.e., frontend and backend?
>No legitimate company takes these people seriously.
feminism fucked the country up. Hopefully now we can put an end to this shit!
I'm sorry son, your resume looks great but you're just not ethnic enough.
legitimate company, not poojews
This shit is why I make my living as a boilermaker.
I am not challenging that notion; could you elaborate on what the difference is?
What does that article have to do with boot camp graduates?
>i have a mental disorder
>you're the problem
yeah, well, (((((((((((Intel)))))))))))))))
Error: paren mismatch
I want to put really subtle troll privileges in there to see what happens.
>You are able to actually program, unlike everyone else on this site who just bombs interviews and blames everyone else
>You are able to write this really complicated thing called a "fizz buzz" I keep hearing about in these interviews I keep bombing without having a bachelor's in math
>Computers do not discriminate against you, this one time I was trying to put 80,000,000 db records in a list and it said it didn't have enough memory. This is basically sexism because it wouldn't have done this to a male
>Keyboards are too big for female hands, they are all made for males, because this is a good ole boys club
>When it will all come crashing down, Sup Forums?
stay home pajeet, it's totally going to crash soon
> Being able to listen to speakers refer to non-gendered items as defaulting to male (such as calling an inanimate software construct "this guy") without being reminded that you are a minority gender in the room.
holy shit. fuck this article.
>tfw couldn't get a junior developer position until 2+ years after graduating from University.
Is the thread not about companies wasting money on leftist pandering?
>junior developers used to be fresh CS graduates programming since 12
>now it's mostly 2-month bootcamp survivors
What does that have to do with leftist pandering?
>be me
>no CS degree
>deadend job
>start dicking around with coding sites like 18 months ago
>do CS50 with LaunchCode
>build some CRUD projects
>get "apprenticeship" (cheap labor) at local startup
>coworkers coach me up fast, basically full language immersion but for web development
>am now salaried full stack developer
>shit rules
It already has. I regularly interview and hire candidates for a fortune 500 company and I always skip over the boot camp kids. No 4 year degree in CS or software engineer? Resume shredded.
>software engineer
What the actual fuck Richard
Create a portfolio. Contribute to some open source projects. Highlight that work in the portfolio.
>4 year bachelor
>learning anything useful
wew lad
though agreed, it's still way better than a bootcamp
try to think of a program or web-app. it should serve some purpose. try to think of a problem you have, and how a good program/app would solve it, or if you can't find one - think of something that's tedious or boring or whatever and how it could be automated/improved/made easier with a program/app.
now that you got an idea, implement it. don't ask how, just go. if you get stuck, use the search engine. read. experiment. try, fail, try again, get something working.
don't stop halfway because the work got tedious. get this shit fucking finished.
when you don't have commercial experience, having a fully-finished project, one that's done from the ground up, everything designed by yourself, and working - even if the code is bad - is way better than having a fuckton of small projects whose only purpose is to demonstrate that you clicked your way through a "1 week crash course on technology X".
>CS kid fantasizes about the value of his degree
How the fuck do people get CS degrees without ever building functional projects for fun?
>be laid off tradesman looking for a career change
>know PLC programming and good with computers so I'm thinking about getting a CS degree
>keep reading these threads
I feel like I'm making a terrible error and the tech industry is a bloated mess that will pop soon like the dot com bubble
The degree is probably a waste of time. Get the job first.
I'm thinking about getting my CS degree now. I'm a college dropout and have been a web dev for three years
The problem is almost every job ad requires a degree of some sort or at minimum a 2 year diploma, and considering how saturated the job market is I can safely assume I won't even get passed the resume filters
If you having fun just do it, to learn programming is never a wasted skill besides in the next 4 years the world will blow up anyway.
Just have fun don't sweat a job too much if you are already good with computers you could likely switch to anything junior in sysadmin/networking after some reading if programming jobs don't work out.
been in similar situation, my advice: do it. you can learn quite a lot (maybe not in depth, but well, if you want depth, study by yourself) and quite a lot of big-name companies have recruitment rules set in stone and will reject anyone without a degree. You never know when having that diplomma may come in handy.
although do consider finances. I'm in yurop and my semester tuition is less than my monthly salary; in the US, the price will probably be way higher.
>Entering college
>"Hmmm, what do I major in?"
>*See that CS has high salary*
>CS it is!"
Why would I work for free? Programming isn't something that's fun.
The resume filter is actually not applying because you think you're underqualified. Apply anyway. Build a good project to demonstrate skills, put it on GitHub, mention it in your resume before your job history. Fire that resume out left and right and eventually it'll hook somewhere.
My concern is getting stuck in middling positions. Seems the only people in management have their degrees. There are high paid developers with no college education but they're boots on the ground until they retire.
what is this supposed to mean?
t. senior developer 10 years industry experience
Those high paid developers with no college are usually in there because of connections or they were talented from the start, most people that dropout either become NEETs or work at some shitty job.
>not fun
it means nothing, its just another TLD
But user I'm a dropout and my job is nice
I could actually work it until I retire and live comfortably. I want to move up though
You need to understand this goyim:
CS graduate, programmer since 12: Reasonably good programmer -> paygrade = $80,000+
2 month bootcamp survivor: Shitshow -> paygrade = $80,000-
And because the tech industry (or almost any industry) do not care about production anymore, they can get away with lowering the salaries of real software engineers (more supply, than demand) and display good profits in the next quarterly report.
And because of genders and ethnicy they also get some sweet tax deals with the government.
>tfw eastern yurop
>tfw first programming job paid ~$5.5k/year
at- at least the CoL is low, r- right?
off topic: get better taste in gore manga senpai
Where can I get these kinds of magical payrates for junior developer jobs? I just accepted a backend/devops position for 40k a year. Its for a 6 months trial period first, but still. Those kinds of salaries is not normal for an entry level position. Maybe after 3-4 years, but not as a junior.
>React.js is not programming
>Angular.js is not programming
>Node.js is not programming
I'm glad there's someone to do all this grunt work so that real CS grads can focus on real CS stuff.
moshi moshi, Baito desu
You can't fire women! T-that's discrimination!
National average for junior positions is well over $50K. But $80K starting sounds like a silicon valley/SF, Seattle, NY, or Chicago job.
behold the king of codemonkeys. Sup Forums can't compete.
>When it will all come crashing down, Sup Forums?
It already is. Windows 8 and Windows 10 exist.
t. underage
college is basically working for free >70 hrs/week being a full-time student, learning shit on your own, doing projects, etc.
My wife has a friend exactly like this.
>have boobs
>have vajayjay
>get full ride scholarship to MIT
>get engineering gig making more money in a year than most men see in a decade
>omg this field is so sexist
Nope. Barely attended any classes and played video games most of the time. Graduated and now work a comfy 40 hour a week job, playing video games in my spare time instead of working for free.
studying cs right now and about 95% never programmed/did shit with tech in their life
Yeah, thats as low as ill go after the 6 months is up. If the propose something less im out.
>engineer isnt a protected title in the US
>calling herself an engineer
Expect to be fired with that crass attitude
Same here. I program professionally ~45/hours a week.
When I go home, all I want to do is smoke weed, fuck my girlfriend, and sleep.
Not who you were responding to, but no company would require you to contribute to other shit outside of your job.
I do my job and go home. It's better that way.
I just got a 20% bonus and should be promoted the next review. Project harder.
odd word to use instead of "normal"
You learn plenty of useful things in a 4 year degree if your school isn't shit. Also, you show that you have the dedication to finish something.
That's fucking bizarre.
I assumed it was a Ruby thing. She could be a Rails kiddie.
>enjoys life after spending working days contributing to company
>((((((((((crass attitude))))))))))