Which one is better?

Which one is better?

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RX 480 has the lead nowdays. It's either with or within 3% of the 1060 in DX11, wayy above in dx12 (vs the 1060)

Even tho the RX480 is great I still prefer Nvidia. I have a MSI 1060 with Shadow Play and Hairworks that run great with dx11 games. The only 480 worth getting is the Xfx one. My 1060 slaughters 480's when overclocked.

RX 480

literally unused

Relive is massively better

I've never used the ATI version but I use Shadowplay every day. I wonder if it's decent. I've been waffling on buying a 1050 TI or a 1060 recently.

>le ayymd meme
>le poo poo GPU
don't get inferior poo poo curry in loo tech

get nvidia, nvidia always dominates

avoid crappy meme poo poo (indian) curry tech

RX 480 can be found for ~210 on sale. for the 8GB version.

GTX 1060 is like $250+ for the 6GB version.

In benchmarks they're within ~5%

Relive has even less overhead than shadowplay and doesn't require a cancer botnet tier program to use it

>RX 480 can be found for ~210 on sale. for the 8GB version.
you are lucky

RIP everyone outside US

Do you sign into the Nvidia experience with Facebook too?

Yeah my friend just got one for $215 last week.

Though he ended up returning it for a $410 GTX 1070 2 days later.

fuck the EU (or is it France?) : i think we have special taxes for flash memory.

They're the fucking same +/- 5% depending on the game. In the US the 480 is cheaper and the better choice. Anywhere else just get whichever because they're the same price.

Shill battle

unfortunately for me the rx480 is the victor now. My 1060 is still good though.

DX11: 1060
Vulkan: 480

this graph is full of shit.

lol wut

GTX 1060 at 1080p ultra in BF1 gets 95fps
RX480 at 1080p ultra in BF1 gets 87.7fps

hardly a MASSIVE difference like your chart implies.

>GTX 060: 83-94 FPS
>RX 480: 78-92 FPS

What is your point?

BF1 isn't even in the charts...

wish i could have gotten the fury x when it was on sale for cheap except it wont fit in my case

Sorry for deleting my post, user, but a quick Google search revealed that this graph was made during July 2016.

>Outdated bullshit

>GTX 060: 83-94 FPS
>RX 480: 78-92 FPS

What is your point? And like I said BF1 isn't even in the charts...

The 1060 is faster on DX11 games, the 480 is faster on Vulkan and some DX12 games.

SeeAnd once again, sorry for deleting my post, anom.

>some DX12 games.
Pretty much all of them. I can thx of the division, hitman, deus ex, etc.

All the games I play are better supported by nvidia over the radeon counterpart and get better frames. However I still see no reason to upgrade from my 290x at 1080p144, only need that fps for overwatch anyways.

I haven't found a single game I can't run at 4k without AA on my 480. Absolute beast of a card.

At launch things were different, but now RX 480 is generally better in every regard except power draw and overclocking potential.

If you have a DX11 title that you still care massively about you should probably check to see if it favors one card or the other though. (e.g., GTAV)

1060 is the superior card performance wise. 480 is only worth purchasing over the 1060 if you can find one considerably cheaper.

RIP my gpu..
really want vega to release so i can decide, might juist have to buy a 480 though...amd gon take too long

>comparing percentages of different base values
every time


You forgot drivers.

> At launch things were different
Not much different.

Just look at post relive benchmarks for games you play.

1060 6GB is quite cheaper here so it's the better value, regional pricing for GPUs is fucked so it all depends on where you live.

get 1060

>literally no difference

17.1 is here

Ausbros on suicide watch

Too bad Relive's quality is utter shit at any given bitrate. People are still forced to use OBS.

rx480 didn't get better, gtx1060 got worse.

Literally linking to a Pajeet when we talk about AMD disqualifies you from having a serious conversation user.

>When biggest AMD advocate on Youtube gives in and starts being bashed by his own fanbase of Sup Forums tier illiterate AMD curry niggers.

I kinda feel bad for him. He was pretty biased until he actually had enough and pointed out all the false marketing AMD was doing for last year.

I'm starting to think this guy is actually an AMD shill trying to make nVidia shills look like raving lunatics.

whatever is cheaper where you live. the only reason I got a 1060 over 480 was because it was cheaper.

What's the GPU to get if I have two 1440p monitors and want to play a game on one full screened, and the other play something with madvr?

Both are equally fine. Toss the coin.

I went RX480 this time, because I got tired of Nvidia and their drivers (neverending crashes, checking for latest stable for your gpu model because "lol we care only about newest models").

>Intel i7 5960X
Not a realistic bench, nobody with either of those cards would have a CPU like that.

I assume no, but can I use relive with my 1060?
RX480s don't fit in my case.

I have a 5820k and a GTX 960.

Not everyone who needs CPU horsepower needs a monster GPU setup.


GTX 1070

At this point in time only reason to get the 6gb 1060 is if you are playing mostly DX11 games at 1440p, the difference between the two at 1080p is irrelevant and with DX12/Vulkan RX480 is far better. Freesync monitors are also a good reason to go with the 480

I bought a 1060 a while back and it has been good to me. Buy whatever is cheap and available. Only autists worry about such small performance differences.

the xfx 480 is pure sex

AMD FineWine (TM) confirmed

Seriously though OP, wait for Vega.

No pretty sure its EU

Vega could very well be the end of FineWine if low-end replacements for Polaris 10/11 happen.

TeraScale support didn't last forever either.

FineWine then would be transitioned to Vega, it'd still be a thing(but only for Vega) right?

FW is just a byproduct of long-lived architectures.
The question then would be how soon Navi comes, and how big a change it really is over Vega.

Its vague "scalability" attribute might mean the the NCUs stay relatively unchanged but that the higher level control, coordination, and work distribution logic is utterly different in order to accomodate MCMs that perform more like monolithic GPUs.

a used 290x

Depends which you can get cheaper, buy that one. (Excluding the 3GB 1060, which has fewer shaders and performs worse.)

>write down the games you play
>write down the games that are due to be released soon
>find most recent benchmarks you can for each game (beta for not-yet-released games), starting with the most important
>see which one is better
>buy it

Don't get me started on the VRAM thing though. 4 GB 480 for £190 vs 8 GB 480 for £250, they are having a laugh. Get the 4 GB and upgrade in 1-2 years' time when having 4 GB actually starts being an issue.

In otherwords there's a chance?

Unless you have a FreeSync or GSync monitor, in which case pick whichever GPU matches that.

I've used up to 6Gb of VRAM in several games.


you didnt get the point its purely a gpu test

Where did you find the 480 for £190? I used to shop at Scan.co.uk but the prices seem to have sky rocketed recently. Really put me off of buying a desktop in place of my laptop over the last few months.

That was a couple of weeks ago, not sure about now. The pound is weak so now is a terrible time to buy any PC components. I doubt that'll change for years though so the choice is to either suck it up or keep what you got. My X58 setup is still kickin' ass today but I will need a Vega GPU to match my new 1440p 144Hz FreeSync monitor though.

Yes, true... either way, I'll wait it out to see if Ryzen can be competitive enough to be worth purchasing and possibly lower the price of Intel alternatives.

Still, out of interest, where's the best place to buy hardware here?

CUDA +industry standard GPU for machine learning
+NVFBC, NVIFR, NVENC with actual fucking support by all kinds of related software

wew lad

Way back in the day eBuyer was the go-to choice. When I bought my rig in 2009, it was OcUK. Now if you're looking for the cheapest you probably have to get each component from different retailers. Sometimes Amazon ends up being the cheapest, other times it's way more expensive. It's a crap shoot really.

I go for Amazon, OcUK, and Scan first because I get free next day delivery at all three.

is 8GB of VRAM a meme?? do you really need that much memory??

Not for 1080p, which is what you'd be using an RX 480 for. Even the Fury (X) has 4 GB of VRAM and handles 1440p fine.

I ask because I got a GTX 560 that has 1GB a ram, and was thinking of getting the 3GB GTX 1060, but the 4GB and 8GB 480 is tempting.

go for the 480 4gb if you are at 1080p

They are both shit cards desu.

It's a pure scam to name the 3gb model a 1060 instead of 1055 or somesuch as it's also missing 10% of its cores compared to the full 1060 6gb. You get much better performance from a 4gb rx480 if you want a $200 card, the 6gb 1060 and 8gb rx480 (only difference to 4gb model is more and slightly faster memory) are much closer in performance

Isn't the 290x comparable to an Rx 480?