>Decent community
>Minimal javascript
Why aren't you on the best tech website on the entire internet? [1]
>Decent community
>Minimal javascript
Why aren't you on the best tech website on the entire internet? [1]
Other urls found in this thread:
they keep deleting my comments :^(
I prefer slashdot.
>best site
>closed to any dissents
B-b-but Reddit...
HackerNews is literally SJW version of slashdot.
>leddit meme site
no thx
Ugh the sjw disease needs to be cured soon.
I can't call people SJW cucks and pajeet
Slashdot sucks and is full of 40-year-old trench-coat wearing faggots who still program in PERL and complain about being outsourced
Because this is your average user of HN
You missed the boat, brah. HN sucks now.
Because it's a huge Silicon Valley startup circlejerk
kill yourself
How bad are your shitposts?
>Sup Forums memes
>kill yourself
typical cancerous slashdot user
>Decent community
Here's a thread from 10 years ago where they discuss this shitty new app called "dropbox"
Whom are you quoting?
I don't see any problem here, everyone recognizes that it's a good idea
how does your snarky little shitpost disprove hackernews is a good community?
You think that's weird because neo-g is essentially Sup Forums's PC part picker. We had times when all people talked about was Haskell, Gentoo, the BSDs and Plan9... people here would have said the same about Dropbox.
I'm not saying it's a great community, just a decent one. Your post doesn't prove nor disprove anything
too many shitty news that attract SJWs and Stormniggers
>1. For a Linux user, you can already build such a system yourself quite trivially by getting an FTP account, mounting it locally with curlftpfs, and then using SVN or CVS on the mounted filesystem. From Windows or Mac, this FTP account could be accessed through built-in software.
>using ftp and not SFTP or at the very least FTPS
>read What I Wish I'd Known About Equity Before Joining a Unicorn
>begin to sweat
>Sup Forums for normalfags
Hey Sup Forums I am HERE making a LITERAL revolution in tech including DIVERSE and VIBRANT beings ALL while using Node.JS and other libraries that obfuscate things as simple as a FOR LOOP
Heh dont blame it on me or my innovative startup, kid.
>>Decent community
This has to be bait. Please tell me its just bait.
HN is 90% paid microsoft shills.
top fucking kek. This is quality.
Nice. Now I don't have to weed out all of the "Why Trump sucks" stories. The politics thing is getting out of hand at HN.
This must be what reading tech stuff is like for a normie.
I'm guessing they're using markov chains? I doubt its a recurrent neural network since they can usually close parenthesis wheras naive markov chains have trouble with that.
rather you didnt tell people about it. then all the spergs will go there and post low effort shit, and then all the smart people will leave and it will turn into reddit. Or at least, anyone who goes there are does want to put effort into the comments, just lurk..please guys. the top talent that shows up there with fantastic advice and things they are working on, its a great resource for all of us
You're a pseudo intellectual if you think HN consists of intelligent people.
wtf are you talking about
have you sucked your daily dick yet fagman
Go to that link directly and read the headlines. Read the comments. Now tell me, do they pass the turing test?
They're generating articles that look like hackernews
>He thinks that "top talent" shows up there
>He that its not just shilling for useless startups
>He thinks that the people discussing topics there know what they are even talking about rather than just attempting to signal how intelligent they are to eachother.
>40-year-old trench-coat wearing faggots who still program in PERL
Ah Drew Curtis. How is his Fark.com these days? I left back in 2006 when it turned into San Francisco.
Wewest of lads
Something something kubernetes, something something something blockchain, something startup....
Kek. Sounds like something Trudeau would say.
I always imagine trench-coat wearing faggots like this
To quote Gary Bernhardt, "Take a liter of Hacker News, boil off the market and meritocracy belief systems, and you're left with a few grams of pure Dunning-Kruger."
The place is full of morons - intellectual philistines ignorant of the past, of the humanities, and life in general - who think that they're the intellectual cream of the crop. The site's focus on startups and venture capitalism shapes the tone of the commentors - no one will say anything the least bit off color or unprofessional because it could mean their job, or their chances for a job in the future. Anyone who does make a comment that could be offensive gets bombed to invisibility. The place feels hollow, and it doesn't have any kind of "culture" like Kuro5hin, or Slashdot in the early years, or Sup Forums when it was good. (I know, I know - it was always shit.)
Look at the front page of HN. It's almost always full of tech "politics", business discussions, and talk about hiring and startups.
()That isn't to say that there aren't any good articles or comments, but browsing the site daily is a waste of time. Subscribe to the HN newsletter and you can skim over things once a week.)
The real tragedy is that everything else is even worse. Slashdot only posts political stories these days, and the userbase is far from the time when it was composed of actual sysadmins, IT folk, and programmers.
I've never seen so much censorship on a site like I do on HN.
Say anything against Obama = flagged
Say anything against = flagged
Say anything against Google = flagged
Say anything against liberalism = flagged
Say anything against immigration = flagged
And then there are stories that they actively push... you can figure out what those are because you often see a story on the front page (sometimes in top 15) that has only 4 votes! 4 votes and it's near the top. It's clearly being manipulated.
I've collected a bunch of these examples over the past month or so.
HN = censorship shithole.
wow, I just know about this, thank you anons
>The place feels hollow, and it doesn't have any kind of "culture"
I could never pinpoint exactly what was wrong with that place, but I think you are spot on with that analysis.
I can't stand the fucking community there just as I can't stand the fucking hellhole that is reddit.
Perfect description.
I've noticed a number of sites that won't make it past a submission only because the author's personal politics don't align with HN's particular brand of liberalism.
Because that isn't Voat, user.
I can't stand the fake personalities people put on when they post on namefagging sites. Its just a thin veneer of self-censorship which prevents any real debate and promotes hugboxing.
>wow, I just know about this, thank you anons
>I've noticed a number of sites that won't make it past a submission only because the author's personal politics don't align with HN's particular brand of liberalism.
It's horrible for politics. Only leftist/SJW ideology is allowed on the site.
To further expand on this, few days ago there was a story about WhatsApp backdoor. That story received hundreds of upvotes but then HN applied their removal penalty and the story went off the front page and ended up on 10th page in 20 min.
However, they allowed the story "WhatsApp has no backdoor" by Moxie Marlinspike to be on the front page.
They clearly don't want to offend Facebook.
Finally, look at this pic from earlier today. Can you figure out what story they're promoting?
ur an idiot, trudeau is a giant pothead
Linux Weekly News and Soylent News are the only places I can recommend these days, and I hate it. Slashdot used to be a fun place. Now, it's a shambling corpse that used to be an old friend. Someone should have put it out of its misery a long time ago.
can learn good knows from comments in hn
I can guarantee that the majority of HN readers only read the headlines and never complete the longer articles.
Its like the headlines just serve to seed "discussions" in the comments which unltimately end up being signaling parties of how smart everyone thinks they are.
>can learn good knows from comments in hn
me too, sometimes read comment in hn more important than reading an actual news :))
>fake news is removed
makes sense
Tbh i consider him a baitmaster and master manipulator of useful idiots
So like every discussion website in existence?
Sure, but it doesn't hurt to point out that HN is in compliance as well, and generally to a much more infurating degree.
I have always found decent productive discourse on HN, but I have heard people say it censors and it's "over". What articles or news issues were going on when they acted lame?
here's some more examples of HN vote manipulation I've seen and took a screenshot in the past month or so. I'm sure it happens ALL THE TIME... but this is when I actually went to the front page and noticed it and took a screenshot.
Try to figure out which story is being pushed.
Implying whoever says ftp isn't actually talking about sftp.
And you can mount an encfs dir in your ftp mount dir to encrypt it on the fly.
If you're talking about articles with few numbers of votes being sent to the top, that's because votes are weighted by time. So the newer something is the more the votes count.
No, I'm talking about articles:
1) That have been submitted hours/days ago and have had their timestamp reset (copy/paste the name of the article into search to see when it was really submitted)
2) Articles that usually have 4 points to start (that's what their mods/admins initialize them to)
3) Articles that manage to appear on front page (sometimes in top 10/15) with only 4 votes.
The amount of vote manipulation and agenda pushing by the mods/admins there is insane.
yeah the mods are in on it.
I called them out and got banned.
Also I called out a guy who was a literal fraud and they removed all my comments.
Someone should submit this thread to HN so ppl can upvote it and more users there can be redpilled. I lost my account weeks ago...
Hmm. I don't follow HN closely, but in the past 5 years there were a dozen or so things that got purged or that you couldn't submit, but I never took notes and I can't even remember what they were about now, save for two cases.
All of Xah Lee's stuff will automatically be rejected, and no reason was given.
The other was the storm surrounding Curtis Yarvin. He wrote under the pseudonym "moldberg" for several years, and one of his views was that human races have different intellectual and physical abilities and that it was harmful to pretend otherwise.
A great number of commentors on HN acted like he was calling for pograms and ethnic cleansing, called him a human monster, and tried to discourage anyone from contributing to his project.
>Show HN: I made a blinking light with a RaspberryPi and Docker
I am paraphrasing of course but I saw this on HN today. [1]
HN is 90% garbage. you see a lot of things that make you say "Why would anyone care about this?", things like "Introducing Lead_Ingot: A Portable Cross-Shell Ruby on Rails Hypervisor in OSX using Vagrant and Docker". It's still worth glancing over daily however because sometimes you do come across something interested.
i'd bet 100$ it's full of societal justice warriors or censorship or something.
i knew this shitty meme website would be run & ruined by warriors of societal justice
I like Soylent news but it's become too dominated by political articles which wouldn't have been accepted for submission even half a year ago
Hacker News is terribly inferior in one serious respect: memes.
Slashdot in its heyday created or popularized dozens of memes. Just to mention a few:
Imagine a beowulf cluster of these!
But does it run linux?
In Soviet Russia...
Natalie Portman
Your ideas intrigue me, and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
...you insensitive clod!
netcraft confirms x is dead.
I Haven't RTFA, but...
I, for one, welcome our new $topic_item overlords.
Duke Nukem
Hey, that's the combination to my luggage!
No wireless. Less space than a nomad. Lame.
What does HN have? That's right, a big fat nothing.
HN is nofun
Thats because its completely corporate.
I get my news from Sup Forums.
HN makes meme companies with meme products
ROFL about time someone sees HackerNews through their bullshit. They're not any better than Reddit.
>full of femcunts and sjws
this is brilliant. the greatest authors truly are the ones who tell you what you already know.
I check it daily. No worse than most communities.
Seems to mostly be filled with startup folks, though, which can be a bit annoying in some threads.
Of course, it, like all sites, requires users have some amount of intelligence to parse through the content, which leads to shitposts like in this very thread.
ftp isn't related to sftp at all, though.
This SJW nonsense is at odds with the past 50 years of programmer and hacker culture. The kind of people who built all the systems we use were almost always some kind of libertarian, conservative, or old-school liberal (free speech means free speech). Where did all these flakes come from?
I've never been on hacker news and fear change.
HN does pretentious circlejerk better than anywhere else
Jewish subversion in silicon valley.
You mean that is your average Product Hunt user :^)