Why you aren't rich like notch?

Why you aren't rich like notch?

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idk why aren't you?

Oh... but I am...
I am very rich... just try to get on my level... I'm sure you can't...

When it comes to tech entrepreneurship, I think you either have to be a visionary or just sort of have to stumble onto the right idea and stick with it. I think Notch got lucky and stumbled onto the right idea, and his work ethic took him the rest of the way.

Anyway, I'm happy for Notch and I hope he's happy.

Couldn't get MS to pay absolutely insane amounts of money for one game.

>mr. vacation
>work ethic

i can't even get a job at mcdonalds, 12 months from now i see myself homeless

I'd say he had the right work ethic for making a shit tone of money off of retards

Got lucky? Because anyone can just quit their job and program a game and actually get rich the first time if they are just lucky enough? You can keep telling yourself that's why you didn't make it, you just weren't luck enough. Poor fella.

Notch stumbled upon a good idea. Startups become big because they had the right idea at the right time and worked with the right people to bring it to life.

Apple made sleek new shit people wanted, but there wasn't any way to know for sure beforehand what people wanted. Steve Jobs wasn't some genius better than everyone else. He even admitted himself that it was chance that his ideas took off.

Most entrepreneurs start in their 30's. This Silicon Valley 20-something college dropout pipedream is toxic. The founders are generally complete retards with a decent idea. It isn't until older, experienced business people become involved does anything happen.

It was a fun game. People liked it. Okay. But it also took managerial insanity on behalf of the ones purchasing this implementation of the game to pay this much.

Even starting 20 new mid sized companies and tasking them all with making a better spiritual successor would have been cheaper, no?

I knew Notch on IRC before Minecraft.

The rest of us would talk about all the shit we wanted to do that we never got around to, and then Notch would join and be like "hey, check out this Doom renderer I wrote last night".

The last time we talked, he'd just made his first several million SEK. I tried hitting him up years later, but I'm sure his inboxes are permanently flooded with sycophants thinking they're buddies.

Wish him all the best.

i do pretty well for myself, I'm not rich but i can support a pretty bad heroin habit AND still able to live very, very comfortably.

networking actually pays pretty well, especially considering you're not hampered by student loans. having a six digit salary with no degree is nothing to laugh at, especially with the level of job security i have. tons of job offers from headhunters

I haven't made a game yet. Once I do, I'll be rich in no time.

i'm not very smart and haven't learned how to program yet

can't program

programming doesn't get you rich

lots of people get comp science degrees thinking they'll get a high paying job right out of school, but only like 5% of applicants actually get hired

Most comp science grads can't actually program. The majority of them end up doing something not computer related at all..

To be honest I don't even care about money. I still really wish I could program, though.

well that's depressing, i was thinking of taking up compuer science

never too late to start, I recommend starting with Python because it's very easy to get up and running and it's useful for a number of different applications

As soon as the people who were playing the game get too old and lose interest, the next generation is the right age to be interested in Minecraft. It will be around for ever, and as big as Lego is today. Microsoft is banking on that. They also want to use it as a selling point for their other stuff.

it's a well known fact in the industry, theres a bunch of articles about the phenomena


basically it comes down to the fact that most of them end up just relying on rout memorization to pass the classes, and can't even make a simple program on the fly. that's why fizzbuzz tests are so common

I've tried both C and Python. It's just not going well and I have trouble sticking to reading any book regularly.

I can't really see people growing out of Minecraft. Most people I know who play it actively are in their mid to high 20s. Modded Minecraft also feels like a whole different game and can be enjoyable for a lot longer.

the thing is, the silicon valley stereotype has a kernel of truth, but it doesn't operate the way people think it does

the reason why these young guys are able to get rich with these ideas is because they end up rubbing shoulders while they're still in school with professors that know a lot of investors, or similar people. it's the classic "who you know" thing, they end up getting rich because they know rich people who are willing to get behind them

hard work doesnt get you rich in itself. it's knowing the right people, which is actually the real benefit of going to these expensive and prestigious schools. the people there have rich families and you're rubbing shoulders with them and can call on them to help you get work. the biggest benefit hands down from high education is meeting people in the field. at the very least, you can call a guy you went to school with to help push your application through HR

I think it'll fade out within five years if it's not already fading. Kids must be getting bored of it, right? Youtubers can't keep making let's play minecraft videos indefinitely, right?

I take tolerance breaks myself, but I don't think I've gone more than a year without playing the game since its alpha.

when i first saw this i thought you were replying to the heroin guy when you mentioned tolerance breaks...


I guess I don't blame you

Sure hope your right m8. My dream as an ME has been to start my own automation/controls business building and programming PLCs to make a living. But every boss I've worked with worked 8-10 years in the industry before starting their own company

Did you play mine craft when it first came out in creative? It was literally just a lego simulator with shitty graphics. Who could have known that it would become so popular?

So... is this a technology board? Or is it Sup Forums, just renamed?

I feel like OP's topic has no place here.

Exactly. Notch made a bare bones thing that had a lot of potential, and he listened to what people wanted. It's not really surprising that it ended up becoming exactly what people wanted.


He was rich before he sold the game dummy. More rich, arguably

didnt have him added on 3ds friend codes? Can you really call yourself his friend

he fuckin stole my idea, that nigger. I hate him now