Sup Forums called me an idiot for writing down all my passwords in a book at home instead of saving all the passwords...

>Sup Forums called me an idiot for writing down all my passwords in a book at home instead of saving all the passwords in browser or programs like Keypass/Lastpass
>in-browser key savers and Keypass/Lastpass were compromised

Loving every laugh.

Paper Password Master race.

>not using your brain
Hahahaha, Jesus.. you're dumb as a rock, OP

>Sup Forums told him to use botnets like keypass or lastpass

Did you install gentoo as well?

>wanting more security
>giving all your passwords to a piece of software
choose one password manager faggots

>in-browser key savers

I don't use these

>Keypass was compromised


reading comprehension my friend.


>-uninstall chrome
>install ungoogled-chrome

>no botnet nor password saving

>Having to write down a password physically or use Keypass
>Not memorizing all your different passwords
>Not memorizing your 15 random character password only by muscle memory from typing it

Seriously, come on. I could be tortured but honestly the only way I'd be able to reveal my password is if you put a keyboard in front of me.

>>Sup Forums called me an idiot for writing down all my passwords in a book at home instead of saving all the passwords in browser or programs like Keypass/Lastpass
>Sup Forums is a person
I think in-browser key savers are a joke and only use them for sites i don't care at all or temporal accounts. I actually write my passwords in paper too

>lose a hand in an accident
>can't type any passwords now
>lose access to every account

airgapped encrypted spreadsheet reporting in.

KeepassX with no browser integration master race

i bet it's the same usename and password for all the websites

>password for bank
>password for computer
>password for amazon
>password for everything else
Who really cares if some account in the last group gets compromised honestly.

>not typing your password with your dick.

I won't give source, you just have to live with the uncertainty of your non-security until you google it yourself

This. If you lose your dick it's essentially the same as dying because you'll kill yourself.

>not having 3 passwords with small variations to mix up

>use an open source password manager
>check the code yourself
>nothing malicious

The idea of putting all your passwords in one place is the dumbest things I've ever heard. It's almost like something the NSA would come up, and people (especially IT professionals) just ate that shit up.

>not using only code written by you
Enjoy your botnets

This is what I do and my passwords rhyme "abc123"

>tfw write down all my passwords in a book and lock it in my face

Hack this, Russia

glad i have a brain to store my passwords

GL getting plugins

You still have your other hand you idiot

>implying they use their dick for anything more than typing their password.
>implying you do too.

>Forgetting where you are

>Not encrypting your passwords on paper and keeping the cypher safely stored in your anus

>not having dozens of work passwords + dozens more personal passwords to memorize
tendie lover detected

>Oh no! someone has my database file!
And now they need my password+usb drive with keyfile. Good luck decrypting it without those.

>keepass compromised

is that the meme about 6 months ago, that was just a feature of the program?

i still remember the author's comment on the news piece: if you have your vault unlocked, and someone have access to your computer, yes, you are compromised

>lock it in my face


>OP source: his ass

read pic related, fagit
keepass still king


>external malware
That's like complaining to microsoft that you got a virus on windows. Keepass wasn't hacked

>what is pass
Remember the last time gpg was compromised? Neither do I

Give a solution that:

- Doesn't require any physical electronic device (no laptop, smartphone or usb keychains)
- Generates random passwords
- Doesn't let me reuse passwords
- Is portable

I have a ton of internal and external services I connect to on a daily basis at home and at work. I'm not going to walk around with an A3 sheet in my pocket.

>LastPass compromised
>password data encrypted/decrypted locally


I personally use a notebook, I store it in my book shelf

I have my passwords in a file called passwords.txt on the desktop. Fight me.

>muscle memory

Nah. I have like 3 15 character passwords I use for important shit with subtle variations. Sometimes it takes me a few tries to figure out which one. Then I have a bunch of other shorter passwords that I use for throw away shit I don't care about. The short ones I actually do have memorized. The longer 15 character ones I don't.

>15 random characters
>not 60
I-it only took me a day of practice to remember

>Keypass was compromised
[citation needed]

>he doesnt use

If you write down passwords, you're retarded.

Pics related

You know what to do mate


Her dad called me like 100 times that day trying to act big and bad. Told him I don't think it's very smart to antagonize someone who has all of your private information, stopped receiving calls after that.

You trained a badger to find that?

what a waste of access
did he check for nudes at least?

Thats like one week of work, writing your own password manager, you dont even need a GUI.

Hell yeah, he don't give a shit.

There wasn't much there. iCloud won't let you access anything good without answering security questions so all I could grab was name, birthday, address, and telephone number.

Ballsy. I would have written an email to one of her accounts, on her account telling her.

Looking back it probably would have been smarter to text her on a free app or something but nothing came of it so oh well.

Got my lulz.

Only retards shill software like that. The best 2 options are
>device or an old phone where you keep everything in a txt or encrypted txt format, and keep the device locked

A notebook with cyphers on each page that generate passwords via an algorithm only you know.