What does Sup Forums use to listen to music?
My trusty Clip+ died
No iShit please
Sup Forums will probably throw a fit if I post this there
What does Sup Forums use to listen to music?
My trusty Clip+ died
No iShit please
Sup Forums will probably throw a fit if I post this there
My computer and my phone.
My iPod
Whats the least shitty Windows audio player?
Pls dont say foobar
Fiio M3. Costs about $70, decent sound, can you use an SD card, small + light, good battery(~24 hours), terrible looking user interface especially if your coming from an ipod but is easy to to use.
phone, basically
no point lugging extra shit around
Can use an SD card*
foobar even get updates anymore?
Whats the best audio player for Linux
Most intuitively customizable and configurable without reaching autistic levels.
You can also get decent auto tagging especially for lyrics one of the few that can obtain lyrics from almost all sites if you can find the correct cfg files online. Also I like its themes
Used a rockboxed Clip+ for a couple of years, now i use my Smartphone because i discovered Neutron Player which is the only player in the entire Play Store that equals most if not all of Rockbox's features.
Also 4000mah with 10h SoT so plenty of battery and hardware buttons on my IEMs to manage the music player make it nice.
xDuoo X3
I love it. Way better than using my phone for music.
I use EMMS for Emacs which hitches onto VLC, but thats because I've sorted out all my albums in well named directories so I don't need them to be organized by an external player.
As far as 'traditional' audio players go on linux, I have never been impressed by any of them. Sometimes I use Audacious when I'm not in my usual emacs environment, but it doesnt orgnaize collections either.
Maybe rhythmbox or banshee aren't shit, honestly i dunno user
>look this up
>looks polished
Countdown to someone calling this a botnet.
Samsung ypk3 1gb
I have it for about 11 years
Cmus is pretty good if you want a minimal player.
After that,foobartwoK
Like a fuchtonne yes.
Dont ever visit the homepage?
The current Sup Forums approved memep3players seem to be Fiio's x1 through 5.
Rockbox is pretty fuckin' dead nowadays so don't hold out for a doom port or anything.
I'm kinda interested if anyone has experience with AGPTEK, thinking about picking up something basic like the A12 right now. It seems like a better analogue for the clip.
I use Winamp.. only really annoying thing i've found was the brief fade in/fade out when stopping/pausing/playing music - no idea how to change it either
I'll check into it, thanks.. as long as it can support 32gb cards
Not really practical, my phone sucks
It's funny you mention that because I was looking into Rockbox last night. Basically my old Clip died so I got another one, but it wont read anything off the card for some reason. I thought maybe throwing Rockbox on there might help or fix it, since I'm basically out of options aside from returning/replacing
How is it compared to the original firmware?
Also will the default theme destroy my eyes, because the site apparently took a shit with their themes so I couldn't customize anything when i DL'd and fiddled with it
>How is it compared to the original firmware?
A shitload more features, support for more audio formats and customization of the entire interface, also supports up to 128gb mSD cards if it's formatted as FAT32.
The original firmware is way too basic and lackluster.
Sounds neat. Like i said the most important thing is that it actually reads shit off my card; my new clip recognizes the card but wont read/play anything on it.
Either way additional features are nice, but i'm not too picky as long as it has randomize functionality.
Is it easy to remove it/replace the old firmware? Because if it doesnt work then I'll need to get a refund
>Is it easy to remove it/replace the old firmware?
Yes, at least with the Clip+ you needed to hold the left button while powering it up and the original FW will boot instead of rockbox, then you can reset to factory settings.
Preferences>Plugins>Output>Directsound Output (configure), then go to the fading tab.
winamp will never die
I use Clementine
>used my clip for ~6hrs every weekday for 5 years
>still has 17hr battery life
>one day it will die
fucking torture
Will definitely check it out then, thanks!
impossible to beat for price, and it has support for FLAC, if that's your cup of tea. supports microSD. dirt cheap. had mine without issues for many months, and even if it died it's so cheap to replace that you'd still be saving money.
Mine lasted about 7 with about the same usage
Beat to hell too, kept on trucking. It actually still works, but the display is completely gone and sometimes the functions get stuck, or it randomly pauses
I could probably keep using it until I get this new one figured out, or get a different one..
It'll be my backup forever probably
>On my way to work listening to music
>Track suddenly stops half-way through song
>Try turning Clip+ back on
>Hangs on Flower Logo
Six months have passed and I miss it so bad man.
+ Denon AHD600
Sounds insane
Musicbee is good. Jriver is also good if you need DSD, and media monkey is yet another alternative.
That's still good, I've always thought I was especially lucky with mine.
Sorry user ;_;
I love my Clip because I can use my 200gb micro sd on it!
All flac!
Clip Jam, it's the same thing.
Rockboxed Xduoo X3 with two 128 as cards
Raspberry pi + phat DAC.
A little bigger but can plug up to whatever the Linux kernel supports in hard drive so like 1000000petabytes
any turntable owners?
FiiO X3ii with a 64GB SD.
I'll check these out too, thanks
RIP ;_;7
Absolutely not, literally every other Sandisk player is crap compared to the Clip+
Sansa Clip+
>Absolutely not, literally every other Sandisk player is crap compared to the Clip+
Aside from rockbox, explain
What does everyone use to get music? YouTube to mp3 doesn't work now.
Anyone wanna buy my near mint (the logo on the clip is a little worn) clip +?
It has rockbox installed and it's been in a silicone case all its life.
i used to use clipconverter.cc which is virtually identical in functionality, but i recently started getting "can't convert music" errors
try both, CC might work for you
>or i buy it from the artist
Various trackers.
>YouTube to mp3
Is this a joke?
Also ease of use, responsive as fuck, and its a tank. I think the hardware is better too
Fiio X1 GOAT
Been using it everyday for a year now, best $100 I ever spent.
jriver media center is the best linux audioplayer period
great library - awesome resampling - i go from DSD256 -> 24/96 pcm to my digital crossovers while seamlessly crossfaing to the next track that could be a 128kbps mp3. Not many players get that right without sperging out.
private trackers
>using deprecated mp3 in 2017 when superior lossy options exist
fucking retards
Anybody know if they managed to solve the longevity issues with OLED?
The xduoo screens worry me. Just seems like the first thing that would die on the machine.
Realistically, what would be the lifetime of the screen?
It's small, but I would be using it a lot
I ain't got time to listen to music. I listen to Alex Jones 4 hours a day, baby!
Fiio X1
What do you do with the other 4!?
That said I love my zune!
Furiously jack off to Alex Jones, baby!
No idea if its still an issue but my concern comes from knowing blue pixels, specifically, used to burn in a lot faster with OLED.
I mean last time I checked they were rated about 15000 hours which should be fine for a few years a least but at the same time it kinda makes me wanna go for something with an LCD in it instead.
>Also ease of use, responsive as fuck, and its a tank. I think the hardware is better too
It's equal in regard to all those things... I have both.
Quod Libet is pretty good, it's said to manage huge libraries well. I honestly don't know why it isn't popular, it has everything you'd expect of a good player.
Musicbee is good for anyone out of the box, but I still like foobar more because it's more lightweight/customizable
Foobar/Winamp at home. Sandisk Clip Sport in the car
I bought this, it still hasn't come yet. Anyone have one of these? Is it any good?
oops forgot pic
I like dicks
no the headphone jack or micro usb will most certainly die on those before the OLED screen does. Plastic 3.5mm TRS jacks take so much abuse in those things. Main reason i like my iphones - metal jacks and frame. OLED failure is a shitty Sup Forums meme
>oled on a tiny mp3 player
what's the purpose?
LOL ! so do I !
Been burning so much mobile data badwidth listening to his show on the AJ APP
Do you even into tech? Seriously....
Can I get a pic user? This looks fun but I'm curious how you're housing it.
A Clip Zip. Not quite as good as the plus, but it's still got rockbox capability and isn't trash like the jam and sport
You're on Sup Forums, we know...
My 5th gen iPod Classic with 120GiB SSD
>all of these autists not just using their phone
Jesus do any of these things even support Opus?
What do you need to do when your entire music library can't fit onto your PMP? Smartphones provide the easy solution: Streaming from your computer or NAS. Or hell, just paying Spotify the $10 a month if your tastes veer into the more mainstream.
Enjoy being tracked by the government and all your activity datamined and used against you.
>entire music library
Did you take your entire CD collection with you in your car when CD players were the main thing?
It's so fucking difficult to make a fucking playlist of the songs/albums you want to hear for a specific time period and change it when you want to hear something differentOH WAIT IT'S NOT AT ALL DIFFICULT.
Dumb, dumb, dumb. This is seriously the Dumbest Generation.
Managing more than one device takes more time than I want to spend. Simple as that. Centralize. Minimize devices. Once you graduate college you'll realize that you won't have the time for all of this shit.
You're also asking that I give up the convenience of easy access to my entire library for now reason. Are you a luddite?
Also, I don't have shit tastes where I only listen to singles, so playlists are worthless.
>takes less than 5 seconds to turn on my pmp and start playing after I turn on my car
>easier to go through menus and folders without looking due to physical buttons
Wow, so much time and effort.
>Jesus do any of these things even support Opus?
Any rockboxed PMP does and at the time no app did it or was comparable to a rockboxed pmp, but i do agree with you now as i said here
Lets see. Should I use my $1000 phone or the cheap clip+ when I'm out in the yard cutting grass or playing with my shiny chainsaw?
>buying a $1000 phone when a $100 one does the same shit
>buying an expensive phone and being scared to use it
top lel
This was one of the only things keeping me on Windows, anyone know any Linux alternatives with the same level of simple customization?
Literally nothing to do with managing a library. Great job chief.
So out of the box, no, whereas this is natively supported in Android.
>what are pockets
>what are cases
>what are armbands if you really want to get serious about it
>buying a $1000 phone in the first place
Is that Kangaroo bucks or are you dumb enough to buy a 128GB Samsung or iPhone?
I'm not going to stream music on a shoddy data connection when I can easily use my own music files that are all flac. People who use dedicated players do it because they can and they're not lazy poorfags like you
>derailing a good thread because you're a fucking crybaby STOP LIKING WHAT I DON'T LIKE hipster
>Error: You cannot delete a post this old.
>calling anyone else a lazy poorfag
>can't afford decent cell service or ISP speeds
That's pretty funny. Smartphones give you the option of both local playback AND streaming. You have one option with a PMP.
>people still using the word hipster to mean "people I don't like"
Hate to break it to you but the people talking about how great PMPs are fit the definition of a hipster far more than anyone who says just to use their phone. Using your phone is a populist viewpoint. Though, I think using your phone to its fullest is not.
I'd rather not waste phone battery, not to mention a lot of phones have shit sound quality, and sometimes I just don't want to be attached to by phone, sometimes I just want to listen to music in peace. I bet you don't understand why people buy and wear nice watches either, sometimes it's not all about utilitarianism
Music barely wastes any battery and you really need some self control if you can't stop looking at your phone. Also, you say "a lot of phones" but there's people out there who build a purchase around the DAC. It's not difficult these days now that it's such a popular option.
As for a nice car and watch comparison you do realize that a PMP is literally the exact opposite of that right? It's utility and not showing off, fashion, or feeling good about the amount of money you make.
i use all my past ipod and iphones as music players now
How does actually a sansa clip die? Doesn't turn on? Try soldering a new battery.