Why are you not using the most standard-compliant desktop environment Sup Forums?
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I use GNU Emacs, one component of the GNU/Linux operating system.
because im using the best de on the best os already
cde is really ugly btw
Because I prefer tiling window manager masterrace youtube.com
OpenCDE doesn't run well on GNU+Linux.
raspbain lite runs best on my pi3
There is no standard DE in UNIX.
CDE standard went defunct in 2001.
It's why Sun moved to a skinned GNOME called JDS.
Ratpoison masterrace
Reminder that CDE comes from motif and there is a standalone window manager called mwm (motif window manager).
so what did CDE add on top of MWM?
stuff like a terminal emulator?
Yes, dtwm, the window manager CDE uses, is just a spinoff from mwm. The toolbar, file manager, dtterm (the terminal emulator), are on top of that.
too much shit to list. there's even a scripting language called dtksh which allows you to write GUI applications using ksh and motif.
>there's even a scripting language called dtksh which allows you to write GUI applications using ksh and motif.
This sounds horrendous
Are you too young to remember tcl/tk?
I still use mwm when I don't use ratpoison but never dedicated to rice it. It does the job pretty well.
>still using X.org in 2017
>using mwm
I'm guessing you dont use firefox.
i think fvwm2 is pretty much mwm but better imo
it actually can run fullscreen programs
I'm well aware of tk and also consider it to be horrendous.
nigga, it says mozilla firefox right there on the pic
I heard fvwm is hard to configure, also I love the low overheat of mwm, pic related, mwm is not included is it might as well be at the low usage end
Oh that was your own ugly ass desktop?
How the fuck do you put up with this disgusting bug that's been around since 2012.
>futanari (without balls)
>futanari (with balls/without balls)(?)
>with balls without balls with balls without balls (?????)
its a joke baka
>won't click on a well known website.
K, retard. So I guess you never maximize firefox.
how do i get this? my current desktop has literally nothing on it, I only use Midnight commander and gnome terminal (my themes are like windows 10 shit
Just wondering if they fixed the bug and never closed the ticket. Same bug exists in CDE. But thanks for being captain autismo about it.
fuck off.
Hey that doesn't look bad for 1990's
What the fuck?
it werks m8
>no japanese local support
what DE is that?
whats wrong?
its not used very often now but it still exists and so does the group that made it, so the copywrite could still exist
well dtksh was made to replace it. It worked well enough since most admins already knew ksh. Your only alternative was to learn C Motif widget programming.
I prefer Window Maker, it has useful dockapps, it can look good and doesn't require editing autism.rc to be usable.
It was also the default WM for Linux for PlayStation 2
the PS2, especially its devkit, always looked like a 90's UNIX worstation to me
so that's fitting
AfterStep reporting in
i have a dream that some day i'll get off my ass, learn common lisp properly along with clx and write a *box style WM
tfw my hosts file or something is too hecked up for CDE to work
dream no more en.wikipedia.org
b-but it's not *box style
look at fluxbox or openbox for an example of what i mean
i got this idea after seeing openbox's XML files, which is tree-like
you're fucked in the head
dont bully her