We will never have a botnet-free search engine that can do this

>we will never have a botnet-free search engine that can do this

Searx my nigga, results are fairly good.

startpage.com isn't too bad and it allows tor.

you know what I mean by "this", right?

then just use google. who the fuck cares if they know that you researched ben franklin, you goof.

Google can emulate a calculator, big deal.

>when did ben franklin died

>he doesn't calculate sums with Google

I stopped using Google for math. It gave me a wrong answer once because of how it handled limits.

What is jewframomega?



!wolfram y=x^2

Sup Forums so flooded with fucking illiterate pajeets that nobody notices that it corrects to died

Yandex is fine..

Pajeets really aren't as bad as the redditor immigrants. They're shit, just not as shitty.

But they'll send him Benjamin Franklin and Benjamin Franklin accessory ads

They worship cows and their cities are covered in shit.

I read an article, who knows if it was legit, that planes were dumping shit from the sky in India.

Doesn't Google ignore words like "did" and "and"?
That would make the statement When Ben Franklin die?

holy shit this is awesome
you are a based poster

> Sicuro

>so many hidden posts ITT
geeee I wonder if my filter had something to do with it

Amazon and moron do not rhyme

Or !wa

Ignore the other anons, op. I know what you mean.
This is why I still use google on my phone (just asking google instead of typing), but use ixquick on desktop.

wow this faggot look at me getting all the lyrics


> Not using the based curl on terminal

I been fooled for all these years

Holy shit that's awesome

"Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing."
~ Benjamin Franklin

Now use it on a phone, since that's what I've written. Or can't you read, Pinheiro?

o shit


Sup Forums constantly shows they have no clue what this means.

Hint: it has nothing to do with privacy, storing your information, etc.

who let the nerd in lol

>hacking the weather

Can you hack mine? It's freezing in britcuckland.

I could make it sunny for you everyday as long you stay inside.

That's it. I'm calling FBI this time, Sup Forums has gone too far. Being a hacker in 2017 is totally not right.

I wish I could, but I need to pay the bills and eat ;_;
I really need to start studying programming so I can work from home and never leave again...

>that kid who doesn't understand the inside jokes

>opening Wikipedia (the first result) it's a problem.
Ok m8.

The chick in this pic looks like Nicole Tuck.

it's a meme you dip
