How do you guys feel about schools slowly adapting Computer Science and Programming studies into schools as early as...

How do you guys feel about schools slowly adapting Computer Science and Programming studies into schools as early as Primary?

As long as they teach about free software and software ethics. And don't force microsoft products on the kids, then it's fine.

Will never happen.


Fairly pointless, especially when a shop class would be far, far more useful instead.

>mfw all these

Sounds about right. I think they're mostly pushing Google products at this point.

I honestly think schools should subject young children to bullshit like Sup Forums just to weed out the faggots early on in a sort of live psychological stress test

You know kids can do more than one lesson in school...right?

Dumb because not everyone wants or can be a programmer, forcing this shit will make it boring probably for the people that are interested in programming.
To put it this way they will use dumb GUI style shit that isn't programming but rather clicky click.

You know most schools don't have any kind of shop class at all anymore, right?
You know at most, kids have one or two electives a year until they're seniors with five classes to fill, right?

It depends on the school. Not all of them can offer computers, labs, shop, home ec etc.

This is why we need to put more money into education and less into giving it away to other countries
I'm speaking from a Canadian perspective btw.

I'd like to see this:

>typical lifeskills and household management course that our parents took, but modernized. Cooking, household finances, maintenance, scheduling, tasks, seeking services

>Basic computer knowledge 101: hardware, basic functions/operations, survey of computer applications (enough to recognize a problem that can be solved with programming); Docs/Sheets/Slides learned in english/math courses
Basically every high school graduate should be as proficient with basic computer tasks as anyone on Sup Forums today

Leave the programs to the poos, otherwise introduce programming in college.

Since China is taking over mfg, we train the next gen to become proficient enough so that america becomes a CONSULTING powerhouse.

No because I don't want any more potential competition.

>a fucking leaf trying to educate Americans on how their school systems don't create REAL MEN

lmaoing @ u

i learned basic programming like scratch on elementary school.

The teachers are technically inept and the kids that truly want to learn will. I think it's a waste of money. Not everyone needs to or should learn how to program.

Damn, Moot went to hell after he left Sup Forums.


By the time they're out of school, what they learned will be utterly obsolete.

Waste of money, waste of time.

Interesting excuse to buy a bunch of shit that has no practical purpose.

wut? programming has no practical purpose? you live in a programmed world, faggot. You're on a web app that was programmed. The earlier people start the better. Doesn't mean every kid will actually have the desire and motivation to learn, but those who do will be able to learn at school. It's great.

>you live in a programmed world, faggot
So what? Knowing how Sup Forums was programmed does literally nothing for you. Literally everything you touch in your daily life was either made or processed directly by or by a machine made directly by a machinist. Does that mean you have any practical purpose knowing how to run a lathe if you aren't a machinist?


the point is programming is incredibly useful and resourceful in 2017 compared to....idk....1904? 1950? even 1999. Most teens have a smart phone. They're carrying a machine around 24/7 basically. Why not give kids the option to learn machines as early as primary/middle school? Also, programs can do a lot for you. Ever heard of reverse engineering? Again, I don't think schools should force it, but make it available. It would help separate all the dumb jock kids who wanna snapchat all day from the kids who actually want to use their brains and learn machines.

>I don't think schools should force it, but make it available. It would help separate all the dumb jock kids who wanna snapchat all day from the kids who actually want to use their brains and learn machines.

The school doesn't care. They don't have the budget or the drive to do anything but work towards standardized tests. If you can already ace them without trying they don't give two shits whether or not you want to actually learn something.

Because of phones and dumb "apps" kids don't care about reverse engineering or learning to machine.
The problem is all the shitty stuff they are being exposed at young age and parents that either don't care or forbid that they have smartphone and stuff.

Schools would definitely have trouble finding enough good teachers and paying them. Most likely the teachers now would just tell them to get on the computer and play some kiddy programming game. And in that case, the kids could just do that at home. It is kinda pointless desu

>don't force microsoft products on the kids
My niece's kids are issued laptops with Windows10, and are required to used Google Docs / Microsoft Live shit. They are all being indoctrinated early. I tell them about free software, and they smirk at me.

Programming languages and concepts are much more useful in the job market than learning spanish or french, imo.

microsoft wont let this happen

>adapting Computer Science and Programming studies into schools

Good, CS shouldn't even be a major in the first place.

>as early as Primary

Pointless, they can't even write. They should instead do more advanced math instead.