Anyone else late in their late 20s...

Anyone else late in their late 20s, have done nothing with their life and are now trying to learn programming to get into big money?

I'll off myself in a few yrs most likely, but I want to give this shit a try. I'm too socially retarded to get along with other people, so some computer gig is going to have to be my route to success..

I can build a website from the ground up now, but I'm only just starting to "get" javascript, enough to build some simple applications on my own...

In your opinion, what skills should a entry level javascript programmer, or web developer in general, know?

Other urls found in this thread:


few weeks ago some user explained how he makes money on app store so I'm following his lead.

been in webdev for years but it's fucking hard to make money. you have to contract, sub-contract, freelance and chase fucking contacts all the time. i was doing more networking than programming so I decided to ditch that and go the appstore route.


>JS w/ jQuery
>Bootstrap/etc (that's how you make webpages look nice)
>Server side programming language (PHP, NodeJS, etc...)

Tbh, you won't matter unless you know a server side language. I would start with something like PHP, Node has a bit of a learning curve imo.

PHP is dated (everyone here probably hates me for telling you to learn it,) but a lot of applications still use it and they need to be upgraded/maintained.

Also, unless you like this stuff, you miiiiiiight want to find a different career path. Expect to be around a bunch of Sup Forumsers at work.

are you me user?

No! He's me!

Care to share the wisdom with a miserable wagecuck? Muh appstore was always kind of intimidating.

As much as Sup Forums hates to admit it, Python is also a server side language. Django runs reddit and I'm pretty sure it still runs Instagram.

I'm 30 and always wanted to do the same for the last 10 years. But I can't muster the motivation to do something about my shit life.

When I stalk the facebook of people I use to know they are all successful engineers, well travelled, husbands or dads.

No matter what I do now I can't catch up, my life is fucked forever. I can't bare living as a friendless, wageslave any more. But I can't fathom the idea that wealth will somehow enrich my empty life because no amount of money will make up for losing a decade of life experience.

I wish op didn't make me go look up the last friend I ever had - it was 8 years ago - he runs a 10 million start up and probably doesn't remember me.

I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.

well, one user explained how to make it in app store.

you basically look at top 100 apps in the store (be it apple or google store) and you look at what's selling. then you take one of the apps that you think you like and know how you'd improve (which isn't fucking hard) and you decide to replicate it but add some twist to it. then you start selling & making money. he was making something like $20/day after a week.

I'm learning swift now from the free Stanford course...

I did a lot more research on this and asked around on other forums and this seems like a great way to make money. of course you have to send free codes to online review sites but that's fucking easy marketing.

25 here, doing something similar but focusing on sysadmin and eventually infosec after some experience. Going to my local community college for both.

My old job downsized and let me go so at least the school is 95% free. This is helpful as my wife and I have our first child due soon. I'd prefer to have a better job than food service.


the way she smiles at the two dangling balls makes me blush

def a cute chink. look natural too.. no surgeries

Yes but I'm learning physiotherapy instead.

my time is at least 300 years from now, i'm fucked whatever i do in the remaining years of my life.

(citation needed)


Same here. Would like to be in touch with you. Just add me in this fake gmail account with your fake one.
[email protected]

Yes I was there I am screen caping this.
Lets make weekly ProgramToMakeMoney threads. Will you or OP take care of this?

He didnt say play store. He specifically said App store coz google store is full of free apps and there are more odds developers making every new ideas

Pauline Hanson

seems legit

>measuring success by looking at others instead of comparing what you want to accomplish with the steps you have taken to accomplish it

8/10 would marry

Yeah that's bullshit.

You're dead inside. Me too. There doesn't seem to be anything you can do about it either, it's a personality thing.


This would be true if depression hadn't literally wasted 3 years of my life. Couldn't get out of bed except for work. Literally spent 90% of everyday in my room, only leaving to eat and bathroom and sometimes see friends or family, for years. Only thing that kept me from going insane was that I did actually have a GF and we hung out constantly, in my room though.

you don't need to be good programmer in order to make good money

you need to be good at copying others and not to be lazy and eventually you will succeed

yes I am talking about your own projects.

I just hate hearing "you don't like your job then go start your own business!" I mean really, just think about that phrase just for a minute. I wonder if for a second the person saying it realizes how unrealistic that is for 99% of the population.

"Go start a business," like I can just "go" and do that. Even if I were to have a great idea that would make for a good business (I don't), there is this barrier to entry for small business called capital. I don't have...lets say $50,000 to start a business and I highly doubt anyone else told to "go start your own business" does.

With all of that said, it isn't as though nobody starts their own businesses. Clearly people still do it. These people are often better-off financially than most though. Good for them. I love seeing the entrepreneurial spirit and I love seeing it succeed.

How do we fix this? Start with the kids. Teach them more than how to pass tests. Teach them about how to build credit, how to save money both for emergencies and for retirement, teach how to invest, teach how to critically think.

Sorry I've had a few.

Agreed. Company I work for has few apps in both stores but this is not our main business. Selling on Google Play is extremely hard... next to impossible actually. You're best off making freeware stuff for Android and monetize through ads. But that's peanuts. I don't know the exact numbers but the woman running the marketing for our company said that Android makes less than 1/100th of App Store.

People on App Store are willing to pay for good shit. So yeah, definitely make money on App Store.

>I don't have...lets say $50,000 to start a business and I highly doubt anyone else told to "go start your own business" does.
Well it's based on the assumption that you have a job that you don't like. If you want to start your own business you will obviously have to save up a lot of money at a job you don't like first. Also, when we're talking about software/computer companies you have virtually no capital investments. You only need enough money to survive until the company goes profitable (unlikely unless it's a very simple business model) or until it gets successful enough to gather venture capital (should be doable in a few months if you're ambitious and have a good business model). In this case, you would only need like $10,000-$20,000, and honestly, if you live in the west can't even muster up the ambition to save up 10 grand to start your own business, that's the reason you are incapable of starting your own business.

I know that feel.

>I'm too much of a coward to kill myself.
That resonates.

Some of us feel like that even without the comparing ourselves to successful people. I don't mind other people being successful, I'm not jealous. Maybe I'm envious.
What makes me sad is the realization that it's too late now to start a proper programming career. There are 15 year olds with more experience and useful skills out there. It take years to get to the point where you can live off it and I don't think many people can afford that.

If such a shitty "motivational picture" is enough to get you motivated, then you weren't unmotivated in the first place.

>Yes I was there I am screen caping this.
>Lets make weekly ProgramToMakeMoney threads. Will you or OP take care of this?
THIS! Somoene please start making a general for this. I'm fascinated by this and would love to start making money off APp Store. It's passive income and doesn't require much work once you've made the initial app.

> $20/day

I was considering iOS app development to get out of the shitty job I'm in right now, but that really doesn't sound worth it at all. Did you mean $20/hour?

Python is the shit for webdev. It's a glue language, and webdev is just glueing the database to HTTP.

No, he was making $20/day after a week in App Store with no marketing or promotion. He said was making $5K/month I believe and doing only few hours of work every day.

This perspective is self fulfilling.

>install gentoo

Done. I am doing this every Saturday and Wednesday.

I'll consider collaborating too user's

>big money
You're like 15 years late m8. Coding jobs have all been outsourced to Malaysia, India and Indonesia

no programming is a dogshit job unless you have a certain passion for it, I just ended up working in a kitchen for 4 years and then left to join the air force where you get actually good money, good healthcare, good assistance so on so forth.

>trying to learn programming to get into big money
It's a meme, don't fall for it.

anyone else got an urge to impregnate her?

archive link anyone?

But $20/day x 30 days = $600.

i am starting to think about it yeah

meaning i finished like 15% of the HTML test on codeacademy

Two years ago

It wasn't programming, but I had done nothing in my life until I was 30. Finally got the break I needed last year.

If you have the knack for programming and you know how to think outside the box, you can really go places. And there are a lot of programming jobs these days that are remote work. It's a really good skill to have.

I'm in my mid-30's, already did the programming carreer shit and got completely sick and burned out on it.

I just wanna congratulate you on trying to learn. CS is a pretty easy field since the resources out their rock enough to balance out a lot of the difficulty

We are here for you user

just send me your money

i will motivate you


I make webapps, released the first one in early december and I'm making about $1 a day

Erna Solberg

> be neet
> read make $20 a day advice on Sup Forums
> maek 3 apps
> make ~ 45$ a day, passive income
> ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

27 herr, going this route but instead of college I'm joining the Air Force. Employer's are easily impressed by military experience, I'm told.

who the H*CK is this semen demon?

link senpai?

>husbands or dads.
At least you escaped the dangerzone where they burn magicians.

Are you trolling? $20 of passive income after a week of work. After another week with that same growth pattern he would be at $40 a day.


>It wasn't programming
What was it then?

stop it. 3 years is most likely going to be about 3-4% of your entire lifespan. Just fucking use the rest of it and quit moping. It's like everyone thinks wasting a year ruins the rest of their lives. That's hardly true. If anything it makes you yearn for something more.

This isn't how it works. Three years is just a few percent of your life, but that is assuming that your ambition is the same as it was before those three years, which it won't be. Those three years will also represent a decline in your energy and ambition, and be a symbol of your failure. Every day after those three years will be a constant struggle to get back on schedule, but every day that passes will set you back even more, because you lost more than just time in those three years. You may start by trying to get back to where you "should be", but that goal will sink farther and farther until your goal is to put on pants, eat something other than doritos and masturbate less than 5 times that day. And before you know it, those three years have turned into four years, five years. Soon it will be a decade, and you will wonder where your youth went. You were supposed to accomplish something. What the hell happened? Well, the relief is that you by now only have a couple of decades left on this earth unless you decide to check out early.

tl;dr big fucking wall of text.

you're thinking too much go do something, anything that doesn't include a computer or screen of some kind. Even sitting outside is enough, just no fucking pixels.

Oh har har har.

Would still bang though.

lrn2english, Pablo. after that, lrn2sales.

She is a pretty witty politician.

Someone in parliament (a thin small guy) said something like "I am going to take Erna into the boxing ring on this" (which means that he will debate the issue)

and she just answered "You would not last, I am a completely different weight class than you"

>Even sitting outside is enough,

you'll probably be spending an equal amount of time if not more having to shill your own apps.

>tfw in late 20s and still haven't managed to find a job and start a career even though it has been years since graduating
>tfw haven't programmed or made an effort to learn since then
>tfw still don't believe i'm a complete failure
How do i break my delusion Sup Forums? It appears there are still some irrational bits of hope within me. But i know that tiny hope doesn't mean anything since my life is a failure by all objective standards.

i'm about to turn 34 and I work a job that I could have gotten at 18

my biggest nightmare as a kid was having a real career and my biggest nightmare right now is not having one

oh well, at least I'm white and since I don't have kids or women in my life I can afford to upgrade my rig

I am 22 and just got my architecture degree, I could stay in my country and work on a more decent than not job for the next 20 years then retire but I honestly that's not who I am I love to read science and I freaking love physics and evolutionary biology and AI development and have a shitton of friends worldwide dont this kind of stuff but on my homeland we are like 40 years backwards and no one even grasps at the potential, I honestly want to do this too user I want to learn how to program and then get myself into genetic algorithms and then neural modules and deep learning but I have no idea what could I do to start everything seems so bloated, I dream about moving to sillycon valley and starting a company that would specialize on providing architecture and industrial engineering solutions with the aid of both soft AI and genetic algorithms but where the fuck do I even start, I know people i guess but how do i teach myself all that I am lacking?


Off yourself right now faggot.
Fuck you and die. Not even memeing

I went back to school for security when I was 30 and had to turn down job offers when graduating. I'd say I made the correct decision


Sounds like you don't like programming. When you say "late 20s", I was 27-28 when I got my CompTIA A+, which is enough to repair computers. From there, if you're not a dickhole, and if you don't get a job that's too good for you like I did, you should be fine. You're definitely a better employee than some 19-year-old with an earring. Get that job, and then you're on the ladder. How fast you climb the ladder depends on lots of things (including pure luck), but if you keep at it and get a CCNA and shit, you can have a middling IT job when you're 31, just like someone who started at 21 but was shit then and took ten years to git gud. Bam, problem solved. It's that easy. And don't worry if you keep fucking up; you have all the time in the world. If you're 37 when you first become a network administrator or whatever, the world is full of people of that age who have that job. You'll be fine and normal. The first step is the hardest, but it's a step that people take every day.

A friend of mine is doing a PhD in robotics, having left school with no qualifications due to being rebellious and literally 2cool4skool. Look for a shit university that offers a PhD like that, and do it. All universities are basically the same anyway; if you get the PhD, you will be able to get a Silicon Valley job with all the cux and fags and then you can dye your hair green and live the dream :^)

OP here... got banned for no reason at all... again...

anyway, I do definitely want to create apps, particularly games, but I'm focusing on Javascript right now cause I think web development would make for easier money than games development for now...

Why the fuck does that happen? Literally everything is fucked because of outsourcing and our jobs going elsewhere...

Post archive link please

Probably because you are trying to treat Sup Forums like a suicide hotline.

There is no way that her pants are comfortable.

You start by getting a PHD in computer science from a well respected college in the US, going to work for IBM on Watson and finding out how fucking hard the things you're describing are. If any person in this thread knew how to do what you're describing, alone, they would have done it already and have been awarded a Fields Medal.

What you're describing has a team of people working on it at IBM who are probably all smarter than everybody on this board, a team of people taking that technology and tuning it for engineering and architecture, a huge team of people around those teams to do the shitty grunt work that they don't want to do, and when their product went out and competed on Jeopardy it still couldn't figure out that Toronto isn't in the US. What the fuck do you think you're going to be able to do in that field as just one person?

I feel like anime and video games forever ruined my expectations of life.

I dropped out of engineering because I just couldn't get myself motivated. Even in the ideal situation I would get a job at a prestigious company or institution the day to day work is pretty mundane and you don't have much control over the whole project because you work in a large team. And earning a lot of money... for what? I don't think the short term joys of new technology, tasty food and some traveling create happiness. Sure I would prefer now to have a good job instead of being a NEET but it just doesn't motivate me enough to study hard for 5 years.

I know it's hard user I dont just fantasize on the ideas I try to dive into the concepts and have a round enough understanding, i know these things are complex and i don't plan on doing them alone or by myself all that I want is to master the subject enough to be able to start a group of dedicated people that would work for me but trust me at the same time, that's how enterprises are actually born; i dont want to say produce a strong A.I by feeding information to a soft A.I, i don't want neither to fully develop dual processing or anything like that, I just want to have a complex enough product and sell it.

For example i keep getting people telling me to learn Python because its a language easy to modify which is true but some others are telling me to learn Java because its kind of the industry's standard and on A.I development you gotta be monolithic so I dont even know where to start, also I think a lot of people on A.I development unaware of the plethora of knowledge studies in ethology, cladistics and theory of mind are giving us and that this has yet to be brought to A.I development at least that I know of, I have things I believe i can take into the table but I dont even have any idea of how to get a PhD from an US university.

>I feel like anime and video games forever ruined my expectations of life.

No, stupidity ruined them and continues to do so.
Anime and vidya are contemptible kiddy shit. Liking childish things kept you from being a man and now you are irrevocably trapped in depression. That doesn't bother you so stay that way.

what kind of job could you even get with a ccna? someone post a link to a job opening, since i don't believe you could even find one

Wise move. Stay twenty and never have to work again if you play it right, or get civilian version of your job in DoD, contracting etc.

Who here is in their late 20's, learned programming when they are 15, and now has a comfy programming job, and living single has copious extra cash to spend on PVC waifus and the like?

this sounds like a good idea desu

>Literally everything is fucked because of outsourcing and our jobs going elsewhere...

This is why Trump won.

>Hero's journey pattern doesn't inspire you to want adventure and to make yourself great in the face of adversity

I don't understand - how do you not watch that shit and know that you have it in yourself to be great? All the cartoons I watched as a kid (some anime, some not) followed the hero's journey and it made me want to achieve great things, and to have people look up to me as a great man who has done those great things. It's not on a "world-wide" scale, but feeling needed on a team is awesome.

I started with C at the age of 15 upon Sup Forums's pressure, learned some webshit skills at 17, made myself a freelance career earning 3 times more than my cities average, thanks Sup Forums

Trump won because he made a bunch of job promises to the rust belt that he will not be able to keep.

no bullshit this how i'm tryna be

can you pls elaborate on your story?

>Anime and vidya are contemptible kiddy shit. Liking childish things kept you from being a man and now you are irrevocably trapped in depression. That doesn't bother you so stay that way.

The problem is that the dude is depressed. You fix the depression, not deny him his coping mechanisms.