What's wrong with ubuntu?

what's wrong with ubuntu?

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It's not archlinux

t. neckbeard

t. small penis

My man


you trigger the arch autists

is this how dumb people make themselves feel better?

Isn't it a spyware OS? Stallman himself said it.


Nothing wrong with the 3 instances running in this house. Have you got problems, user?


I like it, at least it has real support.

this, sensible people making choices on what they like, based on features they actually find useful

not even once

>dumb for preferring to use a distro that's actually for getting work done

i think that was something built into unity which you could disable, i don't know if it's still there

Nothing aslong as you aren't using it with unity.

so don't use unity

Nothing. It's just not 1337 enough for Sup Forums because it actually works out of the box.

Probably it was, didn't search much about it.
Besides unity, I'm trying to run from systemd OS's, even when I can switch from it.
Currently using Slackware cause why not?

how's slackware working out for you? can't blame you for wanting to escape systemd

To be honest, I got stuck in the installation for something trivial for like 4 days.
Then at first it looked so stupid their "package management" system I just decided to configure && make everything, but later found out the right way of installing things and it is pretty comfortable.
Besides all that, it's fun cause I learned alot about how the system manages it's packages and many more details in the slackbook.
Also their community on LinuxQuestions is super nice and helpful (and super active).

sounds pretty good, might just give it a try


Unity. The rest is good tho

Xubuntu is nothing but a shitty pick and mix of outdated packages

xfce > unity

it includes a botnet from amazon and it's still there.

I agree, also archlinux > *ubuntu

>he cant get work done unless he is given shiny pointy things to click on

does the same apply to lubuntu, xubuntu, etc or is it just a unity thing?

it's a ubuntu thing. xubuntu was botnet free the last time i tried it.

Honestly nothing, it's the most stable desktop linux distro. But due to the fact that it used to be the most popular distro people dismiss it and try to be tough by picking a worse distro instead (mint)

Dubious ethics of the parent company (Canonical)

There's nothing wrong with the distribution.
They seem to be the only one trying to put Linux on people's desks.

You have to keep in mind that Sup Forums is full of Sup Forumsedditors that came here with in waves of faggotgate, celebrity picture leak and drumpf election

nothing, if you dont like unity install a different de

full of minsinformed indecision.

apt-get and ppa's, updates break everything

It's disabled.

Ubuntu LTS is perfect. No idea why fags feels the need to update every 6 months to beta test new shit.

Doesn't this use an ancient kernel with no new hardware support?

wft does this 't. anybullshit' mean?

>do something stupid
>ubuntu breaks
>doesn't matter
>takes two minutes to reinstall and git pull my dotfiles

LTS gets kernel updates, and stuff like Firefox is kept current. Most of the other stuff changes so little the typical user won't be missing anything. For specific stuff that needs to be the latest, there's PPAs.

>ITT people who think distro and DE are the same thing

ubuntu mate is the bees knees

It has an African name, so you know its probably no going to work without a lot of whipping.

It does get kernel updates.
If your hardware already works on LTS, then you don't really need new hardware support now do you?

With a generic kernel, you can just stick your old hard drive in a new PC and everything will work :D

So what's the point of LTS? How is it different?


It's supported much longer, so I don't need to waste time with upgrades that often break stuff and require installing again, and some stuff is feature frozen so workflows aren't interrupted. The shorter support timelines aren't as much of an issue if you have your shit together enough to get a fresh install configured with just a few commands.


Linux distros are so buggy that installing a desktop environment guarantees it will be ugly and broken. You might as well reinstall.


Back in my day, everyone on Sup Forums thought arch was for edgy kids who think they're hackers

Now Sup Forums is full of edgy kids who think they're hackers

checked, the t. meme is finnish for regards so
>t. mactoddler
means "Regards, mactoddler" as a connotation to the previous post

install kali

I use Debian and have an Ubuntu image for KVM. Both work fine, although Ubuntu does not officially sipport the packages in their 'universe' repo, which is why I don't run it.

I did minimal installs of both of course.

Those packages are officially supported. It's not like the AUR.

Universe is community supported though.

The Amazon telemetry was the smartest thing Canonical has ever done with Ubuntu. It could be removed in 2 minutes if you didn't want it, but it successfully labeled Ubuntu as a botnet in the eyes of all the stallman drones thus keeping their presence out of the Ubuntu community forever. And we are all the better for it.

Tip: it was only in the full bloated normie install with Unity. Nobody who really uses the OS for any length of time touches that shit.

Plenty of people in the real world, like Google engineers and that guy on Numberphile my bf thinks is cute, use and enjoy Unity. The Amazon stuff is free software.

It shouldn't even be there in the first place. Period.
No if, ands or buts about it.

It works a hell of a lot better then centos 7 does as a desktop. If I ever need to run/play with redhat based OS's I'll just run them in a VM.

You shouldn't even be here in the first place. Period.
No if, ands or buts about it.

It's a debian fork. And fuck debian.

It also works better as a server if you don't need anything RHEL-specific.

Wow, what an insightful comment :-)


canonical cannot deal with systemd.

I'm pretty sure that means the people maintaining the packages are experienced and trustworthy. That would put it on the same level as Debian. Plus, you can remove the Universal repo if you wanted to.

worked with both and unity is more comfy.

Unity alone is not evidence of using the default installation. It's likely these people installed via the minimal net install.

Tor devs don't seem to think so.

>muh security
>muh tor
>muh gestapo going to break down the door in 10 years and arrest me for looking at futa porn

It's most likely someone else set it up because they have better ways to spend their time, and that's how it's done in organizations.

It's complete shit, kinda nice for ricing tho.

have fun trying to get OBS to capture audio from desktop and mic and have mumble working at the same time.

I don't care what it is, it's comfy af

>mfw Arch users who spend occupy themselves "learning linux" can't pass LPIC-1

1. The name.
2. The philosophy behind the name.
3. Terrible battery.

windows is a joke OS

it works a hell of a lot better than the winshite
with it's forced reboots, adverts, viruses

... forced logoffs, defragging, malware

>a retarded mix of systemd, upstart, and init scripts
>libraries patched up the ass
>have to reinstall twice a year