/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Sup Forums?

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First for Python where you can, C++ where you must.

fuck you for posting an anime image

Should I learn Haxe?

Anime website.
You are free to get out of here and none of the value will be lost.

Fuck you for posting an anime image

Weaboos need to fuck off to their containment board and die

Thank you for posting an anime image!

how many of you are completely dead on this inside

or is it just me

Daily reminder
IRC is #basictv on Freenode

maybe you should kill yourself

How expensive is calling a function pointer in C?


it's $2.50 per call

Nobody gives a shit and it's a false premise

Now people who don't give a shit about your cartoons outnumber you 100:1

The same as calling a known function, except maybe the CPU can't prefetch the instructions. It's just a jmp to an arbitrary address as opposed to a jmp to a literal address, plus all the same calling convention code.

>Moving the goalposts
Even if that were true (It's not), that still doesn't distract from the fact that Sup Forums as a whole will always be an anime forum at it's very core. Go to reddit or voat if you don't like that.

>tainting gunbuster with flcl

>he doesn't like anime
>he still visits an anime website
>he demands the anime website stop liking anime

Is your name Mohammed by any chance?

BTW, not trying to distract from the thread:
What's a good C project to work on with a microcontroller?


Who told you this is an anime website? Anime can be posted in your containment boards, this is a technology board. Do you think actual adults with jobs in STEM fields actually _care_ about chinese cartoons for kids? You guys are like an ugly cancer that refuses to go away. It's not your website, it never was.

What kind of outputs or inputs do you have?

Ok, then you're free to fuck off to your containment cartoon board and stay there. Leave the technology (and all the other boards) to adults.

I'm trying to write a greasemonkey script that changes the browser GUI css style (like stylish).
I tried
// @include mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul
// @include chrome://browser/content/browser.xul
document.getElementById("ID").style.PROPERTY = "VALUE";
But it doesn't seem to be working. Any help? Also, can I add !important to the value?

>he suggests the anime website isn't an anime website
>"m-muh adults m-muh jobs m-muh STEM"

I don't know about you, but if I was autistic enough to throw this much of a fit over cartoons I don't like, I wouldn't browse this site.

Why are you still here?

But the fact of the matter is, the opinions of newfags don't really matter.

Writing unit tests for my chatbot and currently debugging a behavioral anomaly.

adults don't get upset over cartoons

Again, who told you this is an anime website? This is a forum with themed discussion boards. There's simply a minority of faggots who keep posting their chinese cartoons everywhere, but they'll soon go away, they just need to be attacked whenever they appear.

Rich coming from a tripfag

any tips on how to start getting involved in real projects? I can do comp sci exercises and stuff, and learn new languages, but i have no idea how to use them. When I look at github projects in ruby or c I have no idea what the code means. I want to contribute to open source projects but I don't know how to make actual useful programs. Any tips?

>who told you this is an anime website?
I wonder as well...
>Sup Forums was started as a project by Christopher "moot" Poole, a user of a small IRC/DC community known as Raspberry Heaven, which was [then] composed of users from the "Anime Death Tentacle Rape Whorehouse" (ADTRW) sub-forum of The Something Awful Forums.

>who told you this is an anime website
Visit the home page, tell me what you see in the banner.

An image of a pdp11 is an image of a pdp11, regardless of whether there's an anime girl present in the picture or not. It is wholly relevant to the thread.

I've got a cold, so I'm a little dead inside.

Someone seems mad.

Irrelevant, it's not 2004 anymore. Anime faggots are outnumbered 100:1. Try again.

Look at that, anti-weebs already shitting up the thread

/dpt/ - Daily Pointless argument about Sup Forums """culture""" Thread

I thought I told you not to shit this thread up too

Stop shitting it up with your chinese cartoons first

They aren't causing any harm though

>Anime faggots are outnumbered 100:1
Said literally who.
>Sup Forums has held official panels at Anime USA (2005), Otakon (2005/2006/2007), and Anime Weekend Atlanta (2013).
What's next, it's not 2013 anymore?
Fucking respect origins of the place you visit, and embrace anime pictures.

>Sup Forums sent a guy to some anime event one time
>therefore the entire site is officially dedicated completely to chinese cartoons for the mentally ill

yeah sure pal

What's a good course into programming with language as C

>Fucking respect origins of the place you visit, and embrace anime pictures.
This, refugees need to leave

Nothing better than seeing animufags up in arms after being told they're not welcome here

Nothing better than seeing reddit refugees up in arms after being told they're not welcome here

>says the one getting mad about cartoons


I can't even argue anymore, such unarguable facts

>i was pretending

get the K&R book. Look up some projects to work on. Unless you're starting programming altogether, in which case idgaf


>it's not 2004 anymore
Mate, I came here in 2006, and animefags were still the majority back then.

If you do not like anime, you do not belong on Sup Forums, even on our non-anime boards.

pls help

Start your own project

Here's my suggestion:

1) Find a FOSS application you have experience with
2) Grab its source code
3) Find the main() function (or your language's equivalent)
4) Start going through the code, using a debugger where you need to
5) Learn about how the project is structured, how everything works, how builds are made, etc.

When you have a good grasp, you could try fixing bugs from the bugtracker, and asking people to review your solutions.

I don't go to your containment chinese cartoon boards and use unrelated pictures out of the blue

You guys need to stay where you're allowed to and leave the rest of the forum alone - luckily it's so pathetic to be actually interested in cartoons as an adult your numbers are steadily dwindling

But I have no idea how making real shit works. That is why I wanted to contribute to existing projects first.

>calls Sup Forums a forum
what did he mean by this?

Sup Forums's still not a containment board
Seriously, this thread wouldn't be shit if you weren't here being a bitch

What is it then if not a discussion forum?

Yes it is, non-animu boards vastly outnumber ones dedicated to it, just as users

>luckily it's so pathetic to be actually interested in cartoons as an adult your numbers are steadily dwindling

Do you not know how many 20-30 year olds there are that watch Adventure Time? Watching cartoons as an adult is becoming a lot more common, mate.

'bout tree fiddy

Number of anime boards: 20%
Number of shitposting boards: 2%
Number of politics boards: 2%
Number of technology boards: 1%
on and on

Nope, no matter how you whine and cry about it, it's not a containment board
You're free to fuck off whenever though

thanks man.

I am on a board about a topic that interests me, do you see me posting about Haskell on Sup Forums or /jp/?

The entire website is an anime imageboard.
The purpose of Sup Forums is for discussion of anime by people who like anime.
The purpose of Sup Forums is for discussion of technology by people who like anime,

The entire website, has, is, and will always be, an anime imageboard, intended for people who like anime.

By coming to this website, you have admitted that you like anime.

the image in is right

Now can we please stop discussing this.
Stop complaining every damn thread.

If you want a website where you have no overarching culture, please use a different website, like Reddit. But on this imageboard, anime is the purpose and the theme.

You are free to leave and make your own imageboard.
You aren't free to try and change the purpose of this one.

False premise, there are boards dedicated to anime and you are free to stay on them - this is not one of them
Seriously, just STOP this meme that the entire Sup Forums is exclusively about anime - it's seriously not, and 99% of people here do not give two shits about your mongolian cartoons

No, you're in this thread in order to get triggered by pictures of cartoons
If you want to actually talk about technology, then Reddit is wide open

Reddit is just another technology forum that's literally no different than this one

You're right, it's not exclusively about anime. However, that doesn't mean other boards are off-limits to people who like anime. Sup Forums is for people who like anime who want to discuss technology, and so on. You can expect to see anime referenced on non-anime boards as the people browsing them are people who like anime. If you don't like anime then you can either ignore it and keep your mouth shut, or find another website that's better suited to your tastes.

>False premise
It's not a false premise you fucking idiot.
The image I gave you should seem like a serious flag for you.

This board was literally fucking founded by a group of people specifically from an anime sub-board of another website.

It was founded specifically for people who like anime to discuss various things. Not exclusively for the discussion of anime, but for the discussion of things largely if not almost exclusively BY people who like anime.

How can you be so fucking new as to not understand that?
It's a fucking fact plastered all over the fucking walls.

There's a section of the front page literally written in Japanese.
Sup Forums.org/japanese

So you're from Reddit?
No wonder you don't understand.
Unlike reddit, the different boards on this website aren't completely isolated communities of people who never interact and aren't expected to have anything in common.

>Sup Forums is for people who like anime who want to discuss technology


try again

Updated delayclose.

>there's a page in japanese
>this proves the entire website is for people who like chinese cartoons

yeah sure lol

the entire website isn't an anime board you stupid faggot there are categories

those places just refer to Sup Forums as a whole as being about anime but it isn't

But it doesn't have the anime girls that trigger you so much, if that's the only difference between here and there then you should be perfectly fine on Reddit

>It was founded specifically for people who like anime to discuss various things. Not exclusively for the discussion of anime, but for the discussion of things largely if not almost exclusively BY people who like anime.

Too fucking bad then, it's no longer 2006, now people who like anime are a tiny majority here and have to live by our rules, and one of them is NO ANIME PICTURES outside of your containment boards you stupid animals

this picture will give you aids

I mean it's not like we can't talk about technology while posting anime pictures. That's why we have both an image and a text field.

Nothing wrong with objects having a shitload of methods.

*minority not majority (obviously)

So you're just here to ruin the thread.
Congratulations, you've fucking succeeded, as you did last thread.

How can you be in such fucking denial?
This website was founded for people who like anime.
It originally only had one board called "anime/random".

>you have to live by our rules
wrong, I have to live by the rules of the website
I hate to break it to you, but this isn't America, and the entire website isn't going to kowtow to your minority politics.
What kind of pathetic person feels the need to subvert an anime imageboard?

Anyone here used LibPNG? Trying to decipher how to write pure black and white images with the smallest possible size and overhead.

And I will be here for the next thread if you don't stop posting your cartoons, kid

>by our rules
lmao the delusion
Seriously, I'm sure the technology subreddit won't have those evil anime girls, fuck off there anytime

Reddit is heavily censored and thus not a good platform for discussion

Just get a regular black and white .png image and use pngcrush.

>was founded
>originally only had

Yeah, past tense. It's 2017 now, and you guys are being replaced.

Fine, find somewhere else to go
Your anti-weeb crusade ain't changing shit

>fuck censorship, i just want a board that only censors the things i don't like

How does removing anime prevent discussion?

Notice how there's only one or two fags complaining about anime
And they think they're the majority

>but guys it's CURRENT YEAR

>you guys are being replaced
One does not leave Sup Forums, user. Oldfags cannot be replaced because they do not leave.

How does having anime prevent it?

Back you go

puts "But user, you cannot have those opinions in #{Time.now.year}"

data Expr a where
Lit :: a -> Expr a
Add :: Num a => Expr a -> Expr a -> Expr a
And :: Expr Bool -> Expr Bool -> Expr Bool

data Term a where
Var :: a -> Term a
Abs :: Term (Maybe a) -> Term a
App :: Term a -> Term a -> Term a

>muh turing completeness

Would it be possible to implement System F typechecking rules entirely in Haskell types in order to properly type terms?

i think so