/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread

What are you working on, Sup Forums?

These men should be lynched with chains.

What's the most racist language? Something which pisses off and preferably even kills niggers?

currently in the middle of obsessing over Julia.
its quickly becoming my favorite lang.

How can a programming language kill anyone?

pretty much OCaml is better if it had type classes and HKT
finally no more +./-. shit

Wouldn't call them men. Male perhaps, but not men.

It can have built in functions which do this.



yeah im starting to gain more interest in saner functional langs like OCaml/F#/etc
haskell is such a beautiful language, but its just too broken to be practical it seems

small pussy gets rekt by 2 black dudes.gif

poetic how those nigs are luring in the cat and then fucking it over

then society lures them in with welfare and fucks them over in order to make money off of taxpayers

I made a console executable in C++ that tells the user to kill themselves if given the wrong input. I'm learning fast :^)

it's probably your brain that is broken if you think a language with an "O" in its name is either sane or non-shit

when did /dpt/ turn full Sup Forums ?

i miss it just being anime and traps.
simpler times

im not sure what youre getting at?
because objects?

agreed anime, traps, and programming all belong together



yeah, your brain is definitely broken.

The real thread is here

God I hope those niggers are dead somewhere.