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Technology #589
New iPad Pro Ad - No PC Viruses
What are my options if I don't want to give a dime to Microsoft but realize gaming on Linux is a joke?
Russian military OS
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What browser do you use on your phone?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Did you ever kill someone over a tech argument?
Sup Forums humor
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
What's the most economically efficient iphone 7 size?
What's the best text editor
This was the last time Intel cared about performance
Don't forget to frag your disk every once in a while user
Text editors
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Any tips for a first time user?
Dual Monitor a shit
13 inch vs. 15 inch laptop for CS
Hey Sup Forums, is ham radio still a viable hobby?
UNGOOGLED CHROMIUM 64 for all Wangblows!
How does programming work in non-English speaking countries...
What the fuck happened?
How to get rid of the retards on here
Software Engineering is for Boys, Computer Science is for Men
What's your idle temp?
Monitors with no height adjustment still exist
What makes SystemD so bad?
Go to top tier school
This is the best USB flash drive thumb stick. You can not prove me wrong. This topic should receive zero replies...
Why do you guys hate GNOME?
Russia: Programmer killed and burned colleague over AMD vs NVIDIA argument
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is C++ still a marketable skill?
Tfw too dumb to learn programming
Tfw power outage for hours now, Thinkpad just ran out of charge and phone is dying
I need help. The other day, I found an iphone laying on the ground, and there wasn't a single person around...
Th-thanks, capitalism
What's with all the hate for windows 10? it's easily the best version of windows yet, I don't get it?
Whats the point of adblock if sites dont let you view content unless you switch it off or whitelist?
When will the tech singularity happen? I'm thinking ~2030
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Why the fuck does this shit exists?
Xiaomi Mi 5c leaked. All buttons under the glass
Samsung Galaxy s8
WordPress site
Alternate storage methods
I7 >>>> i5
Oy to the vey
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Wtf is this true
HTC Vive vs Oculus Rift
Whats the best c compiler
I need to get a new laptop cause I broke my old one
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is burning in your new headphones a meme?
Wtf is this
Firefox customization is going to hell
Get fancy new pic related
AMD Ryzen
The most widely used operating system in the world is Android
I can't get a straight answer from any fucking normies on other forums. I have a retail version of Windows 10 Home...
Do you think analog tech has reached its peak and digital media will just inevitably be better or are we just not...
What is Sup Forums's antivirus of choice?
IPad > PC
So how big of a problem is smoking around computers?
Tfw you will never make it in to the IT industry because no previous work experience
Linux cant into scaling
Why do my earphones always break after 7/8 months?
Making music on Linux
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Hi Sup Forums, as a 10 year user of the windows...
What does Sup Forums think of the popular fidget toys lately?
Are SSDs safe to use yet? I don't feel comfortable storing mass data in volatile memory
If 2D is stuff like images on screens while 3D is real life objects then what is 1D, 4D, 5D etc?
Google is fucking dead to me
Apple iMac With 5k Retina Display
How can technology utilize 6 dimensions?
Yahoo fucking going up in flame
Hello guys i'm here to beg you for the best game in the world , I realy like this game...
How do we combat the stigma of android phones being uncool?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/pcbg/ - PC """Building""" General
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Apple philosophy: Lets make a perfect phone, a perfect tablet...
Are ARM Chromebooks better now that Chromebooks have Android apps...
Windows cucks of Sup Forums
Make this Sup Forums related
/mpg/ - MacBook Pro General
Creative ways to fuck with Google
Give me 1 good reason why I shouldn't buy a 1080 right now
This castrated youtube clown set up a 40Gb/s network connection for $80 and basically you're fucking stupid
"Fucking their shit up is below my pay grade. I'm paid to COMPLETELY fuck their shit up."
Previous thread: >>58964753
Be me
Have you jumped to 4k yet?
That complete radio silence from Intel camp after numerous leaks show Zen cores with equal IPC to Skylake
Go for the DisplayPort
Thats actually pretty nice
Why are people in computing technology are so unconcerned about their outward appearance?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Idiot politicians who want to ban encryption
What's his end game?
Have you bought your programming socks already ?
Can you write Software that can destroy Hardware?!
Do people in america consider you a nolife """nerd""" if you have a desktop?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Windows Noob, Installing Gentoo, Need Help
AMD Ryzen 5 1600X Leaked Benchmarks, Faster Than Intel’s Fastest 6 Core
Why is it impossible for Windows Users to change their User Folder name?!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How did RGB lighting and "gaming gear" get popular again...
Is this true?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why isn't picrelated more popular on the desktop?
No battlestations?
I ran into somethig scary, Sup Forums
I want to run Win10 in a VM with PCIe passthrough. And a second VM with Xubuntu for serfing the interwebs
/mpv/ - player for non retards
ReactOS 0.4.4 Released
/wt/ watch thread
Tldr; memory malware, fuckfuckfuck worse then 0 day
GUI or console, your choice?
Your distro
When will linux autismos ever compete?
Current state of windows
Windows 10 appreciation thread
So Sup Forums, what's your current monitor?
Do you use a tablet and stylus to note take for class?
Why do people use this garbage instead of IRC?
Lmao Intel confirmed suicide watch
Is there any way to power an ssd through the mobo instead of directly from the psu other than m.sata?
Why haven't you made C++ your bitch the way Jose Canseco has?
High end smartphone without a fingerprint sensor and a front facing camera, am i asking too much /g?
Why no more odd numbers (5, 7 or 9) core CPUs?
What does Sup Forums think of ReactOS?
Is this some new material design shit?
Not using the uberman schedule
Yahoo Virus
Have you ever been embarrassed around other people by something you forgot to hide or close on your computer?
Image board
Is it true apple created their own font to achieve godtier rendering?
Be me sitting in data structures
Ubuntu is the greatest
Why does logicalincrements suggest an 850w PSU for an i7+1080? Is thefalcon dumb...
Why did it fail?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Greeeetings my fellow technobabble bretheren!
Daily Programming Challenge
What is the best type of audio connector and why is it XLR?
Begginer programming tips
Is there any reason to use any version of debian at all?
moving from Windows to Linux
AVOID Solid SEO-VPS, WORST customer service ever!
Just curious what Sup Forums uses for antivirus software. I just use malwarebytes and adblock and havent had any issues
What add-ons does Sup Forums use?
Press F to pay respects
This is why I hate programming
Why aren't you ricing ironically?
Stop using AMD
Tech stories
What's your favorite desktop environment?
Who is stilling using an outdated phone
Will you buy Ryzen?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Why do the best linux distros look like macOS?
PHP Vs Node.JS
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So I've been doing a lot of research on how the Internet works and was wondering if it would be possible to send...
Why Linux sucks
What are the top three IRC channels for qt hackers like myself?
1440p isn't worth it on a 24 inch monitor
Installing a second internet account in the same household
Favourite monospace font?
What's something or somethings about technology that makes you irrationally angry?
Current state of Windows 10 in terms of customisation. You can also change the wallpaper
Any good reason not to get this for 1080p? Any reason to get the 1080 instead?
Linux - Desktop Environment thread
Seriously, what's better than Chromium?
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Is the LG G4 a safe phone to get? I heard it has a "bootloop" problem. Is this common?
So, Iridium or Firefox/Aurora/Nightly?
Uni offers special engineering scholarships to females only
Apple literally and unironically greenlit this
Comfy Browser
Just bought a core 2 quad cpu yesterday. what are you buying lads?
He sits down in a chair while on the computer
How do you get good at video file compression...
I'm a fresh computer science graduate...
ITT Thread: obselete tech
Iphone Activation Lock
Should I get 7700k and replace my i5-4670k?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Chromium is binary blob infested botnet node
Linux is for faggots!
What shells does Sup Forums use?
So CS or Math?
Y'all VR niggas got memed on
Why is this allowed?
Show me your albums Sup Forums
That feel when GNU+Linux can instantly detect any shit USB/PCI/Firewire/ExpressCard/Serial device made a billion years...
Tfw certain combinations of 1s and 0s are illegal
The year is 2017
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How many programming languages do you know? Is it worth it to know more than a few of the top-used ones such as Java...
/pcbg/ - PC Compiling General
Enter metro
God tier
Windows 8.1
Who here can _actually_ (((hack)))?
Perfect phones don't exi
Atom is the new vim
Listen to Sup Forums and buy a maxed out mba mid 2012 for $400
Music Players
Post comfy 00s tech please
Why do people hate palemoon?
Homescreen thread
Be me
Best gnu/linux distro that "just werks"?
This has got to be a joke
/speccy/ thread - wtf edition
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What does Sup Forums think about moderate sized PC's without the standard high capacity hard drives?
What did Firefox mean by this?
Is 300$ really worth it for this processor? Or should I just wait until Ryzen?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What if android was written in c?
Two things that i don't understand about this website:
Low cost ($10~$20) 50/10 broadband was about to roll out THIS YEAR to all Americans making under 60k
What kind of trash can do you use?
Windows cant be rice
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
My R9 280X is barely hanging on to life and needs to be replaced sooner rather than later. I'm not a gaymer...
Anti-corrosion liquids?
Do you have stickers on your laptop? If yes, post it
What are the differences between a bottom of the line motherboard and a more expensive top of the line motherboard if...
I always hated that fucking man. As an actor and as a person...
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Miss me yet?
Speedtest Thread
Why is GNU/Debian the best OS ever made?
Never used Linux before and am looking to give it a try...
Do you feel bothered that your installation of Windows 10 tracks everything you do and sends it to Microsoft and NSA?
My little brother wants to start learning a programming language (He's 14...
WHATS HIS NAME Sup Forums ???
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why did it fail?
Hey Lineagefags, how has your "new" OS been treating you? Does OTA work for you?
Facebook tells me that I have fake name and now they restricted access to my profile until I provide photo of my...
Mean while in windows
Talk of tech innovation is bullsh*t. Shut up and get the work done – says Linus Torvalds
Windows in 2017
Uh oh you friggin moron, you just got beaned
Is gorshill working for Micros**t now? because latest version is not blocking w**dows ads
It's a gamer-pretends-to-be-a-professional-video-editor-to-justify-his-windows-installation episode
Current state of windows
What's Sup Forums's opinion on Xiaomi and their hardware?
What is the difference between motherboards like the MSI X99A SLI PLUS and Asus ROG STRIX X99 GAMING...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
3x 1TB raid 0 HDDs VS 480GB SSD
/o/ here. What does Sup Forums think of automated cars?
What did they mean by this?
What was Sup Forums talking about in 2006?
What's stopping you from switching to Linux...
Whats the point if all exit nodes know where you are...
Still on my q6700 rig
Will buying a new processor increase FPS or nah
What's your main laptop?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup gee so what your thoughts on this AMD? I'm a console pleb so know jack shit about pcs...
Reccomend me a cute font Sup Forums
Just encrypted a flash drive. Now what to put on it
College thread, lads
Why do people use and celebrate Python when Lisp is both faster and more expressive?
>BST - NoTasteEdition<
Firefox thread
It's a Linus refuses to use established storage solutions and instead comes up with a homebrewed mess that will...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Post battery usage
Ask a GOOGLE engineer anything
Mid-Range Smartphone Market
ASUS Z270 Extreme
BSD And Other Things
Net Neutrality Again
As a former Arch user, what's a serious distro that I can get into as my next step?
Duckduckgo vs ixquick vs startpage
How does it feel that IT will probably be one of the first industries to get automated because there is no...
Be dumb 26 yo gamer praying to god for gaming girlfriend
Still hurts
I overheard some normies in class talking about the "deep web"
Hey g
Youtube-mp3 is kill
Do you buy dead people's technology?
At interview for java programming job
People like you are what's wrong with this world and thid board. U just can't accept anything...
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Fell for "you need a mac to be a developer" meme
Why is this acceptable?
Why can't computers look as good as Hi-Fi equipment?
/wt/ watch thread
Emoji Key on new Apple's Smart Cover
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Are we going to become robots? Essentially making us live longer or forever...
Why is it so fucking slow?
Only 11% of open source participants are women
Anybody else love old computers? I refer to it as "Tech-porn"
I think we can all agree that THIS, THIS RIGHT HERE
What does Sup Forums think about that ?
CS student here.In what should I specialise if I want big bucks?
Guts Thread
US programmers are no longer allowed to use the term "whitelist" because it's racist
He wastes 5 seconds every time filling captchas
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Tfw using kaby lake on windows 7
Mfw Arch takes like 15 minutes to install if you know what you're doing
I failed to code a variation of buzzfizz in an interview today
Check out my new toy Sup Forums
Using Gentoo when Debian has apt-src
Guess what: The next true hardware revolution is the memory revolution and Intel is already leading there
Why are mechanical hard drives still so goddamn expensive?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Brightness at 0
Should I get a vpn? What do you guys use?
ITT Godtier computer science books
I just started using a dedicated GPS unit a few times
Current state of the Linux desktop!
Pocket laptop
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Daily reminder
I was planning on picking up another R9 390 to Crossfire because they are pretty cheap around here...
What do you do to cope with loneliness, Sup Forums?
Things that trigger your autism
Hackers, where did you learn to hack?
Does Sup Forums into Artificial Neural Networks?
So, this is the future. Thoughts?
Sup Forums confessions thread
Terry Davis Stream
/wbg/ - Web Browser General
Speccy thread?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Why would I use this piece of shit in 2017 when there is 99+ better alternatives ?
No igpu why is this allowed ?
I find out this gif that describes in a very accurate way how arch's users interact with AUR
Ethical hacking & Computer Security
Windows NT 3.51
Current year + 1
Sup, /g. My north bridge bridge suddenly started overheating and it's relatively new one...
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How much do you pay for internet and what is your agreed speed?
What's the greatest hack you ever pulled?
Fuck you, I like it!
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
How many bucks do you pay
Do you buy 4TB or 6TB hard drives today? I know 3TB is dogshit because of the weird platters being used on most brands
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
Since rooting is useless now, is there any good way to block ads on phone?
I need a cheap MP3 player with a fuckload of storage. What do you suggest?
Petabyte hdd when?
ISRO sets world record in the space arena by sending 104 satellites in a single rocket
Hey faggots, i just did this to my zenbook because fucking asus cant make proper hinges
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Tech related sentences that trigger you
Do distros like Ubuntu ultimately hurt user ability to fully use a GNU+Linux system due to there being no interaction...
What do?
"Humble Software Bundle"
Top Five Answers Are On The Board
Why is computer science such a sausage fest?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
On chip DRM for 4K streaming
Sup Forums lies
Image manipulation is technology too
I'm so fucked
Prove that linux isn't an endless wasteland of knock-off software. A perpetual amalgam of copycats...
I'm looking to buy/mod a
IPhone 7 has the best battery life
/csg/ Chink Shit General
GPD Pocket
Why the fuck is cellphone service so expensive in the USA?
Linux noob question: If I can install whichever DE I want on any distro I want (mostly)...
Python is a good language and if you disagree you are likely a nigger
Is this guy the biggest cuck techtuber or what. I'm not sure how this guy as big as he is. His content is shit...
Lets all go report to Valve "MAKE A FUCKING 64 BIT STEAM FOR WINDOWS, MAC, AND GNU/LINUX"...
I am looking for suggestions for an android music player
I'll post more if 50 people commit to buy Intel for their next system
5% battery life left
For those who are learning programming, was there a moment when everything just clicked? How did it happen...
Steam keeps saying problems with "", buts its to its newest version
Tfw want to go to college
How do you pronounce:
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Fuck me Sup Forums
/asm/ general
Nokia set to re-release the 3310
/wt/ watch thread
Backend Web Frameworks?
Why aren't you using Vivaldi Sup Forums?
Weird Sup Forums machines
Silk Road Mystery Unsolved
This guy is fucking good with the command line. I want to share with you faggots:
How do I stop getting dry hits from ecig? I have an eleaf ijust tank btw
VPS hosting
Iv'e been teaching myself C++ for years now (I just started college) and I pretty much know in detail most aspects of...
Why does everyone think Steve Jobs invented smartphones?
Do you have any decoration on your computer desk at home or at work? is it meant to be cute or entertaining?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Girlfriend only uses phone to Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat
Could 4:3 ever become more popular in laptops? It's better for web browsing and a few other things...
Whats the best tablet for around 300 bucks?
In January of last year I was in a car accident, I spent 4 months in hospital, and am still recovering even now...
Do you nerds use Bash on Windows? cmder? ConEmu? Something else entirely?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Linux is r-ready for the desktop i swear!!
GTX 1070 owners answer me this
Why don't you like him, Sup Forums?
I fucking hate javascript and it's bazillion frameworks
Higher education
Meme degree?
Guy with an IPhone and a Windows Laptop
How much does one of these matter?
BSD And Other Things
I just received this for valentines, what can I do with it?
Redpill me on Android phones available today, Sup Forums. I want to upgrade from my Nexus 5...
Windows? Linux? The OS is dead, killed by the cloud
Why do linux users never shut up about it?
Why would anyone ever use linux if my windows system works perfectly fine...
I've got a MicroServer
Desktop Distribution of the Year - Slackware (16.03%)
At last
Are you fucking nuts, Sup Forums?
200 hackers at UC Berkeley gathered to save federal climate change data before it gets erased
So, what do you use your tablet for, user?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
It's time for a ScreenFetch/NeoFetch thread
Has Sup Forums ever wronged you?
Post your hard drive with the most hours
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Hello Sup Forums, until this moment I've been using google chrome browser, but i want to use something better...
ITT: petty things you do to trigger normies and society
Dell latitude
Sticker thread
Is there any advantage to installing Gentoo/Arch other than learning how to install Gentoo/Arch?
What do with this old pda?
Chrome users
Is Sup Forums hyped for ryzen?
Here we go here we go here we go now
Sup Forums show me your smartphone desktop
Hi Sup Forums. I have 15V power supply but this TV needs 13.2V (bought it used and it didn't come with cable)...
Linux is only free if your time has no value
Happy Valentine's Day, Sup Forums!
Mid 1960's AMD Tube Stereo Amplifier
Is audiophilia autism, the hobby?
What OS should I install on this?
Fizz Buzz Interview Question
Why doesn't the Android company hire a designer?
Linux isn't UNIX
Dear Russia, please nuke Cupertino, California
Why is discord bad again?
"omg my bronon still uses a green bubble android phone"
Are any of you running TempleOS on your main system?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
How do you create a webm file?
Norton kicked arseholes once again
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Your next big tech purchase?
Wat the hell
What is wrong with 15" laptops?
Happy Valentines day Sup Forums
What gadgets have you bought that really satisfied you?
What's the point of even using a unix-like system like GNU/Linux or BSD if you don't use the terminal?
AMD announces new tech
What's your excuse now, Sup Forums?
What would you do with unlimited mobile internet?
This is the current state of apple hardware
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Can anyone tell me what g-sync actually does compared to triple buffering...
How come this shit doesn't cook when they're so close?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
So nokia is releasing a new version of the 3310
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
How does browser fingerprinting work?
AMD BTFOing Intel
Download icecat
He is spending Valentine's day alone and depressed instead of watching How it's made
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
If anyone knows how to make a very convincing looking set of fake tweets + twitter messages
Name 10 native Linux desktop apps Google has created over the last 10 years
What Kodi apps give me free movies and TV?
IRC is an old lady
Since 2012 all macbooks (outside MacbookPro 9,2) feature soldered ram
Do anyone else keep the default desktop background?
Where does Sup Forums get their music
Word is Win10 is getting yet another UI update soon, changing how the taskbar/start will look
What did he mean by this?
If I don't torrent or upload to youtube, is there any reason to have fast upload speed?
Slack is available for Linux. You officially have no reason to not dump Skype
Visual Studios
Why are computer power supplies still in this format?
Real devs use this
This is a real photo from the windows 95 launch 22 years ago. Notice anything?
Buyer's remorse thread
Tfw monitor arms
Here be dark waters edition
Forget about open source, there is still not even commercial, propriety alternative to Outlook
Don't fall for the AMD Ryzen meme
Is 5K a meme if I'm not editing 4k video?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Graphics card upgrade
Why are gaming laptops frowned upon?
3,000,000 more people voted for her
What's your ideal keyboard layout?
ITS HAPPENING - Ryzen Benchmarks - Faster Per Core Than Intel’s $1700 i7 6950X
GPU support on macOS
Couldn't a negro entering the US take the battery out of their laptop/phone before surrendering it to border agents...
What is the best BitTorrent client and why is it qbittorrent?
Microphone Thread
These things are going extremely cheap on clearance in my town Sup Forums should i pull the trigger?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
When did Apple start failing?
Every non-retarded individual with a job, holy trinity
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Programming reactions
Daily programming challange
My living situation is shit...
'"Daily driver"
Spaces vs Tabs
Can Sup Forums guess what's in the box?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
What is Sup Forums's goto USB stick?
Ok Sup Forums, why sould I install Linux on my laptop?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Make it Sup Forums related
Home screen thread?
Windows 10 calc fucking up
Metatable meme
What, in Sup Forums's opinion, are the benefits of using BSD over GNU/Linux? What is the distros of BSD are top-tier?
Recommend me some useful software i didn't know about
Tfw reddit discovers your waifu
Is Raspberry Pi 3 the best bang for your buck? or are there cheaper+superior single-board computers?
Didnt see a mouse thread so i thought id make one. what are you guys using? Sup Forums approved lists? best makers?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
So how do you guys pronounce 'sudo'
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Apple suspends sales of its new LG 5K monitor due to hardware issues
Apparently, no one is aware that Apple's Siri means crab in portuguese
Is VK better than Facebook?
How do you make this usable without all the rice bullshit?
What was your first computer?
Why did Linux fail on the desktop?
Watch Thread /wt/
ITT: Must have software for Windows users
How many layers of abstraction are you on, Sup Forums?
What is the cutest programming language?
First week on my software engineering degree
Uneducated pleb here
Why is resetting PC to factory settings so comfy, Sup Forums?
I'm new to Java and practicing with the compiler on Ubuntu, i keep getting these error messages...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sup Forums humour
Do battery saving apps work or are they just a scam?
Be me
I keep finding articles about how Moore's law is ending and that we're reaching the practical limits of silicon as a...
Munich considers dumping Linux and going back to Windows...10
Tech only you had/cool early 2000s tech
Walk into my university Starbucks...
What is your impression of someone who doesn't have a Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Snapchat?
Sup Forums, do people really use LaTeX in [this current year]?
Who the fuck owns this shit?
The one
So, what the hell are containers anyways?
AMD Ryzen X370 & B350 Asus Motherboard Prices Leaked – Launching February 24th
Mfw laptop pc gaming is finally getting good and I can hide a gaming laptop from all the hot girls coming over to my...
/ptg/ Private tainted genitals
Editor War!
The only ftp client I ever really used has been filezilla...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So when does Sup Forums get emojis?
Man jailed indefinitely for not unlocking HDD
What can Trump do to improve Cyber security?
What is Sup Forums waiting on?
Would it be hard to hack Reddit?
Microkernels and drivers in user-space
Is there a better phone?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
What is the best torrent client for linux?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
What port is this Sup Forums?
Sup Forums thread circulation algorithm
When was the last time you made a phone call
Back when splitscreen multiplayer console were a thing, how did they deal with the hardware limitations of the console?
Good groupchat apps?
What does Sup Forums think of GNOME 3?
Screenfetch + Speccy Thread: Let's Sup Forumset Together
Have a 5 months old build, every game runs perfect but still only watch movies and tv shows on it
Windows Desktop
Year of the Linux Destkop
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
How long could you last without a computer, or mobile phone/tablet/etc?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's the difference between an app and a program
Rectifying common mistakes in computing:
Is arch linux a meme?
Is it possible to have non-central, p2p versions of:
Is it bad?
Any other Airpods users here? I'm loving mine
Web design
What's the use of a dual-monitor setup if you already have a phone and laptop/tablet separately...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why do we hate this initiative
What happened to this platform?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Ok Sup Forums show us your autism! Let's see those laptop stickers!
Regular expressions. Can someone dumb them down for me?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is 4K ULTRA HD a meme?
Speaker general
Current state of Sup Forums
Linus on lists
Cut my teeth on arch linux
/o/'s board anime is Initial D
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Thoughts on this bae?
Since the GTX 1080 TI is coming out in March will the 110's series be released anytime this year?
AMD is botnet
Well, Sup Forums?
What's the verdict on laptop docks? Yes/no? Recommended models?
Just run it in admin mode :^)
/bst/ - battlestation thread
What the fuck is hacking anyway?
City of Munich abandons their massive project to migrate from Windows to Linux
It's already the year 2017
Sup Sup Forums, do you think that being Homosexual, a transie...
Hey anons, I bought a new laptop about 2 weeks ago and I already regret my choise
How do I track a person's cell phone
I'd like to switch from iPhone to Android. Should I buy the OnePlus 3T or wait for the Google Pixel 2/OnePlus 5?
Who else waiting for the next BlackBerry to revive the keyboard fad?
He doesn't dream in code
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I have never been able to find an explanation of transformation matrices in 3D graphics that doesn't use specialised...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How secure is your password Sup Forums?
Ryzen General - Faster than 7700K, Pair with 6900K, 1700x $389
Technology Careers and Mental Illness
Optiplex 760
So Sup Forums, which one will you be getting?
Got memed hard
You can't save a picture on a website because the right-click menu is for an invisible element over it designed to stop...
He still doesn't have an ssd
Finally joining the master race after getting my tax return back. Any thoughts/suggestions before I buy?
What is the fastest way to become a "contributor" to the Linux kernel?
Lava lamps
Paypal takes steps against user security -- blocks VPNs
How to survive in open office environment?
This thing would be perfect for me
Windows 10 is downloading stuff on its own
/csg/ Chink Shit General
ITT: Buyer's remorse
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Cracker wanted
The future of HDRips and the quality of YIFY-like rips
Whats it called again Sup Forums
Master/slave is now called primary/replica
What do people actually do in San Fransisco based Start-Up Companies?
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Which first offline corporation will be destroyed by these 5 companies?
An user suggested me to use LaTeX to make my CV and this impressed my interviewer
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Hey guys...
Live in NYC
A high end smartphone without a fingerprint sensor and a front facing camera, am i asking too much /g?
Quantum computers are faster than regular computers
Coffee Lake
Post Matrix tier battlestations!
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
How do we make Firefox fast again?
Post them decent technology youtube channels
So what is this new HDR bullshit?
/hglt/ - Hostile GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/intel/ is dead
Rust thread?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
What's wrong with ubuntu and why use any other distro for a desktop usage?
Some facts:
Select your face, user
/ct/- Coffee Technology
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
5 minute talk with a programmer
Can we make a Sup Forums iceberg? I just made this. I know it's shitty and empty, but we have to start somewhere
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I just want 10-bit anime playback and now I have to trade my pi 2 in for a brand new intel® fuck-nuc™
Not sure if this is the right place, but could someone identify the laptop in this pic?
LITERALLY destroyed modern web development
Text Editor Theme
Phone Battery Thread
Simple thread: What's Sup Forums's favorite web browser?
Should I encrypt my desktop?
He wanted to get straight to the chill part, the madman
How fucked i'm Sup Forums?
ITT: Tech made for only the Japanese market
What's the best full-size scissor-switch keyboard?
Why all gaming mouses are made for manlets? Why it's so hard to find a mouse for my big hand?
I7 now needed for video games
AMD blown the fuck out, murdered in the face, and buried
Which technology jobs require no coding?
Updates software
So how much of my data is google stealing when I use their DNS?
Ryzen Thread - Faster than 7700K, Pair with 6900K, 1700x $389
What browser does he use Sup Forums?
How does Sup Forums protect their home?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How badly am I fucking up if I use part of my $977 tax return to buy this?
It sucks that no laptop actually match a mac in terms of looks and performance. I dont think anything even comes close...
2000 + 19 - 3 + 76 - 93 + 17 + 1
Is there a car that came out in recent years that doesn't come equipped with the botnet?
Mac or PC?
I give up
8.1 Pro vs 10 LTSB
Walmart Area 71
Hey Sup Forumsuys i just installed opera but I can't find any good extension like noscript in Firefox..any suggestions...
Do you ever use goto, user?
How do people get caught torrenting?
Has Trump finally sent Chris Pirillo over the edge? How long before he does a Chris Benoit?
Loseless audio
/wt/ watch thread
Is this meme or not meme?
Going to ditch Windows
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...