/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

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First for SMGL

install Source Mage

First for Source Mage GNU/Linux

So the rumors of the fat source mage spamming autist are true?

>4 IPs
>5 posts
>3 are about source mage

congratulations. Source Mage is the new Arch.



...Inflating the post count...

...is obviously impossible...

Arch was trolling like delet system32
Source Mage is a wonderful, magical system

>Arch was trolling like delet system32
I was thinking it was Gentoo


>still assuming your complaining/questions were real
If you do decide to do a "net" install of Slackware, when you get to "SOURCE" in the installation menu, select http/ftp. put mirrors.slackware.com as the hostname (IIRC you are not supposed to put a trailing slash) and then for the next question (location) put
(again, don't remember if you need a slash at the beginning or not, it should tell you)
if you want 32bit slackware put slackware instead of slackware64, if you want the "stable" 14.2 release instead of the "rolling" current, replace current with 14.2


why is ubuntu so shit?

I unironically agree

because normies want linux to be like windows
canonical gives them what they want




Ubuntu is linux for hipsters. Too stupid to actually use it, but edgy enough to not want to use Window$.

Source Mage is basically Arch/Gentoo for hipsters.

ubuntu unity is more like os x
linux mint is more like windows

Most meme distributions are meant for hipsters. That much is obvious.

>meme distributions
you mean Sup Forums?

install SourceMage

>My Linux is better because instead of I building packages, I """""""cast""""""" """""""""""""spells"""""""""""""


Maybe hipster autists. Source Mage takes the autism of Arch/Gentoo but just adds hipster flare to it just for autism's sake.


Why would normies want linux to begin with?

Why would hipster autists want Source Mage?

>Why would hipster autists want Source Mage?
because it's all the autism associated with compiling your entire system from source combined with the next-level autism of pretending you're a magician because you can use menus.

Does anyone here actually run Source Mage?

Can we do install SourceMage together Sup Forums? with screens ofcourse

No. It's just memes. And the fat spamming autist who is pushing for it is probably too stupid to run it successfully.

This. Like all the anti-arch memes, they are all perpetuated by idiots who can't even get xorg to run successfully. If you're that kind of person, you shouldn't even be using Linux at all, stick to Windoze or faggotOS.

Is there any way to use a block device remotely? I've got a diskette drive on my old PC but that one can barely run an SSH server without shitting itself, having to look for files on it would probably be slower than just base64ing files into the other PC.


Yes, but if you post pics you get bullied.

I miss the guy who would shitpost about how his was the only "free" OS because he used his own kernel and everything. that was more entertaining than this sauce mage faggotry

you mean like nfs? or mounting it over the network without having it mounted on the physical device it's attached to?

b-but muh hipster cred

how will these hipsters tell their other """CS""" peers that they are so much more superior than them if they don't run ubuntu?!

Export the block device directly over the network? I've never heard of someone doing that, but I suppose you could hack it together. Why not just mount the disk and share it over NFS or SMB?

You're lying. The only reason you're not posting pics on an anonymous chink web zone is because you don't actually have a successful Meme Mage installation.

you get bullied either way

go through some of the previous threads, yesterday he boasted about how gay his package manager was and how he managed to build a kernel

The thing is, I also need to be able to dd images into it. I'm currently just scp-ing files over and doing it over ssh but I was hoping someone smarter had already run into this issue.

Is opensuse good? Is its package manager good? Is yast actually useful or a meme?

no, install sourcemage

I love memes :D

I used it for about 6 hours and found it relatively decent. It had some interesting features and the package manager/config utility reminded me of another very nice distro. I wouldn't use personally but the only thing really wrong with it is systemd

I think you could create a NFS share and add a symlink from that directory to to the block device. Then you might be able to dd through NFS. Don't quote me on that, I've never tried it, and some weird kernel think might fuck you. Try it and let us know how it goes.

me too :D

Do you even have to ask? The most popular distribution on here is Ubuntu. Think about that for a second. Do you honestly think people here give a shit about your meme linux, you fucking faggot? The guy spamming this shit is just a sad lonely idiot without anything better to do.

I tried it for like 5 minutes nearly 10 years ago. I remember it fucking me because it would overwrite my xorg.conf and this is when it was normal to have to edit that to get your display working properly.

If you like redhat style linux systems, you probably won't hate suse.

>The guy spamming this shit is just a sad lonely idiot without anything better to do.
As apposed to the sad lonely idiot feeding trolls?

SuSE is fucking easy to install. YaSt is awesome. Maybe you should give up linux.

Your reading comprehension needs work.


>The most popular distribution on here is Ubuntu
did you hack us?

you seem mad bro

I () had tried it 12 years ago and it wouldn't even install. The new releases are very polished and YaST does have some nice concepts, like being able to save an system install configuration and then using it to quickly set up an identical system on many computers, and a web interface to simplify remote administration.

If you don't mind systemd and want a "professional" enterprise-ready Linux distro and don't want to use Red Hat and are German and a sysadmin, it's a solid choice.

It was not as easy to install 10 years ago, trust me, but neither was any distro. Linux has come a long way.

maybe you should give up life

>Using Source Gayge when you can use Void Linux

shake my head desu

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

What's the absolute oldest GPU Linux supports directly without using VESA? I'd guess it's the few Voodoo cards that still have support, or some S3 Virgin card, but I'm not sure.

No, you're an idiot. SuSE fucking up xorg? That's literally fucking unheard of. It's one of those distros that just werks. Either you've never used it, or you're just being an idiot.

Let's discuss systemd.

SuSe is shit, give it up.


why? what's wrong with systemd?


No, because most people who complain about systemd don't actually use it or have ever used linux. Not to say it doesn't have flaws, but it's impossible to talk about it here on Sup Forums, because everyone is a fucking idiot.

It didn't fuck up xorg, yast would overwrite my custom xorg.conf with perfectly valid config, but without the options I needed. So after every x11 restart, I'd be back to VGA resolution, and the config UI did not have the options I needed.

I never said it wasn't easy to install. I don't remember having any issues installing it back then. Just the config issue so I switched back to whatever else I was using at the time.


I'd rather discuss Trump.

>everyone is a fucking idiot.


I thought Void was a meme, but now I'm genuinely curious about the whole point behind runit. It's like why have 6 (7 if you count 0) runlevels and use 4-5 of them if you can have just 3.
runsv looks like fairly straightforward too, just splits up start/stop scripts into separate files and keeps track of status and pids and stuff like that automatically, right?
is musl better than glibc? is it a way to jab at rms by making the software on Void be even less based on GNU? I would be behind that.




oh I'm sorry I thought that since you use a specific Linux distribution you would at least understand the things that make it different from others, how they work, the comparative benefits and drawbacks, etc...

I have the exact opposite view point to you, rewording your post,

No, because most people who like systemd haven't actually used anything else. Not to say it doesn't have positives, but it's impossible to talk about it here on Sup Forums, because everyone is a fucking idiot.

Exactly. When it comes to Sup Forums it's all memes. Just check out this post:

>I like the philosophy behind it (BSD like,modular, user control, also no systemd). I've only ever used Windows
>also no systemd
>I've only ever used Windows

The hate of systemd is based entirely on memes around these parts which is fucking idiotic and pathetic.

install sourcemage

What's in your $FIGNORE ?

This is /fglt/ transmitting an emergency broadcast, we are experiencing technical difficulties due to some systemd shilling.

We¡ll be back soon.

>people who complain about systemd don't actually use it or have ever used linux
no, the people who complain about systemd have been using Linux for many years before it became the de facto standard and actually valid complaints because it changed just about everything about not just the init process but things that shouldn't even be part of the init system, most of it for the worse. It took a lot of power and simplicity in basic system administration away from the user by claiming to be "more convenient" and "easier to develop on"

xbps > pacman
all made by one autistic dedicated dude
can easily compile from source or install packages
no systemd
hipster factor

You'd think people who deal with computers and IT to be rational and logical, but I guess that's too much to ask from autists on Sup Forums.

>is musl better than glibc
Politics aside, glibc just works. Building a system with musl is way too much work and isn't worth it for internet points. A prebuilt system might be good, but I've never seen anyone here use it.

musl is a lot easier to read.

>musl is a lot easier to read.
the word "musl" or the musl source?

I tried to install a package from outside the repos using xbps and apparently to do so you have to create a private repo, build the package into it, the install it from there, which feels like a lot of extra work. I don't really know what I'm doing though so I could be wrong.

I don't understand why people shit on SystemD. It's a stupid idea but at least it works. Pulseaudio is awfully designed, it's the most stupid idea ever, it doesn't work, and yet every application out there uses it even though there's Jackd which hasn't ever given me or anyone I know a problem.

The source. Compare a file in glibc to musl, you'll see what I mean.

Shitty creator
The sketchy way major distros rushed to switch over

You fucking idiot. People here on Sup Forums only shit on it because shitting on it is a meme. If you were to ask any of these idiotic faggots what they really think is wrong about systemd they wouldn't even be able to begin to tell you about it.
