What do?

what do?

KEK might as well use wankblows and turn the ads on

kys autistic lincuck

TOPKEK dumb shit wintoddler gtfo

Can't have an addon modify the websites you visit if you don't give it permission.

kys autistic lincuck

you're perceverating


cancerous scum


kys autistic lincuck

>kys lincuck
>random question of redditor who thinks posting on Sup Forums is the new thing
>kys lincuck

>average conversation on Sup Forums

this is why this board is fucking shit

>Be wintoddler
>Cares about privacy
>Doesn't like ads

What a fucking oxymororn, are you trying this hard to fit in?

kys autistic lincuck

>stupid cancerous edge-memelord kids can't see that OP is using linux

>THIS mad
Take your pills, Bill


kys autistic lincuck

Why are wintoddlers so insecure?

great thread you fucking scum of Earth

all me

At least I don't stash pictures of actual toddlers on my encrypted autism machine.

>Actual toddlers
You mean wintoddlers. Why yes

kys autistic lincucks

le cuck