Russian military OS

What OS is that ? Windows 2000 ?

Other urls found in this thread:бильнaя_cиcтeмa_Boopyжённых_Cил

looks like latest macos

Looks like 98

Probably 98SE with a loopback.


Mobilnaya Sistema Vooruzhyonnih Sil, literally Mobile System of(for) Armed Forces.

MCBC 5.0(MSVS for you gaijins) is based on RHEL 6.3.

t. I serve at Russian Aerospace Forces

So it's the russian red star OS. Can you share the source code ?

No, it's proprietary.

The hell with the OS, what actual laptop hardware is that, that's pretty buff.

Think about the russian guys sitting there writing kernel modules for their military fedora OS. While the german military used WIN XP until 2015 for their office things and probaly still use some shitty windows for their live weapon systems.

It's Linux with a Windows-like DE.

>based on RHEL
>made to look like Windows 2000
Except for that start button I was 99% sure it was Windows.

Wouldn't that violate the GPL?

It's based on RHEL yet proprietary?

I don't know if there is any source code, but you can download the OS here:

Astra Linux. Look it up

Can I select english as my prefered language while installing it ? I will run that in a VM and start some nuclear missiles.

>Wouldn't that violate the GPL?

Why would it, they're not distributing it so the GPL has no basis in the situation.

GNU is a wildbeast (pun intended), rms is known for appropriating projects just for optionally using readline

Yea, but this is not a 'project'. It's not public or publicly available. License only applies if you distribute it.


is that a thinkpad?

Nah, looks like a toughbook or something similar.

Might be reactos

You don't have to share the code if you don't redistribute the program.
They are keeping it for themselves so they don't need to release the code.
You can do an in-house version of a GPL program for the exclusive use of your company/organization and you don't have to publish the source code.
At least I think that that is how it works.

Why link to a 404, moron?

Works for me. It seems only the ones with Russian IPs can view the page.

Try this:бильнaя_cиcтeмa_Boopyжённых_Cил

Oh. It's encoding problem.

>At least I think that that is how it works.
You are correct. The entire reason the AGPL exists is to deal with the fact the GPL doesn't cover non-distributed modifications, which a web service would always entail since users don't run it on their own machine.

Looks like a modified windows 98.

This is the workstation that controls most of (((Trump)))'s speech and motor functions

Russians use various versions of Windows, MCBC and Astra Linux.


It's probably ReactOS, knowing how cheap those Russians are.

You are misusing the ((( ))) meme, is this intentional?

I think you mean this one

3rd strongest army in the world with the best prototypes in the world.

this ain't cold war anymore. Your ICBMs will be shot down by our european systems
>best prototypes
More like best propaganda. How's your aircraft carrier in Syria?
>muh russian technology
losing 4 aircrafts during single mission. Top kek

>this ain't cold war anymore
That's why I'm talking about prototypes. Those nuclear submarine drones sound fucking rad.
>Your ICBMs will be shot down by our european systems
Especially those with non-ballistic trajectories and ~40 decoys, right?
>aircraft carrier
Old as fuck. Probably older than you.

>Old as fuck. Probably older than you.
Exactly, old and unreliable as fuck. You have no naval forces in case of any significant conflict.
>sound fucking rad.
Too bad it only sounds, and doesn't exist.
Stop producing propaganda and admit your inferiority.

>3rd strongest
More like 3rd world country full of AIDS and fucking drunk slavs.
I hope some kind of T virus outbreak will happen in moscow and your shitty country will die from inside.

You're contradicting yourself. First you say that powers don't matter and now accuse it of being of being inferior.
>admit your inferiority
Did it in my very first post.
I rate your shitposting 4/10.
Pic related.

i don't think you can say this aircraft carrier works since it doesn't move on it's own power


Of course it's not an argument. It's a wish, that's why I said "I hope" you dumb russian subhuman.
Please jump off the nearest block of flats
>you say that powers don't matter
Quote it, dummie.

>Of course it's not an argument. It's a wish, that's why I said "I hope"
Your first sentence was neither a wish nor an argument. That's what I referred to.
>Quote it
>this ain't cold war anymore

>our european
Silly cockhole, Ukraine is not in Europe.
>wah I'm not Ukrainian
You're at least Slavic. Too many giveaways.

>Ukraine is not in Europe.

And then you realize not only ukrainians, baltics and poles hates you. Entire world wants you gone from this planet.

Yeah, that's why every video about Putin has fucking hordes of fangirling people all over the world. Even from America.
Maybe Estonians. Others, eh.

*in the comments section

NetBSD with IceWM.

>he thinks comments produced by paid russian agencies have any value
Top fucking kek.
Keep believeing in your own propaganda, shitlord. Enjoy having your economy collapsed

That's definitely GTK2, so probably a linux distro

How are you so sure of that?

The GUI elements look very similar to the one GIMP and Pidgin use.

>Ukraine is not in Europe


React OS

Looks like a flavor of Linux that I tested in a VM once. I don't remember the name.


then why can't they beat isis

Neither can the US. ISIS is the strongest confirmed.

US is funding the ISIS. It doesn't fight it, you dumb bitch.