Anybody else love old computers? I refer to it as "Tech-porn"

Anybody else love old computers? I refer to it as "Tech-porn"

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yeah got an hp pavilion dv6 from 2010, still runs like a beast

wish i had one.


Obligatory post of my personal collection.
Should I go for it lads? Any chance in hell I could find an HDD for the thing?


You could probably find a HDD for it but the likely hood of the HDD still working is very low

It's likely IDE. Just get an IDE to Compact Flash adapter.

I unironically jack off to old computers



nice collection m8

here's part of mine

set computers to secure


fuck, this rotating piece of dirt is making me feel like shit.

I know this is bait but it still made me mad

dat indigo


It's only an Indy. Still would love to have one, but not nearly as cool as an actual Indigo.



The Japanese computer companies built some awesome looking machines.

Can modern computers even compete?

I still have an original IBM PC 1980. I looks very similar to this which I believe is either an XT or AT.

The printer in the photo looks like an Epson MX80, that was my first printer (dot matrix), it was a workhorse. I sometimes wish I Still had it.

I have an old Digital Starion 486DX2 machine sitting in storage, alongside a couple old Pentium systems and a couple 90s-era HP Pavilions. Pic isn't mine, but it's what the 486 looks like.

wouldn't it technically be like, tech GILF porn?

of course senpai

the ibm 5100 is such an underrated computer


>tfw just one of these was powerful enough to rank on the TOP500 by itself when they were new
>tfw by the time you have the disposable income and facilities to acquire one they'll all be scrapped


>Master/slave cable
god fucking damnit that got me

I like the 80's/90's tech design styles, but i love the early to mid 2000's styles more
Lots of silver and curves
My kinda shit

I almost got the chance to work with one of these once almost NIB a year or so back but the faggots who owned it thought it was still worth millions and decided to try selling it instead.

I've always wanted to know what actually ended up happening to it. Maybe it's better I don't.

Anyone got an IBM 5100? Where ya at?

Fuck off SERN, your in the wrong worldline anyway.

No, but I do have an IBN 5100. Doesn't work though.


>you will never have a dual round crt monitor setup
Why live?

the LCM in Seattle brought a 6500 back to life in all its glory though, I think they offer remote shell accounts on it now too

I would love to have another SS20. Had one years ago I outfitted with quad 150MHz processors, 256MB of RAM, a 36GB drive, CDROM, and Solaris 9. I miss the old pizza box workstations

my old battlestation, complete with SGI Indy circa 2002. Underneath the SGI was an HP Netserver E40 w/200MHz Pentium Pro/1M, an HP Netserver 5/100LC and some other machine I can't remember.

I miss that old setup.

Why does that ceiling make me nervous?

Is that yours???

Old fag here. I was a kid into computers when the NeXT cube came out. I had a Mac Plus and lusted after the cube. No way my parents could afford one but I still got brochures, software catalog, magazines.

Later when they released the NeXTstation I thought I could save up for it but it was not meant to be.

Fucking hell, I still want one.

it's just a photo he pulled off of google, nobody here I know of has a cube
a slabfag pops up every year or so though

Looks like a ceiling you might see while chained to a bed in middle aged white mans sex dungeon.

Everything in that pic is sagging more than a 290x with no backplate

>that whole site
my sides...

the kitchen was directly above it. We got a new fridge and the guy that came to install it fucked up when he installed the water line. I ended up with water dripping down through the ceiling resulting in it sagging like that.

It's what you deal with when the wife insists your stuff goes in the basement.

Even worse was about a month after I took that pic the sump pump failed and flooded half of the basement. We caught it before the water reached my stuff.

yeah the SS20 is great

I have a dual SuperSparc-60 one w/256MB RAM myself

I also have an LX but it has dead NVRAM and no hard drive... Was thinking of maybe just having it boot off NFS and act as a remote X terminal, then plugging the SS20 up in my server rack

but it just looks so cool on the desk

>quad 150MHz processors
That sounds like quite the housefire and I love it