Cut my teeth on arch linux

>cut my teeth on arch linux
>eventually decide to try another distro because why the hell not?
>install fedora 25
>maximum comfy

at what point did you grow out of meme distros?

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Aren't you supposed to be in or ?


Installed arch once and used for an hour before realizing I had no reason to use it and went back to Ubuntu. Honestly who cares they're just distros.

Where did the "arch breaks" meme come from? How many people actually get their system messed up by pacman?

I've been using for two years, it has "broken" twice.

One time was a kernel issue, I had to rollback to an older version until the next release. The other time was an issue with python2-pip, but unistalling it fixed everything.

>Where did the "arch breaks" meme come from?
Microsoft shills

Had arch for almost 2 years on my thinkpad lappie and nothing bad happen. Maximum comfy.

I don't get it either. I'm HORRIBLE at keeping my system up to date, like I might install updates once every two months, and the worst I went on this computer was probably 6 months.

Nothing has ever broken. Literally, I never had any issues that weren't based in me being an idiot.

pacman just werks.


never gentoo is what everything i wanted

>cut my teeth
Why do faggots say this shit?

I had issues with slim and lxde just yesterday. Had to uninstall both. All of a sudden I couldn't load firefox because of what de I installed.

Once I realized that Gentoo is the only meme distribution that's actually worth using.

Honest question, what made fedora better than arch?

I'm not a fucking hipster. I looked at Arch Linux and ask God, "How could you compound Autism in such a way?"

The project is officially dead. Either use LightDM, or set tty1 to automatically startx when you login.


There was one time bumblebee broke my drivers for Nvidia card, but it was just a file missing in the update and was fixed in a couple of hours really. Bumblebee is prone to being broken anyways.

Also during ancient times it broke X a few times, but these are usually human errors while packaging things, it might happen in any distro.

I like the memes it sprouted though.

>Arch breaks
>Where does the meme come from?
Arch users are this retarded.

Please commit suicide
It breaks when you want to do anything unusual with it, like any other distro that uses systemd. I jury rigged runit to work on Arch, and I had less problems than I ever did with systemd.
People actually use it in the real world, so it gets fixed much faster. If you use RHEL or CentOS then Fedora is the best choice. They are both poetterware though, and should be avoided if possible.

>They are both poetterware though, and should be avoided if possible.

What do you guys think of archbang?

I had pacman fuck up twice within a few months. I'm on Gentoo now and and it is maximum comfy.

I've been on arch for 6 years now, across 3 machines one of which was an nvidia optimus laptop.
I can count 2 times arch fucked up, once where the maintainer fucked up a package and it got fixed the following day, and when gnome switched to wayland it conflicted with nvidia so I had to manually set gdm to x which is gnome's fault not arch.

Thank you Pajeet. $0.01 has been deposited into your bank account.

Got into Loonix around 2002, outgrew distros circa 2010.
Now I just put the latest Ubuntu LTS on servers and cron it to do upgrades on it's own. Running El Capitan because last 2 upgrades fucked the system up.

>open sores
>paying anyone

>implying streetshitters even know about arch
>implying free software shills get paid

>I've been using for two years, it has "broken" twice.

I have been using Ubuntu for 2 years, Fedora for 3, and Debian for 6. Guess how many times my stuff has broken? None. Arch clearly breaks a lot if what you say is true.

I checked, they didn't deposit.

when I stopped using linux based OS and went back to an OS that actually work

That shit blue screened everytime I installed the official audio drivers.

>How many people actually get their system messed up by pacman?

>be me
>years into loonix
>know shit happens
>suspect it's my vice of trying new packages, which sometimes fuck things up
>alright, I'll install only what I need
>system runs fine for a few weeks
>updating every so and so
>update system random day
>no sound

>not knowing how to install drivers
what are you even doing here?

Um, sauce?

>windows fucks up
>Lol what a retard.
>Linux fucks up
>shitty os breaks
Yah fuck off with your double standards, meanwhile I'll stick to a system that just werks.

Win7 was admittedly probably the best windows, still have my original install from '12 when I built this pc. Still, it's dead in 3 years so may as well start learning linux now before you're forced onto 10.

>Linux fucks up
>shitty os breaks

Never said that

>meanwhile I'll stick to a system that just werks

So windows? good for you.

I've run debian for 5 years on my home server. It has "broken" 0 times

>running Ubuntu 13.04
>first GNU/Linux experience ever
>start messing around with different DEs and WMs, but still go back to Unity every day
>one day decide I'm done with unity
>open a terminal, type sudo apt-get remove unity* because I want to make sure all unity packages go away
>power on computer next day
>computer doesn't boot

I don't think it's that Arch is terrible, I think it's that Arch userrs think they know what they are doing, but what they are doing is actually retarded. Like what i posted above this. You can just as easily break any other system if you are stupid.

Currently using windows drive as a paperweight. Its a pretty good paperweight os.

>type sudo apt-get remove unity* because I want to make sure all unity packages go away

I never understood why GNOME had fucking dependencies with Evolution. Every time I tried to completely remove Evolution, apt tried to get rid of GNOME core dependencies too.

It depends on the distro, some package maintainers link bullshit dependencies like that.

>It depends on the distro
This was Debian, back in the GNOME2 era, so everything debian based suffered the same problem.

The "arch breaks" meme came from around 2011-2014 when they were constantly changing shit for the sake of change, and rearranging the filesystem every other month, causing breakage on systems that hadn't been upgraded in a while.

I used to run Arch on most of my stuff, and my systems broke because of the following (IMO pointless) updates:

>moving /bin and /sbin to /usr/bin
>/lib becomes a symlink to /usr/lib
>/var/run and /var/lock becoming symlinks to /run and /run/lock
>initscripts to systemd change

It also doesn't help that Arch is rolling release to a fault. Packages aren't well-tested (even in "stable") and it shows.

>2012, running Arch on my Thinkpad at hacker con
>participating in CTF
>"oh fuck man I need nmap on this thing"
>pacman -S nmap
>nmap -sS -T4
>Segmentation Fault
>look this up, it's a known issue with new nmap version
>had to manually fetch sources and compile the old version because Arch didn't provide for package downgrades at the time
>"muh rolling release"

I run Gentoo/Funtoo now (along with Debian). It's much nicer and a lot more stable.

Who thought those changes were a good idea?

The Arch devs, apparently. They have the same disease Lennart Poettering has.

>"who cares about UNIX"
>"the FHS is outdated"
>"this is simpler"
>"the /sbin /bin dichotomy is meaningless today"
>"systemd is the future"

And the "Arch Way" of keeping things simple and Unix-like has been dead for a long time. One of the devs came out and flat out said the following:

>Arch has always been a simple distribution in terms of the developer perspective, not the user one. Using systemd made it simpler than ever in that regard because much more work is taken care of by both the systemd developers and all of the projects shipping unit files.
>It has never been a minimalist distribution.
>It has also never been a distribution offering much user freedom/choice compared to Gentoo and even Debian.
>Arch is the *opposite* of a user-centric freedom. The opinion of users has no weight here. Only the developers have an opinion, and there aren't voting systems as there are in Debian.
>Arch has *never* been minimalist.
>Arch is the opposite of a distribution with lots of user freedom.
>Community memes don't define the distribution, technical choices by the developers do. It's clearly not based on what you say it is, and *never* has been.

Turns out the whole "KISS" principle only applied to how easy it was for the Arch developers/maintainers. No wonder they threw out their TUI installer. They're all lazy shits.

>>moving /bin and /sbin to /usr/bin
Why is a security downgrade considered an upgrade?

because fuck you it's simpler

we'll just toss every binary in one directory

it's the arch way

-t. arch devs

what de were you running/ what were you doing that could possible fuck it up so bad

>cut my teeth on arch Linux
>this is my last os
>package breaking
>no utils
>don't give a fuck if my softwares bleeding

nah it wasn't arch, and fedora did the same thing

after rob landley posted everyone (except debian guys who gives no fucks about trends) got embarrassed and scrambled to change it

Using Linux since '94
Tried a lots of distros : debian / redhat / mandrake / Ubuntu & *buntus / debian again and Arch ... and once OpenBSD...
Using debian daily'n continuously for last 7 years, "stable" never breaks, "stable+backports" broke once, "testing" broke twice.
Using on some lappies Arch for knoledge and fun, never broke on x86_64, broke once on i386 because of systemd's 232 version until it was fixed.

Won't roll back to Win, I don't use it at work either because starting working computer on an external hard drive and hacked network parameters to connect to lan.

Am I so autist?

should have used nixos.

Are you me?
Arch broke at least once a month when I ran updates. Fedora just werks, and updates don't break anything.

I've been using it for 8 years on multiple computers and I haven't had any problems either.

That said, I've been using linux for about 15 years and only settled on arch 8 years ago after deducing that it was easier to use than other distros.

>So windows? good for you.
Pretty sure he meant Chrome OS.

What you did is legitimately stupid though. In arch's repositories big projects comprised of multiple packages are grouped into something called a "meta-package". These meta-packages don't actually install anything themselves but list a whole bunch of dependencies that they do install.

So, in arch, installing a DE means installing a single meta-package. Uninstalling said DE is just as easy as uninstalling said meta-package.

Moreover, when you go to install a meta-package you are typically prompted with an option asking how many of those packages to install. Something like
>core + extras

Arch is actually much simpler than other distros because its developers are able to expect the user to meet it halfway. In other distros the developer is expected to make design decisions under the assumption that the user won't ever know what they're doing (hence why Ubuntu seems simple on the surface but is retardedly complicated under the hood).

Those were literally 5 minute fixes unless you were doing dumb shit on the system already.

>had to manually fetch sources and compile the old version because Arch didn't provide for package downgrades at the time
By default Arch keeps a copy of every binary package you've ever installed via pacman in /var/cache/pacman/pkg (note, there exist a number of pacman arguments to clear that directory but few people use them). You could have easily reinstalled an old version directly from that directory.

Moreover there used to be a big unofficial project back in the day that kept archives of old Arch packages and typically whenever something on Arch breaks there's an aur version that has the bug fixed (git versions are great for this).

It literally sounds like your real problem was that you didn't know what the fuck you were doing.

Once it's ready for prime time I will. Until now I'm using the nix package manager alongside pacman.

What's with the iFunny watermarks today Jesus H Christ

>it has "broken" twice.

>Where did the "arch breaks" meme come from?

>tfw been on Gentoo for 15 years
>tfw never getting systemd

i3 and all I did what update it.

It's tempting to make my own at this point.
>primarily binary packages, first class support for building from source
>system similar to USE flags with binary packages for popular combinations
>simple package format (but NOT a bash script)
>no systemd by default
Anything I left out?

>tfw Ubuntu has caused me tons of problems, shit wouldn't install, the bootloader would fuck itself randomly, shit got corrupted during a dist-upgrade
Never had a problem with arch

Anyone else experience this?

When I installed Debian and everything just worked.

Using arch for 1.5 years now. No issue.
Have no idea how people fuck up arch...

>upgrade atleast once a month, you faggot!!!!!1!!11
I actually upgrade every week. try harder nigger

>pirate Windows 7
>just works better than any linux distro
>compatible with far more games and software

are all linux users just afraid they're going to get caught by the cyber police for downloading a Windows 7 iso?

Fedora is at its best right now, especially with wayland support out of the box

Great choice user

>>/lib becomes a symlink to /usr/lib
Why would this break anything?

user implied it had never been installed though so the cache is useless.

There is literally nothing wrong with systemd.

I've been using i3 for 14 months or something now, never had anything break and I update almost always daily unless a kernel update shows up.


The only reason systemd is decent now is because people smarter than Poettering took over.

Just like every other fucking thing he made, it became better off without him.

because you need something from /lib but /usr isn't available at that time ?

just because support ends doesn't mean you'll be forced onto 10, unless microsoft forces it on the last update which would destroy their reputation even more than it already is.

I have never ever encountered this issue.

Back when hard drives were small, it was common that things like /usr would be on a separate disk/partition and the components needed to mount it would be in /lib

>The only reason systemd is decent now is because people smarter than Poettering took over.
>Just like every other fucking thing he made, it became better off without him.
So...? What does it matter how it got there.

>and the components needed to mount it would be in /lib

>cut my teeth on arch linux
>this is my last resort

Why would i3 have anything to do with pacman fucking up? My graphics drivers wouldn't update or even install after I removed it and it gave out vague errors so my only option was to reinstall.

Because just because the people that took over are smarter than Poettering are smarter than him doesn't mean they are actually smart

Sure, it's not perfect. But Linus says it's the best thing we have regardless and approves so it's ok in my book.

>use arch
>try fedora
>standard linux commands not present
>rpm sucks compared to pacman
>archwiki is more informative than fedora
I guess this is what happens when you get the best all around distro and compare it to something that should still be used on enterprise

Despite any flaws someone might have, pacman shits on other package mangers so fucking hard.

I used antergos for a while but it broke and I installed solus.

Praise Ikey.

I love the bird you been posting.

Keep trying. Once you gain a little more experience , try installing Arch again. Eventually you will get there.

XORG breaking
Muh Rolling release maximum edge, bleeding
Don't give a fuck if I cut my edge, bleeding

Why do you care if xorg breaks if you don't have a de?
>protip: pacman doesn't break shit